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New Release First Day Sales: 9 Sep: Outbreak File 2 starts slow


platform title publisher Sep. 4 sales shipment sold
PS2 BioHazard Outbreak File 2 Capcom 53,396 30.7%
PS2 King of Colosseum 2 Spike 23,088 62.3%
PS2 Dororo Sega 20,272 20.4%
PS2 Viewtiful Joe: A New Hope Capcom 8,682 unknown
PS2 Shika 4 Ankh 5,815 unknown

Viewtiful Joe's original GameCube release sold 23,873 on its first day, compared with 8,682 copies for the PS2 edition.

Source: Quiter , Yosouoh
LOL @ capcom. THeir office manager is no doubt quivering in his/her boots. All that time for the port + dante and this?! They might have to rethink this port policy or this belief that their games aren't performing on the Cube. Next up... more Street Fighter and Megaman games.


LOL @ doro numbers and OUTBreak numbers. Online is KING!!!


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ok...so I guess most gamers in Japan don't like Viewtiful Joe. That solves that mystery. Now my question is why bother making a tv show off a game that hasn't sold that well on two systems? Was it just his personality? He is a great character, but not that popular by the looks of it.


Joe managed around 70-80k total on GameCube in Japan... that's not too bad actually considering it's budget, genre, platform and the marketplace.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
jarrod said:
Joe managed around 70-80k total on GameCube in Japan... that's not too bad actually considering it's budget, genre, platform and the marketplace.

Thats true, I guess I just expect more from such an awesome game. I can't lie and say I'm not disappointed...I thought for sure the PS2 version would get some nice sales. :(


Link316 said:
good for them (the PS2 userbase) cause this was nothing more than an attempt to salvage the poor sales of a GC game

Oh please, shut UP.

(Anyone who wants the details, just ask)

evil ways

Damn, so Spike only shipped around 40,000 copies of KOC II? That explains why almost every online retailer has it on backorder and expect another shipment in a week.

Now I know why my order says "Ships in 7-14 days".


works for Gamestop (lol)
I wonder how many people bought Biohazard just for the DMC 3 demo

p.s. DMC3 demo is pretty hawt


I'm actually rather impressed with that Dororo number, poor sales percentage aside. It will probably do about 42k or so its first week and just might end up around 100k... a level I was certainly not expecting for it.


ferricide said:
seems like shops ordered in unwarranted amounts of dororo, however.
wonder why?

I'm guessing because it's based on a famous manga that a lot of people are familiar with.

I was up until 5am last night playing it and while the game has serious hit detection, shoddy camera issues it's actually the most fun I've had with a Sega game in a while. The story and presentation are way above Sega's usual budget level...I guess they got everyone to work cheaply :p
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