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New VG Cats


Tag of Excellence
aoi tsuki said:
The first time i heard the word "furry" used was in the early nineties on an anime BBS. One of the message boards was something like "Furries only", and being curious, i entered it. There were also a couple of furry MUDs (FurryMUCK?) that i'd occasionally visit. In the public area, it was hardly sexual at all, mostly people who were acting out the fantasy of being a furry, often doing everyday activities like you would in real life.
There is (was?) a very popular MMO called Furcadia that hardly had any tinge of sexualization and allowed the user to play an RPG (albeit an incredibly shitty one) and interact with hundreds of other users as a Furry. I'm positive there were seedy parts of the game with heavy sex (like any other MMO) but overall it was a decent game in terms of subject matter that allowed Furry-fans to simply play a game they all wished for.

That's great, hell I applaud people for creating games with a niche audiance in mind.
Jesus Christ, this thread is still going on? Anyhow...

xsarien said:
Except that this isn't a video game. VG Cats needs to learn the simple art of getting to the point. Draw a joke on for too long, either just for the sake of it or to make sure EVERYONE gets it, and it kills everything.

It's why when PA is funny, it's very funny. The art of telling a good joke doesn't come pre-packaged with the art of drawing a (web)comic.

Nikashi said:
Yeah, but VGCats tends to throw in a few extra jokes into the extra panels as well, so it's like you have one MAIN punchline, then a few little extra jokes in the middle. The art itself is the joke sometimes (with the awesome expressions that he draws), and I personally really like the flow and hope he maintains the length.

And I'm also a huge PA fan, so I have no qualms with the 3 panel format, since they're really funny, I just like seeing options, especially as I said before with most comics sharing a similar format. And as for it not being a video game, that's true, but with a readership that has got to be 90% video game fans, it's appropriate.

While Nikashi brings up some good points, I have to side with xsarien on this one. No matter what the target audience, you need to effectively tell your joke or story for maximum impact. I'm not one for absolute rules, like a comic strip needs to have X amount of panels, but generally speaking, the shorter the better. The hardest part is not coming up with the joke, but telling it. And timing is with everything in comedy. The thing that irks me about VG Cats is that it tries too hard.

Of course, it doesn't help that the main punchline is not at all funny, let alone all the extra "jokes". Plus, I will admit to only seeing the comic when it's here on the forum, but those "awesome" expressions all seem way too derivative and similar to me.

BTW, just because I hate on VG Cats does not make me a Penny Arcade fan, which I stated earlier, but a lot of people are taking the time to read what I have to say. Cast in point...

Grizzlyjin said:
How did some of you survive childhood if talking animals bothered you so much? :p

... I know Grizzlyjin is joking, but I hope at least some of you see my point.

As for the over-sexualized of things, that's my biggest beef with PA. Using sex is the cheapest form of getting laughs, and they abuse that fact way too often.

Also, I think it's been inferred that since I A) Am creeped out by over-sexualization of furries, B) Don't like VG Cats, that therefore I C) believe VG Cats to be over-sexualized, which I never once stated. Get your facts straight people.

AniHawk said:
No, I take it back. You're the disturbed one.

I've said this a thousand times, but I love how overly sensitive some of you people are. Does it drive you that crazy that I don't like this fucking comic strip?!


Furries are a disgrace to all mankind and should be destroyed. That said, I hardly ever find VG Cats funny, probably one of the worst webcomics I've read.
AniHawk said:
The irony is strong with this one.

Well yeah, you know what, this is true, but did I call you disturbed? No. I don't mind being called an asshole or whatnot, but disturbed is a bit different and I just feel it needs to be addressed.

If it makes you happy to believe I am indeed disturbed to feel the way I do (and at least I've given supporting reasons) then fine, but call me that in a public forum, and you had better expect a response.


FortNinety said:
Well yeah, you know what, this is true, but did I call you disturbed? No. I don't mind being called an asshole or whatnot, but disturbed is a bit different and I just feel it needs to be addressed.

If it makes you happy to believe I am indeed disturbed to feel the way I do (and at least I've given supporting reasons) then fine, but call me that in a public forum, and you had better expect a response.

Well you obviously are disturbed by furries, no? All those rants would point to "yes."

And it's not even that. It's you implying I might like furries ("overly sensitive" ring a bell?) when I just found your hate for them particularly puzzling. You made it sound like VGCats was unfunny because it used anthromorphic cat creatures, which to me made no sense whatsoever.


President/Creative Director of Grumpyface Studios


Grizzlyjin said:
How did some of you survive childhood if talking animals bothered you so much? :p

Don't you know? Some of us on the Internet came out of the womb already at 25 years of age and armed with the knowledge of the world. We have no need for childhoods or learning of opinions different from our own!
AniHawk said:
Well you obviously are disturbed by furries, no? All those rants would point to "yes."

And it's not even that. It's you implying I might like furries ("overly sensitive" ring a bell?) when I just found your hate for them particularly puzzling. You made it sound like VGCats was unfunny because it used anthromorphic cat creatures, which to me made no sense whatsoever.

Well I apologize for inferring that you like furries, if you in fact don't. Though with all the defensiveness going on, it's hard not to make that mistake.

And as I keep saying, no one seems to listen what I have to say, but as I said before, I hate lame video game humor, plus most web comics, so plus those two, with the combination of furries is going to get my ire.

MrCheez said:

Thanks, I love you too. But that doesn't mean I'm going to have sex with you.

Meatpuppet said:
Best. Tag. Ever

Damn straight.

Justin Bailey

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FortNinety said:
And as I keep saying, no one seems to listen what I have to say, but as I said before, I hate lame video game humor, plus most web comics, so plus those two, with the combination of furries is going to get my ire.
So why did you bother clicking the topic in the first place?


(more a nerd than a geek)
I'm getting the vague idea that someone in this thread may have rejoiced at the cancellation of Sam & Max.
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