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New study suggests lying affects self esteem


It actually makes sense. I'f you think about if you lie and are good at it your constantly thinking of how could you be caught out, before you lie your mapping out every possibility, then support that lie you have lie again and again so its making you continuesly over think things causing anxiety stress.


Just like using filters on your photos is a form of lying… and it hurts ones self-esteem.
Yeah, you subconsciously know you used filters and don’t really look like that, and it hurts your self esteem more. Now because your self-esteem is hurt, you use filters.

So it’s a never-ending loop.
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Gold Member
Just like using filters on your photos is a form of lying… and hurts one self-esteem.
Yeah, you subconsciously know you used filters and don’t really look like that, and it hurts your self esteem more. Now because your self-esteem is hurt, you use filters.

So it’s a never-ending loop.
And their self esteem would be even worse if they knew how many people would laugh in their face about filters. But they just dont see it.

I know coworkers who do blatant filtering or air brushing on their Linkedin profiles it's absurdly obvious like it's a chick on Tinder using low budget crappy filters. Most people will look at that and think this person is an idiot.
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