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New VG Cats





President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Man, Bubsy... brings back memories.

Anyway, this comic wasn't that great =/ But, VGcats can be pretty damn funny and clever sometimes, so I forgive them.


MrCheez said:
Man, Bubsy... brings back memories.

Anyway, this comic wasn't that great =/ But, VGcats can be pretty damn funny and clever sometimes, so I forgive them.

The problem is that they haven't been in a good while.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios
Hmmm true.... well...

At least all the facial expressions are still amusing? o_O
I hate VG Cats. I just don't "get it". Why the fuck are they furries? If it wasn't for this one thing, perhaps I'd give it a chance, but otherwise, it's just another melding of lame video game humor with yet another shitty web comic, my two favorite things.

But honestly, do you know what I think could make the comic 100% better? If they just made it shorter. I think that could help a TON.


FortNinety said:
I hate VG Cats. I just don't "get it". Why the fuck are they furries? If it wasn't for this one thing, perhaps I'd give it a chance

Just think of them as really hairy people. It's kinda disturbing you're so bothered by drawings of furries.

And I think just the pink cat and whatever the guy's name is are furries. The rest seem to be humans or other creatures.


FortNinety said:
I hate VG Cats. I just don't "get it". Why the fuck are they furries? If it wasn't for this one thing, perhaps I'd give it a chance, but otherwise, it's just another melding of lame video game humor with yet another shitty web comic, my two favorite things.

But honestly, do you know what I think could make the comic 100% better? If they just made it shorter. I think that could help a TON.

Who gives a shit about the fact that they're furries? At least it's not another grouping of generic cynical Gen-Xer white boys like 90% of all webcomics out there
AniHawk said:
Just think of them as really hairy people. It's kinda disturbing you're so bothered by drawings of furries.

You're "disturbed" by my annoyance of furries? First off, I'm quite familiar with "furries" as they are recognized by today's standards. I have nothing against anthropomorphic animals in cartoon settings (hell, I still love classic Disney and Warner Bros characters). But I just find the whole furry scene fucking creepy when it's sexualized (and I've been to enough cons to know it is, and to a very high degree, so I don't want to hear anything that's the contrary) and even when it's not, it's just plain annoying. Seems like if a person furry fan, and if you put one in something, anything, this person will eat it up (I'm not saying that's why you like VG Cats for exmaple, i'm just stating the facts as I see them).

I also love how overly sensitive furry fans are. If you enjoy gawking at a raccoon with breasts, expect to get ridiculed.


THe cats in VGCats are modeled after the writers own 2 pets. They arnt furries and they arnt sexualized, they're just cats.

Who gives a shit about the fact that they're furries? At least it's not another grouping of generic cynical Gen-Xer white boys like 90% of all webcomics out there

I agree.


FortNinety said:
You're "disturbed" by my annoyance of furries? First off, I'm quite familiar with "furries" as they are recognized by today's standards. I have nothing against anthropomorphic animals in cartoon settings (hell, I still love classic Disney and Warner Bros characters). But I just find the whole furry scene fucking creepy when it's sexualized (and I've been to enough cons to know it is, and to a very high degree, so I don't want to hear anything that's the contrary) and even when it's not, it's just plain annoying. Seems like if a person furry fan, and if you put one in something, anything, this person will eat it up (I'm not saying that's why you like VG Cats for exmaple, i'm just stating the facts as I see them).

I also love how overly sensitive furry fans are. If you enjoy gawking at a raccoon with breasts, expect to get ridiculed.

Okay, speaking of oversensitive, what does this have to do with you being bothered by completely unsexualized cartoon characters in a non sexual setting that really has nothing to do with the furry fandom? Sounds more like you're trying to make sure everyone knows how much you hate furries so they won't get on your case for (formerly?) going to furry cons (Which I have to wonder why you go to if you dislike furries so much).
Nikashi said:
Okay, speaking of oversensitive, what does this have to do with you being bothered by completely unsexualized cartoon characters in a non sexual setting that really has nothing to do with the furry fandom? Sounds more like you're trying to make sure everyone knows how much you hate furries so they won't get on your case for (formerly?) going to furry cons (Which I have to wonder why you go to if you dislike furries so much).

Whoever said I went to a furry con? They appear at other places mind you, like comic cons, sci-fi/fantasy cons, and anime cons (obviously).

As for my previous statement about furry fans being overly sensitive, well.... I think the responses speak for themselves.

Once again, if you like dressing up as a tiger in a business suit or whatever, by all means, knock yourself out. Just learn to take a little joke, that's all, and at least try to understand why some people might think it be a bit "weird." Hey I'm a bit of an oddball myself, but at least I can admit it.


FortNinety said:
Whoever said I went to a furry con? They appear at other places mind you, like comic cons, sci-fi/fantasy cons, and anime cons (obviously).

As for my previous statement about furry fans being overly sensitive, well.... I think the responses speak for themselves.

Once again, if you like dressing up as a tiger in a business suit or whatever, by all means, knock yourself out. Just learn to take a little joke, that's all, and at least try to understand why some people might think it be a bit "weird." Hey I'm a bit of an oddball myself, but at least I can admit it.

Once again, you dodge the issue of why YOU are upset about NON sexual anthropomorphic characters in a comic strip. Please, just tell me that, because I don't remember anything even remotely 'Furry' in that comic besides TWO of the characters being cats. Is that seriously enough to turn you away from the comic?
Nikashi said:
Once again, you dodge the issue of why YOU are upset about NON sexual anthropomorphic characters in a comic strip. Please, just tell me that, because I don't remember anything even remotely 'Furry' in that comic besides TWO of the characters being cats. Is that seriously enough to turn you away from the comic?

You must not be paying attention to what I've been saying...

FortNinety said:
..and even when it's not, it's just plain annoying. Seems like if a person furry fan, and if you put one in something, anything, this person will eat it up..

A) Most furry comics I have read, or any attempt at furry humor for that matter, is lame. And I like video game humor, sci fi humor humor, tastless humor, bizarro free-form sketch comedy... etc. So I'm not one who's into normal mainstream tastes (I hate Dilbert, I find sutff like Harold and Kumar pretty unfunny, etc.) so I'd like to think that my tastes are far enough off center to at least be close enough to sorta "get" furry humor.

B) VG Cats in not a good strip for that matter. It happens to star two anthropomorphic characters for zero reason. Well then again, I just found out that it based on the creator's own cats. Guess that makes it all better huh? Whatever. It's still not funny and makes no "sense".

C) Most furry fans will like anything, no matter how bad it is, if it's furry related. It's like "Oh my God! They understand me!!!" I think we can all think of similar examples with a variety of subject matter. Hell, as much as I "get" the jokes at Penny Arcade, I still don't find them that funny, while others find it a bit too funny.


FortNinety said:
You must not be paying attention to what I've been saying...

vg cats is NOT a furry strip. jesus.

incidentally, i don't find it particularly funny, but that guy is one hell of an artist (though not necessarily in this strip.)
SaitoH said:
VGcats are furries? Does that mean Garfield is too?


No cuz VG Cats go around dressed in people's clothing, whereas Garfield simply talks like a person (and only to other animals).

But wait.. isn't Donald Duck a furry? He wears people clothing?

Not really. As far as I see, the whole furry thing seems to come from Japan (seems like an extension of cosplay), though it's obviously been adopted by Americans, and other parts of the world (maybe, I really don't know). But the Asian feel is still there.

I've also noticed that furry fans like to take something which wasn't an animal character and make it one. I don't know how many cons I've been to where Link or a Final Fantasy character was made into a fox or rabbit or something.

So... Donald was originally an animal to begin with, plus he originates from the U.S. VG Cats on the other hand, while I believe is done by Americans, has a very Manga-ish feel to it, hence why I consider it furry-related, or if not, influenced by it.

Okay guys.... lay me with your "Now you're a racist too!" comments.


I find it funny that you started hating on VGCats when the strip being talked about doesn't even star the 2 main characters.

Pretty much everything is manga related nowadays anyway.

I'd say these characters are more of an alias rather than deep, furry yiffing weirdo-ness. Considering the amount of 'fan characters; around beased on, say, Sonic and his crew, or Megaman, I doubt most of them are Furry-Yiff related.

And that C.S.I Miami episode was hilarious :)

aoi tsuki

But honestly, do you know what I think could make the comic 100% better? If they just made it shorter. I think that could help a TON.
A-fucking-men. At least when PA or most other comics suck, there's only three or four panels, not twelve-panel spreads. A few comics would've been slightly more entertaining if they were simply shorter.


i posted this a while back. Don't feel like looking for the original comic. It's rough, and could've used a little more text, but it serves it's purpose.


Ummm....the furry thing didn't come from Japan. It came from american cartoons produced by Warner Bros/Disney/etc. People (adults) were fans of these cartoons and it originally started out as just producing fan ary based upon them. Artists started to hold conventions and such and it was fairly innocent in the beginning (I think this was late 70s or early 80s?). Eventually, like at most fan conventions, people started dressing up. IIRC, some shady people started getting involved in the fandom and wanted to turn it into their own thing. This is where the horrible, perverted underground of being a furry started coming into play. I wish I could remember more details, but there was this huge post on Something Awful months ago that was a first-hand account from this guy who pretty much went through all of this. It was actually fairly interesing. But it has nothing to do with Japan.


Yeah, like he said, the "sexual" side of it comes from deviates and people who just get off on being something they're not. Kind of like how anime has its normal side and its side filled with pedophile obsessives and costume fetishists. Doesn't mean the whole of foreign animation is sexual in nature.

Try not letting Something Awful and MTV tell you what to think all the time and see with your own eyes


Belfast said:
Ummm....the furry thing didn't come from Japan. It came from american cartoons produced by Warner Bros/Disney/etc. People (adults) were fans of these cartoons and it originally started out as just producing fan ary based upon them. Artists started to hold conventions and such and it was fairly innocent in the beginning (I think this was late 70s or early 80s?). Eventually, like at most fan conventions, people started dressing up. IIRC, some shady people started getting involved in the fandom and wanted to turn it into their own thing. This is where the horrible, perverted underground of being a furry started coming into play. I wish I could remember more details, but there was this huge post on Something Awful months ago that was a first-hand account from this guy who pretty much went through all of this. It was actually fairly interesing. But it has nothing to do with Japan.


Excuse my ignorance, but what the hell is going on here? I had no idea what a 'furry' was until I entered this thread, and no I'm curious as to why people are pissed of at VGCats for supposedly being furries?
belgurdo said:
Yeah, like he said, the "sexual" side of it comes from deviates and people who just get off on being something they're not. Kind of like how anime has its normal side and its side filled with pedophile obsessives and costume fetishists. Doesn't mean the whole of foreign animation is sexual in nature.

Try not letting Something Awful and MTV tell you what to think all the time and see with your own eyes

First off Belfast, thanks for the info regarding the origins of furry. It was pretty informative.

But for the rest of you, I guess Belgurdo... get a grip. Does it irk you so badly that I don't like furries? Yes, sexualizing anything makes it seem perverted and wrong. Thanks for the news-flash.

I think I've made it clear why I don't like the whole furry scene but it seems I've fallen on deaf ears, so I'm not going to repeat myself.

Gee, I'm an asshole for not liking furries. Guess what? I can live with that.


FortNinety said:
But honestly, do you know what I think could make the comic 100% better? If they just made it shorter. I think that could help a TON.

I've been preaching that for years, glad to see that I'm not alone.


xsarien said:
I've been preaching that for years, glad to see that I'm not alone.

Actually, I notice that many of the comics play out more like the kind of humour you might see in a video game so I think it works in that respect. I'm kinda sick of 3 panels of talking heads as well, so the length is a welcome change.


Nikashi said:
Actually, I notice that many of the comics play out more like the kind of humour you might see in a video game so I think it works in that respect. I'm kinda sick of 3 panels of talking heads as well, so the length is a welcome change.

Except that this isn't a video game. VG Cats needs to learn the simple art of getting to the point. Draw a joke on for too long, either just for the sake of it or to make sure EVERYONE gets it, and it kills everything.

It's why when PA is funny, it's very funny. The art of telling a good joke doesn't come pre-packaged with the art of drawing a (web)comic.


xsarien said:
Except that this isn't a video game. VG Cats needs to learn the simple art of getting to the point. Draw a joke on for too long, either just for the sake of it or to make sure EVERYONE gets it, and it kills everything.

It's why when PA is funny, it's very funny. The art of telling a good joke doesn't come pre-packaged with the art of drawing a (web)comic.

Yeah, but VGCats tends to throw in a few extra jokes into the extra panels as well, so it's like you have one MAIN punchline, then a few little extra jokes in the middle. The art itself is the joke sometimes (with the awesome expressions that he draws), and I personally really like the flow and hope he maintains the length.

And I'm also a huge PA fan, so I have no qualms with the 3 panel format, since they're really funny, I just like seeing options, especially as I said before with most comics sharing a similar format. And as for it not being a video game, that's true, but with a readership that has got to be 90% video game fans, it's appropriate.


Why do all web comics have to be the same? If you dont like the length, dont fucking read it. Its hilarious to me, for someone to consistanly read and complain about something they dont like that will probably never change. We get the point, move along.

I like VGCats, i like how sometimes its a large comic, and I almost always like the humor even if I dont laugh out loud.


I guess I'm not understanding the term "furries." I was under the impression that a "furry" was a person that felt a "different" way about furry animals, or cartoons. So, when VGcats were called "furries" I thought it was being implied that the comic creator was a "furry".


Unconfirmed Member
AeroGod said:
THe cats in VGCats are modeled after the writers own 2 pets. They arnt furries and they arnt sexualized, they're just cats.

ding ding.

There is also only one cat in this strip, but its too bad those fuckers turned bubsy the bobcat into a fucking furry. fuckers. :rolleyes:

and if you can't use videogames as a launch pad for anthropomorphism, then what can you use. This medium is the home of Sonic, Tales, Bubsy, Sly Cooper, Banjo, Kazooie, Star Fox et el, Crash Bandicoot, James fucking Pond. The list is massive and goes on and on. I certainly am not a fan of furries, but as already noted, the comic itself is not oversexualized (see penny arcade for that)


FortNinety said:
You're "disturbed" by my annoyance of furries? First off, I'm quite familiar with "furries" as they are recognized by today's standards. I have nothing against anthropomorphic animals in cartoon settings (hell, I still love classic Disney and Warner Bros characters). But I just find the whole furry scene fucking creepy when it's sexualized (and I've been to enough cons to know it is, and to a very high degree, so I don't want to hear anything that's the contrary) and even when it's not, it's just plain annoying. Seems like if a person furry fan, and if you put one in something, anything, this person will eat it up (I'm not saying that's why you like VG Cats for exmaple, i'm just stating the facts as I see them).

I also love how overly sensitive furry fans are. If you enjoy gawking at a raccoon with breasts, expect to get ridiculed.

No, I take it back. You're the disturbed one.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
You know, the funniest thing is I can't help but suspect that if this was say, eight years ago, before cynical GenX/Net Sux0r Humorists and Something Awful made furries a current standard topic to hate on, nobody anywhere would have a problem with say, VG Cats.

Now all these guys are running around hot and bothered and tuned to seek out anything remotely "furry" with a radar and spew bile at it. And come up with rationalizations why say, something recognized by mainstream culture as classic, like Mickey Mouse, is NOT TEH EVIL FURRY BLARRGHGHOMGWTF while something like VG Cats which is teh evil furry. A case of perceptions over reality? I betcha.

Of course, perhaps the biggest irony of all regarding stuff like this is Penny Arcade is A-OK and it might as well be called House of Wang, while a guy who draws a picture of a fuzzy person with cat ears wearing pants and a shirt is by default a creepy oversexualized furry.

Penny Arcade freaks me out man!! It's creepy oversexualized talking apes!! God, who are these people who like that shit?! FREAKS!

In honor of people who are disturbingly determined to have a problem with stuff that other people like or talking creatures with animal ears, here's a great web comic people may not have seen, because it is teh evil furre and y'know, stuff like that doesn't get linked in decent, wholesome places like a gaming forum:



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Justin Bailey said:
FortNinety. . .dude, they're just cats.

Yeah, where did this furry thing come from? They're just cats with clothes, its kinda hard to do a lot of video game satire without making the characters where costumes. Just because the cats are wearing Metal Gear Solid costumes doesn't make them furries...

How did some of you survive childhood if talking animals bothered you so much? :p

*bails out of thread*


Tag of Excellence
I was going to get into this debate but then I noticed the absolute insanity of FortNinety's comments and realized it's utterly pointless. The main point of his disgust with furries (and VG cats as well) has merit and I can both understand and respect it but the logic is out the window.

FortNintety said:
It happens to star two anthropomorphic characters for zero reason.
You're absolutely right, it doesn't seem to make sense so it's worthless. God forbid any comic that follows a strict regime of logic.

Oh and I hate sexualized Furries with a passion, hell I even hate the group that get off on it. I'm not going on a crusade to stop them, they can do what they please but it still utterly disgusts me.

aoi tsuki

The first time i heard the word "furry" used was in the early nineties on an anime BBS. One of the message boards was something like "Furries only", and being curious, i entered it. There were also a couple of furry MUDs (FurryMUCK?) that i'd occasionally visit. In the public area, it was hardly sexual at all, mostly people who were acting out the fantasy of being a furry, often doing everyday activities like you would in real life.
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