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New Splinter Cell 3 screens



I don't remember seeing these either:



To each his own... SC was one of the true gems of this generation and I can't wait to play number 3. Screens are simply amazing.


The only problem I have with normal mapping is the plastic look of the models. It's not bad, but I really could live without it.


MaddenNFL64 said:
The only problem I have with normal mapping is the plastic look of the models. It's not bad, but I really could live without it.
it generally looks better in motion. at least, it does in riddick.


Tag of Excellence
MaddenNFL64 said:
The only problem I have with normal mapping is the plastic look of the models. It's not bad, but I really could live without it.
That has nothing to do with normal mapping. It's the implementation and textures that do.
Played the first SC for10 mins but i just could not handle that crappy controll they made for the guy,nor could i handle the shitty story, and it just pissed me off to see that they stole so much from MGS2!

i never played the game again.

i like one screen only:

the shadow of the guy in the house is cool looks almost real!

but this one looks just horrible

the guard looks like a plastic man and the rain looks...well let us just say that it does not look like rain!

why didnt they just steal the rain effects from MGS2 while they where at it!


TekunoRobby said:
That has nothing to do with normal mapping. It's the implementation and textures that do.

Until I see otherwise...I'm inclined to blame the 'normal mapping' (fucking hate that term as much as I hated Fun Shading) for that, as well


Tag of Excellence
Gattsu25 said:
Until I see otherwise...I'm inclined to blame the 'normal mapping' (fucking hate that term as much as I hated Fun Shading) for that, as well
You haven't a clue how normal mapping works, do you?

Edit: That isn't a bad thing at all, you're a consumer and why would you care about the technology in the games. The end result is most important, and I agree with that viewpoint. The problem is that normal mapping is actually a very powerful and awesome technical shortcut to get really high poly counts using a less amount of technical headroom. Blaming the technical feature for something that is the fault on the artist's end of the spectrum isn't really fair, especially when the two have no corrolation with each other.


What the hell are you talking about? I love MGS and all but SC is nothing like MGS... In MGS shadows don't even exist and you can't even climb poles or do much that is really stealth like... You can hide in fruit boxes, lockers, under things and peek around corners but that isn't much compared to SC... I don't want to knock MGS or anything but it's the truth...


TekunoRobby said:
You haven't a clue how normal mapping works, do you?

El Oh El

Normal Mapping is an advanced form of bump mapping using pixel shaders...bump maps traditionally use greyscale maps for their 'depth' while normal mapped ones use RGB

Normal Mapping's implementation in video games is (to my knowledge) always used in addition to specular lighting, wich creates a shiny look that i find is great for environments, but creates the undeniable plastic appearance that is often seen on characters

need to teach me anything else?


Tag of Excellence
That's silly, I never approached this from the viewpoint of trying to teach you anything or thinking you were ignorant. I thought that since you were blaming something that was on the artists end, which had nothing to do with the technical aspects of normal mapping, you probably didn't know how it worked or how it was implemented.

I honestly didn't mean it as a jab or an insult against you, I'm sad that you saw it that way.

EDIT1: This wasn't worth another post but, I'm glad to know that you always act this way whenever someone says you're wrong or have a missconception about anything.

EDIT2: I want to make love to you, I'm sorry baby I never wanted to treat you this way.
Seriously though, I'm sorry I really wasn't trying to be a jerk. I would blame the fact that expressing emotion using text is difficult to do but that'd be a cheap scapegoat. At the time I didn't think I was being an ass but in retrospect I see why you thought it came out that way. <3 for Gattsu25


Forgive me if I take a "you don't know what you're talking about" statement as an insult...what came over me :rolleyes:

Edit: What can I say, I aim to please
robertsan21 said:
Played the first SC for10 mins but i just could not handle that crappy controll they made for the guy,nor could i handle the shitty story, and it just pissed me off to see that they stole so much from MGS2!

why didnt they just steal the rain effects from MGS2 while they where at it!

OMG!! Are you a real person?? LOL!!! What aspects of the story were stolen from MGS2? What effects, too? Also, it's interesting to note that Kojima, you konw, the creater of the tired MGS series, has said many times that the SC series has given him new ideas. The camo dectecter? Guess where that came from?

I still can't believe that's a real post. How were the controls crappy? How old are you? It takes all of 3 minutes to become accustomed to the controls. And "shitty story" in comparision to what? MGS2????



robertsan21 said:
Played the first SC for10 mins but i just could not handle that crappy controll they made for the guy,nor could i handle the shitty story, and it just pissed me off to see that they stole so much from MGS2!
First off, Splinter Cell didn't steal anything from Metal Gear Solid other than the "stealth gameplay style" of game. It's like saying Gran Turismo stole from Rad Racer. The stealth gameplay in Splinter Cell is much more refined than in Metal Gear Solid, the point of view is not the same, the story is NOT of the fantasy type, you got shadows to hide, etc...

Secondly, please don't ever speak about how shitty the Splinter Cell story is, MGS2 is much MUCH worse.

EDIT : beaten to it by HalfPastNoon


Jesus christ settle down people.

I think it's fairly obvious they've both taken elements from each other. The games shouldn't even be COMPARED. They are entirely different in my eyes.

Good screens btw.


I've never gotten why people say the Splinter Cell series looks so great (at least on consoles). They really need to concentrate on fixing framerates before they start adding more details.
Shoryuken said:
I've never gotten why people say the Splinter Cell series looks so great (at least on consoles). They really need to concentrate on fixing framerates before they start adding more details.

Hahahahahha..... terrible.
Hellraizah said:
First off, Splinter Cell didn't steal anything from Metal Gear Solid other than the "stealth gameplay style" of game. It's like saying Gran Turismo stole from Rad Racer. The stealth gameplay in Splinter Cell is much more refined than in Metal Gear Solid, the point of view is not the same, the story is NOT of the fantasy type, you got shadows to hide, etc...

Secondly, please don't ever speak about how shitty the Splinter Cell story is, MGS2 is much MUCH worse.

EDIT : beaten to it by HalfPastNoon

well i loved the MGS 2 story!

i always get used to the controlls in a game but this game made me feel that it was not worth the effort to get used to the controlls.

i did not like it SC, is that to hard for you to accept?
oh and i am 24 years old.

i hope that SC 3 will be better in everyway so maybe just maybe there is a chance that i buy it.

well when i said stole from MGS i meant "stealth gameplay style". i hate it when a company just jumps on the bandwagon just so they can make a buck on it!
after MGS everyone wanted a stealth game so ofcourse Ubisoft wanted to make some money for once, so they said: hey boys its alot of money to be made in stealth games, so lets do like konami does and make one!

it was the same with mario 64, how many time hast that game been copied in other games

oh well i just want to tell you my opinion, and if you dont respect it then thats your problem dude :)
robertsan21 said:
well i loved the MGS 2 story!

i always get used to the controlls in a game but this game made me feel that it was not worth the effort to get used to the controlls.

i did not like it SC, is that to hard for you to accept?
oh and i am 24 years old.

i hope that SC 3 will be better in everyway so maybe just maybe there is a chance that i buy it.

well when i said stole from MGS i meant "stealth gameplay style". i hate it when a company just jumps on the bandwagon just so they can make a buck on it!
after MGS everyone wanted a stealth game so ofcourse Ubisoft wanted to make some money for once, so they said: hey boys its alot of money to be made in stealth games, so lets do like konami does and make one!

it was the same with mario 64, how many time hast that game been copied in other games

oh well i just want to tell you my opinion, and if you dont respect it then thats your problem dude :)

Yea, I don't respect it, because it's not even a legitimate opinion.

So, I guess once a game is made in a certain genre, that's the only game that can be ever made? And SC, by far, is the stealthier game. That's not even worth debate. The two games are NOTHING alike, robertsan21. Can you realize that?


HalfPastNoon said:
OMG!! Are you a real person?? LOL!!! What aspects of the story were stolen from MGS2? What effects, too? Also, it's interesting to note that Kojima, you konw, the creater of the tired MGS series, has said many times that the SC series has given him new ideas. The camo dectecter? Guess where that came from?

I still can't believe that's a real post. How were the controls crappy? How old are you? It takes all of 3 minutes to become accustomed to the controls. And "shitty story" in comparision to what? MGS2????


That post just SCREAMS Splinter Cell fanboy, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Now I love and respect both series, they're both doing something right. Just some of the things you say is a tad bit over the top.

"The creator of the tired MGS series"

When did the MGS series become tired? Of course all those spin off titles aren't really pivotal but they are for the dedicated MGS fans.

I guess MGS fans could say the same about Splinter Cell, but then I would have to disagree with that, neither franchises are tired. Each of the fully fledged sequels introduce new gameplay techniques, different styles to complete seperate it from one another.

So I think calling the MGS series tired, is wrong.

"And "shitty story" in comparision to what? MGS2????"

You're right about Splinter Cell not having a bad story, MGS 2 to you may have had somewhat of a bad plot, but that's your opinion. It's not like everyone tends to think the same as each other and once again, the stories shouldn't be compared, MGS creators prefer to use more of an unrealistic story while Splinter Cell is completely the opposite.

"The SC series has given him new ideas. The camo dectecter? Guess where that came from?"

While I'm not denying that Kojima didn't get inspiration from there, it's not like he totally ripped off the idea.

I'll be going now but if you wish to reply to this then you may, I'll probably get back to it another time.

Edit: Grrrr punctuation!


robertsan21 said:
well when i said stole from MGS i meant "stealth gameplay style". i hate it when a company just jumps on the bandwagon just so they can make a buck on it!
after MGS everyone wanted a stealth game so ofcourse Ubisoft wanted to make some money for once, so they said: hey boys its alot of money to be made in stealth games, so lets do like konami does and make one!)
Yeah, but you know, almost every game out there ressembles another game in any shape or form. But, it's not because a game ressembles another one that it's not a great game, take Ninja Gaiden, for example, there's a lot of elements from Devil May Cry/Onimusha, yet the game is incredible and stands on its own.

You should try Splinter Cell for more than 10 minutes, you know, maybe after an hour (or 60), you could unlock the fun ;)
Lakitu said:
That post just SCREAMS Splinter Cell fanboy, not that there's anything wrong with that.

Now I love and respect both series, they're both doing something right. Just some of the things you say is a tad bit over the top.

"The creator of the tired MGS series"

When did the MGS series become tired? Of course all those spin off titles aren't really pivotal but they are for the dedicated MGS fans.

I guess MGS fans could say the same about Splinter Cell, but then I would have to disagree with that, neither franchises are tired. Each of the fully fledged sequels introduce new gameplay techniques, different styles to complete seperate it from one another.

So I think calling the MGS series tired, is wrong.

"And "shitty story" in comparision to what? MGS2????"

You're right about Splinter Cell not having a bad story, MGS 2 to you may have had somewhat of a bad plot, but that's your opinion. It's not like everyone tends to think the same as each other and once again, the stories shouldn't be compared, MGS creators prefer to use more of an unrealistic story while Splinter Cell is completely the opposite.

"The SC series has given him new ideas. The camo dectecter? Guess where that came from?"

While I'm not denying that Kojima didn't get inspiration from there, it's not like he totally ripped off the idea.

I'll be going now but if you wish to reply to this then you may, I'll probably get back to it another time.

Edit: Grrrr punctuation!

I am the BIGGEST SC fanboy! But, I have played all the MGS games, and after playing with SC, I simply don't enjoy the MGS series anymore.

True, MGS isn't tired, it just is to me. Maybe MGS3 will change that, but the whole camo thing in the woods, especially the red brick wall deal didn't look too promising. I like staying in the shadows, not having to worry about changing gear every 5 minutes. I like being able to shoot out all the lights and turning on my nightvision to own unsuspecting fools, or being owned myself because the enemy has nightvision themselves.

And I especially enjoy the XBL action.


HalfPastNoon said:
True, MGS isn't tired, it just is to me. Maybe MGS3 will change that, but the whole camo thing in the woods, especially the red brick wall deal didn't look too promising. I like staying in the shadows, not having to worry about changing gear every 5 minutes. I like being able to shoot out all the lights and turning on my nightvision to own unsuspecting fools, or being owned myself because the enemy has nightvision themselves.

i plan on never changing my cameo and i plan on playing it on the hardest difficulty :).


HalfPastNoon said:
So, I guess once a game is made in a certain genre, that's the only game that can be ever made? And Thief by far, is the stealthier game. That's not even worth debate.

Sorta agreed...While I don't think other games shouldn't be made (MGS for example) I am not fond of the games that effectively borrow way too much to the point of being shallow clones in a different era (SC)


You know what...you're absolutely right...Splinter Cell and Thief do not both rely on hiding in shadows or shooting out lights or using remoteviewing/noisemaking devices or any other such nonsense

edit: err...yeah


where it rarely approaches a steady 30fps on the xbox?

granted, SC's framerate is good for what type of game it is so don't get me wrong, but it's far from perfect. It's good enough to not detract from gameplay in any specific way, IMO (for example: Framerate in this genre is FAAAR less important to me than a steady framerate in a racing game)
Gattsu25 said:
where it rarely approaches a steady 30fps on the xbox?

granted, SC's framerate is good for what type of game it is so don't get me wrong, but it's far from perfect. It's good enough to not detract from gameplay in any specific way, IMO (for example: Framerate in this genre is FAAAR less important to me than a steady framerate in a racing game)

so, in the end, there's really nothing wrong with the framrate. is that what you're saying? ok, thanks.
Hellraizah said:
First off, Splinter Cell didn't steal anything from Metal Gear Solid other than the "stealth gameplay style" of game. It's like saying Gran Turismo stole from Rad Racer. The stealth gameplay in Splinter Cell is much more refined than in Metal Gear Solid,

More refined? That's definetly stretching it man. Thief probably has the most refined stealth engine in gaming, but MGS is right behind it.
HalfPastNoon said:
MGS is nowhere near Thief, or for that matter, SC when it comes to stealth play.

Considering how much SC still relies on trial and error stealth, i'd easily argue your 2nd point. Both Thief and MGS have more freedom based stealth gameplay.
SolidSnakex said:
Considering how much SC still relies on trial and error stealth, i'd easily argue your 2nd point. Both Thief and MGS have more freedom based stealth gameplay.

Yeah, if trial and error = getting caught, thus mission over, then yeah, SC has that. That's what stealth is about. You're not supposed to be found or go in guns a blazing.
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