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New Nintendo DS and Zelda Minish Cap TV commercials

Nice to see them putting some gameplay into the commercials. Now if we could only get NOa to start airing their stuff we'd be on track.
I'm loving the DS ad, but only because of Utada. For some reason every time I watch the DS commercials and the game reel trailer thing and hear that song. I just swoon. It works so well.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Why are Nintendo releasing a GBA Zelda title at the same time as the DS, if they had taken the time to make Zelda a DS title they would have a killer launch!

The game would be 2d but maybe with 3d models or even cel shading!
Do The Mario said:
Why are Nintendo releasing a GBA Zelda title at the same time as the DS, if they had taken the time to make Zelda a DS title they would have a killer launch!

The game would be 2d but maybe with 3d models or even cel shading!

The GBA is way more in need of a Zelda than the DS. Hell, the DS already has a "new" Zelda title int he works. The GBA has lacked one since launch, only a port. Both GB and GBC got original Zeldas, GBA needs to follow suit.

Also I don't think any GB has launched with a Zelda. Hell GBA doesn't even have a new Mario. DS already has one, and maybe two if you include the new Yoshi title. Sure, they aren't launch titles, but I personally think the DS has a decent launch lineup. Nothing really spectacular or amazing, but it's not much more or less than the GBA launch lineup.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Do The Mario said:
Why are Nintendo releasing a GBA Zelda title at the same time as the DS, if they had taken the time to make Zelda a DS title they would have a killer launch!

The game would be 2d but maybe with 3d models or even cel shading!

The US release of Minish Cap is supposed to have added content over the Euro and Japanese versions.

I half-expect that the added extras will be NDS-exclusive content, much like the GBA content added to the Oracles games, or the GBC-only bonus dungeon added to LA DX.


Running off of Custom Firmware
DarthWufei said:
The GBA is way more in need of a Zelda than the DS. Hell, the DS already has a "new" Zelda title int he works. The GBA has lacked one since launch, only a port. Both GB and GBC got original Zeldas, GBA needs to follow suit.

Also I don't think any GB has launched with a Zelda. Hell GBA doesn't even have a new Mario. DS already has one, and maybe two if you include the new Yoshi title. Sure, they aren't launch titles, but I personally think the DS has a decent launch lineup. Nothing really spectacular or amazing, but it's not much more or less than the GBA launch lineup.

Hush, you. GBA had Castle-fucking-vania.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Also I don't think any GB has launched with a Zelda. Hell GBA doesn't even have a new Mario

Who cares if no GB has previously launched with a new Zelda game?

With a Sony hand held just around the corner Nintendo should be putting all it’s focus on the DS and not a console that will be dead in 6 months.
Do The Mario said:
Who cares if no GB has previously launched with a new Zelda game?

With a Sony hand held just around the corner Nintendo should be putting all it’s focus on the DS and not a console that will be dead in 6 months.

Then stop whining about Zelda and start whining about Pokemon. It's going to have a much better effect on the DS launch success than a Zelda title. And I still feel the GBA title is much more justified than the DS. It helps, althrough not much, at showing people that the DS is still third pillar and they expect it to sell along with the SP. Purchasing a GBA is still justified. Also, you CAN play Minish Cap on the DS. So you can have your Zelda fix less than a few months after the DS is launched if you only have the DS.

EDIT: And I must say, Nintendo is showing their ready to pull out their guns with the onslaught of the PSP coming very soon. Many of their biggest franchises already have games in development. And I would expect a Kirby and F-Zero game to come within time as well. GBA didn't have this many huge franchises with new titles announced so early in the game.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I will make it very simple

Is it more beneficial for Nintendo to release a

GBA Zelda title


A DS Zelda tile

With the launch of the Nintendo DS
Do The Mario said:
I will make it very simple

Is it more beneficial for Nintendo to release a

GBA Zelda title


A DS Zelda tile

With the launch of the Nintendo DS

I've gotten your point, three times now actually. But I don't think you've gotten mine it seems.

If you're going to make claims like this, pick a better poison. Why waste they time on these Pokemon remakes? They could have just been on the DS!

Anyways, the DS is going to sell like hotcakes at launch, I think it'll be a sellout personally. Why do they really need a bunch of huge franchises for something that's already going to do well right at launch? Minish Cap will release here in the US before the PSP is. There's your makeshift DS Zelda for the time being. That's all you seem to be claiming anyways. Basically my point is that it's beneficial to both, in a way.

EDIT: In fact, like earlier mentioned, if Minish Cap is given special features that can only be unlocked on the DS, it could work well for both. It probably won't happen, but it wouldn't be a bad idea entirely.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I have posted that I didn’t buy leaf green because it was a whore on this very forum, the fact is we are talking about Nintendo’s choice to release a top franchise on an old console rather then a new console, nothing to do with pokemon.
Do The Mario said:
I have posted that I didn’t buy leaf green because it was a whore on this very forum, the fact is we are talking about Nintendo’s choice to release a top franchise on an old console rather then a new console, nothing to do with pokemon.

That's my point with Pokemon too. I'd rather see someone making the claim that Fire and Leaf should have just been pushed for the DS launch, giving DS a pokemon launch title. They're going to sell well regardless, and that gives DS a big seller at the start. I was just spinning your own argument about GBA titles being "beneficial" for the DS had they been ready for its launch. It was a mean joke I guess. A poor one though.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well the bottom line is Nintendo should stop whoring!

- Make some new franchise
- Stop rehashing old games
- New franchises means Nintendo can focus on areas were they are week, such as the mature market!

Kon Tiki

Do The Mario said:
Well the bottom line is Nintendo should stop whoring!

- Make some new franchise
- Stop rehashing old games
- New franchises means Nintendo can focus on areas were they are week, such as the mature market!

Eternal Darkness (yes, a Nintendo IP)? Flop
Pikmin? Flop
Geist? Future Flop

I know Sony and MS internal sports divsions have been less significant, however I think Nintendo should bring back it sports line. You have to remember Sega Sports was one time 1st party. Do something with Ichiro. Resurrect Retro's NFL game. Make a football game (sans Mario) for Europe.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
I wouldn't call Pikmin a flop, but i like the idea of the sports games if nintendo makes a football game please don't make it "super Mario football" but a real football game.


ohamsie said:
why were the schoolgirls saying Ohio to each other?

Heh, old joke but always funny. As for Nintendo launching the DS with a new Zelda.. dont forget that it can play GBA titles so its not all that different than it having a Zelda launch title. The GBC did launch with Link's Awakening DX I believe.. if not, certainly soon thereafter. I only bought 3 games for the GB line prior to the SP and that was Pokémon Red at its launch, LA DX and then later Pokémon Crystal.


Do The Mario said:
Who cares if no GB has previously launched with a new Zelda game?

With a Sony hand held just around the corner Nintendo should be putting all it’s focus on the DS and not a console that will be dead in 6 months.

How will the GBA be dead in 6 months? It's still selling a million units a month worldwide, games are still in development and its manufacturing isn't being reduced or phased out. The whole point of Minish Cap's existence is to help keep the GBA alive!


(more a nerd than a geek)
The Japanese word/phrase pronounced "ohio" is roughly equivalent to "good morning", if I remember my "Big Bird Goes to Japan" correctly.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
The whole point of Minish Cap's existence is to help keep the GBA alive!

Why should ninendo help keep the GBA alive when it just released a new console?

Do you think it’s more beneficial to Nintendo to support the DS or GBA in the long term?


DavidDayton said:
The Japanese word/phrase pronounced "ohio" is roughly equivalent to "good morning"

Correct, ohayo = good morning. Shortened and common form of it is just "Oha!"
Nintendo released Oracle of Seasons and Ages at the same time GBA launched. Both games sold extremely well, as did the GBA, and it was widely known that many people were buying both the games and the new system at the same time, because you could play the games on the GBA. Same thing will happen here.


Do The Mario said:
Why should ninendo help keep the GBA alive when it just released a new console?

Do you think it’s more beneficial to Nintendo to support the DS or GBA in the long term?
Wow i'm glad you aren't running Nintendo. Not everyone can afford or wants a DS straight away, and if the DS sells millions on its release, there's still tens of millions of people who have GBAs, and they might be looking for a new game. Minish Cap will do great, and it would be sad if Nintendo stopped producing GBA games only 3-4 years after it's launch. GBA forever! :p


Running off of Custom Firmware
Zelda GBA is a smarter idea than Zelda DS (at this point) no matter how you look at it.

Shit, I won't lie to you. I want Zelda DS more than just about anything. But Zelda GBA will sell truckloads more than Zelda DS, because it will quite naturally sell itself simultaneously to both the motherfuggin huge GBA user base as well as the fledgling DS user base. Not to mention those that own a Cube and a GB Player but not a GBA.

And, aside from that Four Swords mini-adventure, the GBA has yet to see a Zelda truly its own, and that would be freakin' criminal.


Meier said:
Correct, ohayo = good morning. Shortened and common form of it is just "Oha!"

"Oha" isn't used very much. It was maybe popular like 2 years ago, and even then mainly with younger kids.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Wow i'm glad you aren't running Nintendo. Not everyone can afford or wants a DS straight away, and if the DS sells millions on its release, there's still tens of millions of people who have GBAs, and they might be looking for a new game. Minish Cap will do great, and it would be sad if Nintendo stopped producing GBA games only 3-4 years after it's launch. GBA forever! :p

Well I am glad you’re not running Nintendo, don’t get me wrong I am going to buy Minish cap but there is almost no incentive to buy a DS at launch expect for a remake of mario 64!

Nintendo’s not a charity just because not everybody can afford a DS doesn’t mean they shouldn’t release Minish cap exclusively for it! Yes the game will sell better on GBA but it would be a hell of a DS launch with a fresh new Zelda game.

OMG if a new Zelda DS game was coming out in a few weeks you guys would be going mental!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Of course we would, no doubt about it.

But canning Minish Cap GBA for a DS version of it would either require that it be delayed until late 2005 for a quality title, or would hit as a barely-better-than-GBA title, still a few months too late.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
But canning Minish Cap GBA for a DS version of it would either require that it be delayed until late 2005 for a quality title, or would hit as a barely-better-than-GBA title, still a few months too late.

Not if they began developing it for the DS back when they started to develop the game!

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
And when do you think Nintendo started to design/think about the DS?? Even if they had no hardware to develop for the could of Designed the Art/worlds and story.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Do The Mario said:
And when do you think Nintendo started to design/think about the DS?? Even if they had no hardware to develop for the could of Designed the Art/worlds and story.

Irrelevant. Technologies for new systems are probably always in some stage of R&D. In 2002, the technology behind the NDS was not deemed as viable, or necessary, by Nintendo (otherwise we would have seen it sooner). You don't halt all current production in anticipation of releasing new hardware, PARTICULARLY when that new hardware isn't viewed as a successor to the existing hardware (by the mother company.)

Let it go, man.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Well if Nintendo has managed to produce Mario 64 DS for the DS launch surely they could have had produced Minish Cap with slight delays for DS??

How long would a game like Mario 64 DS taken to produce?

With games like

Animal crossing
Mario Kart
Advance wars
Super Mario bros
Yoshi touch and go

Coming out in the first fortnight of 2005 shows that there was surfactant time to develop Zelda for DS!


Running off of Custom Firmware
That shows and proves nothing. Nintendo isn't even doing Minish Cap to begin with, remember? Also keep in mind that 3rd party companies probably would not have been privy to NDS details and early hardware specs and prototypes that Nintendo's own internal teams would have.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo isn't even doing Minish Cap to begin with, remember?

Yeah the fact Nintendo isn't developing it makes it hard for it to be a DS launch title :(

Still at least the new 2D Mario game is DS exclusive and i can’t wait! Also when is Minish cap coming out in the states??

I will get it for sure at Australian launch and make up crazy facts that can spread around like that you can play as ZELDA! Omg!


Running off of Custom Firmware
Do The Mario said:
Yeah the fact Nintendo is developing it makes it hard for it to be a DS launch title :(

Errr, what? Nintendo ISN'T making Minish Cap. It's Flagship/Capcom, unless I'm mistaken. Same folks who did the Oracles games, and the LttP port + Four Swords.


Running off of Custom Firmware
AndriaSang said:
I also grabbed the Zelda commercial during Saturday morning cartoons, but I'm holding that one hostage.

We don't negotiate with terrorists. Release your hostages and you will be treated fairly. :D
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