I find with each NSMB release they get better and better, I mean the levels are more unique, bit harder this time around, and utilizes the various power-ups in different ways. I beat it, unlocked every world, now all that's left is getting every stage via secret exit and some star coins, but I think I'll save the 100% complete goals till later like I did for Super Mario 3D Land, now it's time to beat Kingdom Hearts 3D after a decent break, and onto the Last Story!
Anyway the game is amazing, the reviews are really piss poor, which is a shame, one review said NSMB2 is feeling kinda old and stale, when it's the third release of a series in 6 years *intense stare* I mean Uncharted has 3 in a span of 4 and doesn't get this much flack... why can't we live in a world where people review games for what they are? This one is some of the best most well polished platforming levels ever, 7/10! (and I wouldn't bitch about a 7 if people didn't use 7 for average instead of using 5)
*sigh* oh well I'll be playing my *ahem* averagely amazing games! I know it's done to death but man I hate playing some games with amazing scores, even series I have enjoyed, and it's like the level designers quit and you... the gamer are left there wondering... where is my level design... this is all toooooo predictable, herpa derpa I go around this corner and oh look an more open looking room wonder how I'm going to be jumped this time! Then 6 hours later its over and they want you to play a tacked on multi :\ please sir, just give me the level design of the last game, I swear I'll buy it! ... please? Oh well no use bitching, just gotta get that out of my system a bit. Love the game, hope everyone else is loving it too.