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New Sengoku Basara 3 Hype Thread


Kintaro said:
Gametrailers just took a steaming shit on the game in their review.

Score was 5.5 overall or something.

Fuck them. This game is tits.
I'm not surprised at all. This sort of game really isn't for everyone. I thought the review was pretty funny, what with the clever use of the cut-scenes to emphasize the cheese.

Will buy at $20 or so. I'm still disappointed that Sarutobi Sasuke isn't playable.
Played the game quite a bit tonight and it's as quick and responsive as I like any of my games to be.

As PepsimanVsJoe pointed out in another thread, Musou style games will always score for shit in the Western world.
I grabbed the Wii version yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by it. Plays fast and I can still slaughter hundreds in a short span of time.

I was also bummed out by the fact that they really seem to have taken quite a bit of content out of the game.
I miss having the armor you could equip. I thought that was a nice touch. Maybe I just haven't seen a slot for it yet?
I miss having Hideyoshi too. Tokugawa at least has a similar moveset, but how can I have my Kenshiro vs. Raoh match without the big guy?
Come to think of it, they took out most of the characters I liked- Kasuga, Nagamasa, Kenshin... all will be forgiven if Capcom gives us a heroes disc with everyone good to go.

I like a lot of the new NPC characters too- some of them would make for interesting new additions to the player roster.
This has been by far my most anticipated, and favorite, game of the year. However, after playing the game to death the past 2 months on both Wii and PS3 I feel I can objectively say the game falls somewhere between 7.5-8.5 range.

- The gameplay itself is vastly improved from previous games, it might be my favorite in the whole genre (but have to play Hokuto Musou first before solidifying this).
- The stories are very well done with lots of solid character development and the different personalities of each character certainly shine through at all times.
- LOTS of replayability with 3-5 different endings per character and all the weapons / equipment to unlock / forge.
- Stage design feel greatly improved upon from previous games.
- The co-op is TONS of fun. They improved the co-op experience vastly from SB2H and you can now do co-op in story mode and free mode (before it was limited only to Unification mode for whatever reason).
- Music has always been a strong suit of the BASARA series, and this game continues the trend.

- Going from 30 playable characters down to 16 sucks, although it is understandable with the way the reworked everyone to be more unique and have huge complex story modes.
- Previous games might have had more variety in the enemy types different generals had than SB3 (Itsuki's army, GoHanYari, Miyoshi Death Trio, Ninja Squads, Suicide Bombers, etc...).
- Previous games had more modes like Unification (which has been merged into Story mode now), Minigames / Versus, and (my favorite) the two Grand Tournaments.
- No online co-op.
- No dual audio option.

All in all, the gameplay enhancements, engaging stories and great new characters are just too much to ignore. The game is WELL worth $40 and I wager to say that anyone who even has the faintest interest in the genre will walk away with more than their money's worth from this game.

Looking Forward:
If they ever make a SB3H expansion then I expect that to be an instant classic, seeings as they will more than likely turn all the NPCs into PCs (12 more PCs), bring back some of the cut characters (Matsunaga Hisahide, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Takenaka Hanbei, Takeda Shingen, Itsuki, Miyamoto Musashi, Zabii, & Honganji Kennyo), add more stages, more stories, probably add a new NPC or two (Tachibana Ginchiyo is mentioned quite a bit in the game and they make her seem like she will be perfect if they make her a character) and more than likely add in online co-op and more gameplay modes.


AdawgDaFAB said:
Tachibana Ginchiyo is mentioned quite a bit in the game and they make her seem like she will be perfect if they make her a character
I think it'd be funnier to keep her in the backstage, so you can only try and imagine what she's like, personally. :lol

As for the game... For me, the biggest cons would be (in that order):
1) The localization (dual audio and a better translation overall would have been great)
2) Not enough stages (only 38, and about a dozen of those or so are "rare", so...)
3) The missing characters
4) Not quite the right balance of drama / comedy, compared to previous entries
5) No "survival" mode


Yeah I really think that the $40 price point has to be taken in to account when giving any review score for SB. At $60 it may have seemed a little light on content (I've only put in a couple of hours so far) but at $40 it's fantastic.

Yeah there's definitely a large cheese factor and yes you're still mowing through thousands of same'ish, slow moving (mostly) enemies but the fun factor is undeniable and the graphics, music and awesome frame rate only help that. For a guy who enjoys beat em ups (like myself) this game is like a shiny gift from Capcom.
So, it's not that I'm saying that everybody needs to play Basara because it's such an awesome beat-em-up omigod -- if the relative drudgery of the Warriors games' breed of beat-em-up didn't do anything for you, this might not either. Rather, if you have played them, and felt disappointed or burned out over the years, it's well worth giving Basara a try. You, too, will recognize what's good.

I think I'll send this man a fruit basket.

This seems to be the most honest and fair review I've read in awhile. Basically, "Yeah yeah, groups of enemies, samey enemy design, lack of variety. But what is there is solid and fun"

Sometimes it's good to be disproven.


Erigu said:
I think it'd be funnier to keep her in the backstage, so you can only try and imagine what she's like, personally. :lol

Well, there's still the notion of how Koba promised us "moar females", and yet, not only did we get two females who basically served as replacements for established cast members (Nouhime and Itsuki) along with a re-worked Ichi, the REST of who was left were NPCs.

I say we're due for at least one truly new and awesome female for us male BASARA fans to dig.
I don't understand the problems with dual audio people have with games like these. The English dubs make the game so cheesy that it's enjoyable to listen to.

Otherwise you get the same shit dialogue in Japanese....not so fun.


Discotheque said:
I don't understand the problems with dual audio people have with games like these. The English dubs make the game so cheesy that it's enjoyable to listen to.

Otherwise you get the same shit dialogue in Japanese....not so fun.
Better performances.
(and the script really isn't that bad... in Japanese)


Worships the porcelain goddess
Discotheque said:
I don't understand the problems with dual audio people have with games like these. The English dubs make the game so cheesy that it's enjoyable to listen to.

Otherwise you get the same shit dialogue in Japanese....not so fun.

Basara in Japan is a Who's Who of Japanese voice overs. Same lines or not, the performances make the difference. Also, no one comes close to NORIO~
Urban Scholar said:
Everyone I'm making an official thread, should be up soon.

Looking forward to it ^__^.

Xater said:
Great! I would have done one myself, but I just don#t have the time right now.

Same here. I would have loved to make it, but I'm just too busy right now. Been a hectic week.


is the thread up yet?

Anyway got the game today and just finished story mode with the gun blazing chick (!?). Seems to be ok, but still feels kinda repetitive. I dont really feel the story to be honest, but i dont care about it either.

so please tell me guys - how to unlock the other chick charackters? (Oichi :D )

also - whas this game suposed to have online mp or something ?


Flek said:
is the thread up yet?

Anyway got the game today and just finished story mode with the gun blazing chick (!?). Seems to be ok, but still feels kinda repetitive. I dont really feel the story to be honest, but i dont care about it either.

so please tell me guys - how to unlock the other chick charackters? (Oichi :D )

also - whas this game suposed to have online mp or something ?
Yeah I seen the official topic somewhere


I enjoyed the demo somewhat, but the selectable male characters were a bit too flamboyant for my tastes. Are there many playable chicks in this game? Or "manly" men :lol


Pimpbaa said:
I enjoyed the demo somewhat, but the selectable male characters were a bit too flamboyant for my tastes. Are there many playable chicks in this game? Or "manly" men :lol

only 3 chicks as far as i know :( :( i would have loved at least 5 or something ;I
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