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New PSM Scores (Jak 3, R&C3, Burnout 3, Under the Skin)

Why must every gaming site/magazine overrate games? I know this is an old issue, but seriously, not every game published deserves an 8.
Go Go Ackman! said:
Why must every gaming site/magazine overrate games? I know this is an old issue, but seriously, not every game published deserves an 8.

Yeah. Even if these are great games, just rate them lower so Go Go Ackman! will sleep better.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I must admit, Bebpo, that sounds absolutely fantastic.

Couple questions...

I assume it still uses random battles, and while I am sick of anything random, I can deal with it as long as the game is fun. However, how often do random battles occur? Can you generally make decent progress without being slammed with battle after battle?

Also, how fast paced in the battle system in comparison to Grandia or FFX?

My biggest complaints with the original were that 1) the battles were slow paced, ugly as sin, and generally pretty boring and 2) the actual presentation was very barebones throughout (which is CLEARLY not the case here, based on what you've said and what I've seen). This sounds great!


The redisgn is pretty good...and loooooooooooooong overdo. PSM always had a shitty layout that belonged in 90's era of magazine layout. Glad to see them get with the times.
I actually read half of the issue(which I never do).
Paper Mario GC is absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. You people are crazy if you don't at least have an interest. The battle system totally owns. They took the original Paper Mario battle system and managed to totally revamp and expand it. Makes the original game look like a demo disc, and a poor one at that.


Dragona Akehi said:
Paper Mario GC is absolutely fan-fucking-tastic. You people are crazy if you don't at least have an interest. The battle system totally owns. They took the original Paper Mario battle system and managed to totally revamp and expand it. Makes the original game look like a demo disc, and a poor one at that.

In comparison to Mario & Luigi (which I personally disliked), how was the game? Better humor, better gameplay, longer length? Jonnyram spoke of the story being well told with some surprisingly romantic overtones as well, can you agree to this?
I still can't muster any interest in it. I'm sure it's great (although I couldn't stand SMRPG, and Paper Mario 1 was pretty eh), but it also took a real GBA dry spell before I played and enjoyed M&L. The whole Mario universe does exactly nothing for me outside of largely story-free platformers.
AniHawk said:
In comparison to Mario & Luigi (which I personally disliked), how was the game? Better humor, better gameplay, longer length? Jonnyram spoke of the story being well told with some surprisingly romantic overtones as well, can you agree to this?

It has some pretty funny moments (and witty dialogue, from what I could tell), and it's much longer than Paper Mario. The gameplay is much much better. My review is up at PGC and it extolls the wonder and glory that is Paper Mario RPG. :p

Drinky: Seriously, Paper Mario RPG needs your love. IS made the game "easily accessible", yeah, but it's made for hardcore RPG nuts at its finest, deepest play.

Also: Super Mario RPG sucks all seven flavours of ass.


Dragona Akehi said:
It has some pretty funny moments (and witty dialogue, from what I could tell), and it's much longer than Paper Mario. The gameplay is much much better. My review is up at PGC and it extolls the wonder and glory that is Paper Mario RPG. :p

Drinky: Seriously, Paper Mario RPG needs your love. IS made the game "easily accessible", yeah, but it's made for hardcore RPG nuts at its finest, deepest play.

Also: Super Mario RPG sucks all seven flavours of ass.

Read the review, sounds great.


Alex said:
Ferricide: Are you going to be tossing up a review for Nocturne in any of the mags? Your Fable review was fairly on the money (I like Fable, a hefty bit to be honest, but it's flakey mission structure, low difficulty, and at times clunky controls and layouts can offset the truly stand out parts of the game), and I'd be interested in reading yours moreso than the typical ones that'll come out.
yes, i will be (thanks, btw.) EGM and GMR.

jiji said:
How's the dub in SHII? Apparently it had some decent voice talent on it (though it all comes down to the direction).
really, really good. i was pretty surprised given how horrid the bits of voice acting were in the original. better than SO3, for sure.

dark10x said:
I assume it still uses random battles, and while I am sick of anything random, I can deal with it as long as the game is fun. However, how often do random battles occur? Can you generally make decent progress without being slammed with battle after battle?
the encounter rate is acutally pretty low. i was all prepared to be annoyed by it ... and wasn't. but i don't really hate random battles. i just sort of wish they'd go away without any real malice. =)

dark10x said:
Also, how fast paced in the battle system in comparison to Grandia or FFX?
i've only played grandia II (and i hear it's kind of different than the original) but i wouldn't say it's got a very fast-paced battle system. i'd say that SH2's battles are pretty average, speed-wise. SMTN is the game with speedy battles. =)
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