New research on female video characters: Female gamers prefer playing as highly sexualized characters, despite disliking them


beauty is a social convention and the current convention is that everyone is beautiful and that is the purest truth, perhaps it is necessary to add even more characters that look like the people we see on the streets.
I don't know why this triggers me so much but it does, lol. Not the add more characters part but the everyone is beautiful part.

I don't want everyone to be beautiful because if everyone is rich no one is and if everyone is beautiful then no one is, and when I see with my eyes they are ugly or I am ugly I must stay true to myself and possibly take corrective actions to deuglify myself for events. If everyone is beautiful, people can just start showing up to meetings in their jogging pants and tshirts and with ugly hair and no makeup or unshorn moustaches. I want some decorum. Maybe that is why.
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Gold Member
I want to avoid this thread by dismissing it by saying "DUUUUUUUUUH!!!" But I just can't bring myself to do it.


People are horny. No surprise. I also don't believe the "dislike" part. Most of the time, the dislike is simply because of complexes and psychology (which is why sometimes less attractive people feel threatened by more attractive people in general).


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
The first experiment included 239 undergraduate students from a communication program, with the majority of participants identifying as female. Ages varied from 18 to 51, though the group was generally younger.

Building on these findings, the researchers conducted a second experiment to assess whether controlling a character (rather than passively viewing) would affect participants’ perceptions. This experiment involved 438 undergraduate students, following a similar design with the same four character types as in the first experiment.

Color me shocked that American female undergraduate students dislike "sexualized" characters. This is probably the most biased group you can find on the whole planet. Hardly representative of all women in the US, let alone the rest of planet earth.


Gold Member



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Women go for beauty regardless, because they self-insert much more than men and no woman wants to look ugly, ever.

People who purposely create ugly characters are mentally ill and perceive themselves as ugly or freaks from a Tim Burton movie. You just need to check the kind of people who designed the characters of Concord or DA. They arent women.

Mentally ill maybe going a bit too far, no?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I dunno, there are plenty of female created fantasy/sci-fi stuff out there and all the women are still sexy. This "women must look like the statistical average woman in all respects" fad is fairly recent, mostly as a #metoo offshoot.

I don't think literally EVERY character needs to be a sex-symbol either. I think we all agree having some characters that look like Will Ferrell is okay in games.


Gold Member
People are just jealous at good looking people. Same with being jealous at people who have good jobs and money.

Notice how no hunky dudes or super hot chicks are the anti social type, complain about other good looking people or dress bad? They love attention. They love dressing well and going out for lunch and dinner.

I’m a normal avg looking guy. I’m happy for them. Hey if you can look good, working out, and dress better than me too full credit to ya. Enjoy it and keep going!

But who are the ones who complain? Ugly people, politically driven people, and the type of person mom and dad yelled at during dinner time to stop acting like a weirdo.
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The nicest person on this forum
Regardless of what gender or race you are everyone likes good looking character design, lot of female Nier fan cosplay as 2B because guess what they like beautiful design.....that shit has nothing being "horny" or "male gaze" BS.
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Every sane person would obviously rather want more cooler or attractive characters at least for the playable protagonist whether it's female or male. Only time I'll use a ugly or weird playable character is if I'm trying to make a online meme character. World NPCs could be a mix though for immersion.


Gold Member
I don't think literally EVERY character needs to be a sex-symbol either. I think we all agree having some characters that look like Will Ferrell is okay in games.
Not as main characters. Sure, some NPCs and stuff can be "normal" people but the mains....nah ALWAYS make them cool, fit, good looking people. ESPECIALLY given what the average game character does....constant running, fighting, jumping, climbing, shooting, etc, aint no room for a tubbie lard ass doing that stuff!

Another thing 'modern' character design is overlooking is having distinct characters easily evaluated at a glance. There is a reason why the visual language of games was the way it was for so long. I look at the groups of characters in that new Dragonage game and I can't tell what class or skills any of them have (well, other than the big demon one that can't help but blab about herself) because they all look generic as hell. Their costumes are bland, there is little that stands out, especially glaring in a stylized game where you'd think they'd have class weapons and stuff always at hand.

The fitness of a character is relevant. The attractiveness is as well, since we have all been programmed by our genes to respond to healthy looking attractive symmetric people as superior breeding partners. Ugliness, deformity, asymmetry, these are markers of disease, poor genes, or unhealth that we simply can not escape a certain level of visceral repugnance to (unless it is overridden by other markers of success like ostentatious displays of wealth, social status, etc).


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Not as main characters. Sure, some NPCs and stuff can be "normal" people but the mains....nah ALWAYS make them cool, fit, good looking people. ESPECIALLY given what the average game character does....constant running, fighting, jumping, climbing, shooting, etc, aint no room for a tubbie lard ass doing that stuff!

Another thing 'modern' character design is overlooking is having distinct characters easily evaluated at a glance. There is a reason why the visual language of games was the way it was for so long. I look at the groups of characters in that new Dragonage game and I can't tell what class or skills any of them have (well, other than the big demon one that can't help but blab about herself) because they all look generic as hell. Their costumes are bland, there is little that stands out, especially glaring in a stylized game where you'd think they'd have class weapons and stuff always at hand.

The fitness of a character is relevant. The attractiveness is as well, since we have all been programmed by our genes to respond to healthy looking attractive symmetric people as superior breeding partners. Ugliness, deformity, asymmetry, these are markers of disease, poor genes, or unhealth that we simply can not escape a certain level of visceral repugnance to (unless it is overridden by other markers of success like ostentatious displays of wealth, social status, etc).

Do you find this main character attractive?

Video Games Nintendo GIF by GIPHY Gaming
Give a little girl some different dolls - cute girl dolls, fat ugly girl dolls and maybe some guy dolls for good measure.

Guess which ones they're gonna choose?


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I mean fuck, you don't see women lining up cosplaying as Concord characters!


This is such an ugly character, that I'm pissed it passed quality control :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And I don't mean her face. I mean EVERYTHING! You can't even tell it's a woman. Why the ski-goggles and gloves? What's going on here?
Attractive people are more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes like it or not. That’s why the most attractive people generally get the roles on TV, commercials, music and movies. It’s the usual hypocrisy though. Stop sexualizing us or treating us like a piece of meat, yet women LOVE to sexualize themselves in real life when clubbing, on social media, music videos and entertainment in general. I’m guessing because they know they are the center of the attention and they feel empowered perhaps?

We see hate for characters like Eve, 2B or Cammy for example, yet given a chance I bet 99.99% of females would rather look like them or even watch them over a Concord female in a heartbeat. I think the women who say they don’t like sexy females say that because they are jealous or feel threatened which imo is silly because those game characters are fictional.
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"Nintendo games are like indies, and worth at most $19" 🤡
I don't know why this triggers me so much but it does, lol. Not the add more characters part but the everyone is beautiful part.

I don't want everyone to be beautiful because if everyone is rich no one is and if everyone is beautiful then no one is
It's not about everyone being beautiful, but about knowing that beauty is subjective. No supposedly ugly woman stays single, not even the actress who lent her image to Fable 3 or the blonde from Bleeding Edge.
It's not about equality, but about multiplying the number of different biotypes, phenotypes per scene in games ( as in real life). I think this is the way to achieve greater representation to please the majority.


Nobody wants to play as the ugly person, even ugly people, if they’re ugly in real life why the fuck would they want to play ugly in a fantasy as well? lol
There is an exception, as a guy i love to play as an ugly af orc or similar non human race, like for example tauren in WoW, it has to be mountain of muscless tho, so definitely some women's type still, some prefer us guys looking rough :D
That non human race in DA:V tho- that shit is even beyond what i can accept, and i enjoyed DA:I back in 2014- got it at launch for my ps4 here in DA:V its ugly and soft looking on top :p


Just reinforces how people hold performative views they don't actually believe in, and how much people care about "looking good" for others.

Social media brainrots people too.
Well.....yeah but that's due to men running most of the industry. We always create things we like. Women were never in a position to create the female characters they'd like to see on the screen.
Women are in a position to create the female characters they'd like to see on screen every time they sit down at a character creator screen, same as me. What would be more interesting to see is the data regarding those created characters. And for a true example of research, they're going to have to take their testing beyond a college campus.
There is an exception, as a guy i love to play as an ugly af orc or similar non human race, like for example tauren in WoW, it has to be mountain of muscless tho, so definitely some women's type still, some prefer us guys looking rough :D
That non human race in DA:V tho- that shit is even beyond what i can accept, and i enjoyed DA:I back in 2014- got it at launch for my ps4 here in DA:V its ugly and soft looking on top :p

Yeah, I’ve done that before.

Also reminds me ugly Shepherd



Gold Member
I don't get it why being beautiful, sexy and fit is bad and persecuted this days. :ROFLMAO:
Ugly jealous people dont like good people getting attention. No different than people not liking other people just because they got more money or a better car.

So they uglify them hoping gamer's change their views finding ugly people people now the attractive ones.
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Videogames are places were we live our fantasies. We drive expensive car fast, manage big cities, play in the best leagues, rob, kill but some lunatics think it's a good idea to live our fantasies as an androgynous dysmorphic dyke.
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Gold Member
This is such an ugly character, that I'm pissed it passed quality control :messenger_tears_of_joy:

And I don't mean her face. I mean EVERYTHING! You can't even tell it's a woman. Why the ski-goggles and gloves? What's going on here?
For me, I wouldn't call then "ugly", I'd call them "fatally uninteresting". There's nothing wrong with unattractive characters or even ugly characters - but all characters must be interesting in some way. To that end, all of Concord's characters fail basic character design principles - literally design 101 stuff you learn your first day in visual communication - and it leaves them boring to look at. Silhouettes are uninteresting, lack of clear focal points, wardrobe failing to tell a story, and stylistically-absent colour palettes all leave them absent a personality. It's simply not the work of professionals and should never have seen the light of day.


Plot twist: All respondents were males who identify as female.

I know you meant this is as joke, but notice in the document:

The first experiment included 239 undergraduate students from a communication program, with the majority of participants identifying as female.

That's a very telling way of describing the participants. It's kind of hard to trust a study about females in this day and age, when it's very easy for males to identify as them.
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I don't think literally EVERY character needs to be a sex-symbol either. I think we all agree having some characters that look like Will Ferrell is okay in games.
I do agree but someone loud and obnoxious will probably tell you Will Ferrel is too white, too straight and too male.
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