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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!



Trying to muster the courage to post this to facebook...so I guess I'll start here.
Amazing work, man.
Good to hear everyone's keeping at it. Haven't had much to say because it's been pretty routine for me.

Tonight was my last weigh-in before Thanksgiving and the holiday eating. I've seen that since I started doing this whole thing back in March, I've lost just about 50 pounds. Old clothes are feeling looser on me and I'm seeing a bit of results in my face.

Think I can withstand the next month and a half, and I'm sure the months after New Year's will be a new stretch to lose a bit more before graduation next May. I'm feeling very motivated still and have logged in at least 175 days in MFP.

Once again, I give you guys my thanks. Wouldn't have started this if not for this thread!
I'm going to eat so much food this week. I plan to run my ass off tomorrow, Wednesday, Friday Saturday and Sunday. If I can run over 30 miles this week, it might compensate for what I plan to do to my body on Thursday.


I might do a Thursday morning weigh in before the food season begins.

I shouldnt be too bad off this holiday as even on cheat days I have only really eaten 2k calories. The goal is minimizing the # of those days.

The lack of sunlight and the season is killing my outdoor exercise prospects. At least i put the Netflix subscription to use when exercising indoors.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I might do a Thursday morning weigh in before the food season begins.

I shouldnt be too bad off this holiday as even on cheat days I have only really eaten 2k calories. The goal is minimizing the # of those days.

The lack of sunlight and the season is killing my outdoor exercise prospects. At least i put the Netflix subscription to use when exercising indoors.

I'm just not weighing in Christmas week, I'll repair the damage the following week and weigh in then.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I'm glad we don't do Thanksgiving in the UK.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I lost 3 lbs this week which I'm happy with as 2lbs is always my goal. My next goal is to stop being obese on the NHS Bmi calculator, overweight sounds so much better. I need to lose another 12lbs to make that happen, then I'll be less than 20lbs from my original goal. My weight loss app is telling me I've done 61% progress in 38% of the time so I'm well on track to be done in a year. I suspect I may need to lose another 14lbs on top of my original goal though, but we'll see when I get there.


Ate like a mad man on Thursday and Friday and loved every second of it. Had Thanksgiving food for lunch and dinner on Thursday, and then Kansas City barbecue for lunch and more Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner on Friday. Got back on the diet yesterday and weighed myself this morning and lost 0.1 lbs. It seems to have worked out.


I did fine on Thanksgiving.

Definitely went over my desired caloric count Friday and Sat, I was at a weekend getaway with friends. Still under TDEE on both days according to my best guesses and I still walked 5K both days.


Guys, i need help.
I want to loose weight. Right now i am at 100 kg. Luckily, i don't look as heavy as i am, but i'm not happy with my weight. The bad thing is, no matter how much i want to loose weight, i can't get myself to do anything. Do you have any Tipps and helps to overcome myself?

I would really appreciate this, because i need it :/


Guys, i need help.
I want to loose weight. Right now i am at 100 kg. Luckily, i don't look as heavy as i am, but i'm not happy with my weight. The bad thing is, no matter how much i want to loose weight, i can't get myself to do anything. Do you have any Tipps and helps to overcome myself?

I would really appreciate this, because i need it :/
  • Start small and work up from there; easiest way to lose is probably exercising more and eating better, try doing a bit of both. Could you possibly be walking to work instead of driving? Can you go take walks in the evening after work? Do you eat a lot of junk food? Could you manage to eat less of it?
  • Logging calories has helped me put things in perspective, in particular in terms of what food does what and how much (or how little) exercice has an impact,
  • Whatever you do, try to do things you can stick with and look at it as a transition towards a long lasting healthier way of life. If you think in terms of short term diet it very often doesnt work.
If you need help on nutrition, look up this thread.
I did fine on Thanksgiving.

Definitely went over my desired caloric count Friday and Sat, I was at a weekend getaway with friends. Still under TDEE on both days according to my best guesses and I still walked 5K both days.


I did pretty well too, but I'll have to double check with the scale at Weight Watchers on Wednesday to make sure. (I just bought the #1 selling bathroom scale from Amazon a week ago and I hope its pretty close accuracy wise.)



I did pretty well too, but I'll have to double check with the scale at Weight Watchers on Wednesday to make sure. (I just bought the #1 selling bathroom scale from Amazon a week ago and I hope its pretty close accuracy wise.)

As long as the scale is sturdy and your feet fit on it well it should be good to go. I had to find a big one for my Sasquatch feet.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I had a big dinner today so I couldn't have any snacks in the evening like I normally do and I'm starving. This just reinforces the need to spread out your calories.


  • Start small and work up from there; easiest way to lose is probably exercising more and eating better, try doing a bit of both. Could you possibly be walking to work instead of driving? Can you go take walks in the evening after work? Do you eat a lot of junk food? Could you manage to eat less of it?
  • Logging calories has helped me put things in perspective, in particular in terms of what food does what and how much (or how little) exercice has an impact,
  • Whatever you do, try to do things you can stick with and look at it as a transition towards a long lasting healthier way of life. If you think in terms of short term diet it very often doesnt work.
If you need help on nutrition, look up this thread.

Thanks for the hints, I'll try to do this :)


Hit 25 pounds lost this morning, after only 7 weeks and two days. Hopefully gonna hit my 30 pound loss goal by next Friday, the 12th. Nothing stops this train!


So my year of re building myself sort of wrapped up yesterday in a very cool way. I lost a total of 106 pounds in about 7.5 months and I used a weight loss service here in the Twin Cities called Medifast. So while they have thousands and thousands of clients my weight loss was so fast and went so well I was asked to be in a commercial for the company.

So yesterday I shot the commercial and it was pretty damn awesome and a great experience. It was just about a year to the date that I saw a Medifast commercial in late 2013 and made the choice to go in and here I am a year later shooting one for next year.

It went so well that the president of the company actually tried to set me up with her daughter at the end... I had to decline as I have also recently begun dating an amazing beautiful woman so all in all.. one HELL of a year it has been.

Here are a couple pictures from the set... Those of you who are thinking about dropping weight... commit to it and amazing things can happen!..

So my year of re building myself sort of wrapped up yesterday in a very cool way. I lost a total of 106 pounds in about 7.5 months and I used a weight loss service here in the Twin Cities called Medifast. So while they have thousands and thousands of clients my weight loss was so fast and went so well I was asked to be in a commercial for the company.

So yesterday I shot the commercial and it was pretty damn awesome and a great experience. It was just about a year to the date that I saw a Medifast commercial in late 2013 and made the choice to go in and here I am a year later shooting one for next year.

It went so well that the president of the company actually tried to set me up with her daughter at the end... I had to decline as I have also recently begun dating an amazing beautiful woman so all in all.. one HELL of a year it has been.

Here are a couple pictures from the set... Those of you who are thinking about dropping weight... commit to it and amazing things can happen!..


Hugo Weaving? Did you use a time machine bro?

Just kidding! Congrats on your weight loss. :)

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I saw your post on Reddit. Hopefully I can make my own one day but still got a ways to go.
Awesome work everyone!

Well after 7.5 months I am done with the Weight Loss phase of my program. Ended up being down exactly 100 pounds and a total of 150 since 2010. I am about 10 pounds away from my high school weight and I am about to turn 37.

Going from a pant size of 48 to 34 is pretty amazing. I kept one pair of those pants as a reminder. I am back in the gym as I lost the weight all by eating differently so did not have the calories in me to work out. So back to running for the first time in 20 years but it feels great.

Also love the confidence I feel and the looks I get which are more based on (I hope) hes cute rather than look at that fat ass. At least that is how your mind thinks when you are big.

Anyone still dealing with it keep it up! I used a weight management company where I went in every week and paid for 2 years of counseling and they were fantastic. I live alone and away from my family which could have made this impossible but it was a fantastic help to have them in my life and I will continue to go to them for the next year as I maintain.

I do not have many before pictures.. I had posted a couple months ago but I am now 20+ more pounds down so here is the one comparison I have...

350 on the left.. 200 on the right. I am 6"3


Good luck to all of you who are going through this journey.. the payoff is worth it. PM me if you ever struggle.. many of us here have gone through this and can help you.

You man.. you and me. I get this so much. I struggle with this at times. You drop all this weight and in your mind you have this image of what you should look like and what you see might look worse than when you were filled out. I am personally just working out for the next year and if the skin does not snap back I will consider getting it removed.

But what I can tell you is I get it.. I so get it!

New comparison. Having a hard time losing my last 20 lbs.



Trying to muster the courage to post this to facebook...so I guess I'll start here.

So my year of re building myself sort of wrapped up yesterday in a very cool way. I lost a total of 106 pounds in about 7.5 months and I used a weight loss service here in the Twin Cities called Medifast. So while they have thousands and thousands of clients my weight loss was so fast and went so well I was asked to be in a commercial for the company.

So yesterday I shot the commercial and it was pretty damn awesome and a great experience. It was just about a year to the date that I saw a Medifast commercial in late 2013 and made the choice to go in and here I am a year later shooting one for next year.

It went so well that the president of the company actually tried to set me up with her daughter at the end... I had to decline as I have also recently begun dating an amazing beautiful woman so all in all.. one HELL of a year it has been.

Here are a couple pictures from the set... Those of you who are thinking about dropping weight... commit to it and amazing things can happen!..


I always enjoy seeing these kinds of transformations. It's powerful inspiration.

Well done in regards to your accomplishments.


So my year of re building myself sort of wrapped up yesterday in a very cool way. I lost a total of 106 pounds in about 7.5 months and I used a weight loss service here in the Twin Cities called Medifast. So while they have thousands and thousands of clients my weight loss was so fast and went so well I was asked to be in a commercial for the company.

So yesterday I shot the commercial and it was pretty damn awesome and a great experience. It was just about a year to the date that I saw a Medifast commercial in late 2013 and made the choice to go in and here I am a year later shooting one for next year.

It went so well that the president of the company actually tried to set me up with her daughter at the end... I had to decline as I have also recently begun dating an amazing beautiful woman so all in all.. one HELL of a year it has been.

Here are a couple pictures from the set... Those of you who are thinking about dropping weight... commit to it and amazing things can happen!..

That is so extremely impressive I think I don't have the words to describe it (at least not in this silly language called English anyways).

I remember checking out your earlier pictures also. You look really good nowadays. It is awesome to see what kind of a difference a year can make. :D

I have myself lost around 49-50 pounds in the last nine months or so (from that it has been only maintaining the last month or two, I am still planning to lose 30-35 pounds more though) and that feels like nothing compared to the people in here. I am so proud of all of you! <3


Here's me, apologies for shitty after pics.
Before pics are from a friend's wedding last year, but they're a fair reflection of my ... erh... state as of March 1rst 2014. After pics from 10 minutes ago, but I've been stable since November 1rst.

Main visible change is... eyesight got worse, need glasses now. ;)


I'm subscribed to that sub-reddit, but I'll think I will make my post once I hit 100 lbs loss (which is by New Years as long as I keep doing well!)

I don't think I will ever be brave enough to post on reddit. GAF maybe. Feel bad mooching off /r/loseit and /r/progresspics for emotional support if I don't though.

I still don't really see mirror progress, only when I look in old pictures. Brains are odd things.

Good luck on your year end goal. I hit mine for the year on Thanksgiving, not that I'm slowing down for December.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck, I gained 2lbs this week. This is the first time I've gained weight since I started. I eat the same food every day so it's not that, and I haven't cheated. I have been slacking on my water intake this week though, sometimes having not even half what I should. It's a really weird feeling to gain weight, I've lost nothing before but to actually gain? Sucks man, really sucks. I need a big loss next week to make up for this.


Fuck, I gained 2lbs this week. This is the first time I've gained weight since I started. I eat the same food every day so it's not that, and I haven't cheated. I have been slacking on my water intake this week though, sometimes having not even half what I should. It's a really weird feeling to gain weight, I've lost nothing before but to actually gain? Sucks man, really sucks. I need a big loss next week to make up for this.

Eh I dont log weight every week. I can still flux up and down 5 lbs due to water weight. If you are sticking to your program, dont let it phase you.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I tend to weigh myself every Saturday when I wake up, when I saw the +2 I was shocked. I've been eating around 1780 calories a day which is what I'm supposed to for a 2lb/week loss so it's not that, the only thing it can be is water retention so I'm hoping for a good loss this week.


I'm really happy, i weighed myself this morning and i'm at 224 lb, and 4 months ago i started with 264 lb. It's been hard but i'm motivated to get to 155 next year, and not so long ago i started walking 5 km per day.

But i need a little help with the macronutrients, i don't know how to balance them for weight loss, should i eat more protein and fat than carbs? that's how i've been losing weight lately but someone told me the other day that's not healthy so i don't know. HALP!


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I'm really happy, i weighed myself this morning and i'm at 224 lb, and 4 months ago i started with 264 lb. It's been hard but i'm motivated to get to 155 next year, and not so long ago i started walking 5 km per day.

But i need a little help with the macronutrients, i don't know how to balance them for weight loss, should i eat more protein and fat than carbs? that's how i've been losing weight lately but someone told me the other day that's not healthy so i don't know. HALP!

Lots of people will tell you lots of different stuff. I can tell you my situation.

A couple years ago I had a really bad back injury. I was basically out of commission for months. I think it was two months where I could barely put on my socks. Lost my job. And bunch of other unfortunate shit happened and I did not respond particularly well to these life challenges. Got faaaat. Well, for me anyway it was quite heavy. Took about a year for my back to recover and it was right around then I started a regimen which was a very aggressive calorie deficit. Long story short I lost about 90 lbs in six months. I did this by counting every damn calorie going in. Never cheating. And just basically committing 100% to the regime. (I understand that this strict approach is not the best recipe for everyone, we're all different) And while I would run 3-5 miles a day with two rest days a week, I do believe it was mostly nutrition that dropped the weight.

Anyway, what I followed was 50% protein, 30% fat, 20-10% carbs. Sometimes I would have more carbs and the split would end up 35/35/30 give or take. And I always try for high fiber. Quest bars a pretty handy in that regard.

That's what I did (and still do, though my calorie intake has increased significantly to compensate for weigh training) and while I won't recommend it (not a doctor, could be the least healthiest thing in the world, idk) I look and feel better than I ever have. Current me could beat the crap while laughing out of highschool me.

Basically my advice would be avoid sugar like it's poison. If you have sugar, try and take it with fiber. You can't have too much protein, and fat isn't really a worry. The thing about fat, in my experience, is that it's calorically expensive. So, if you're on a calorie deficit, it's hard to fit fat in there in a reasonable way just because it's so caloric. It's costs a lot. But I eat high protein and medium fat, and it works for me.

Also, I eat 4-5 times a day. Smaller meals, quite small, but frequently. I don't really have hunger pangs, and honestly I feel completely in control of my appetite and cravings. There was a time when those things ruled me, and they just don't anymore. Now and then I get a want for something, but it passes. These days I can honestly eat whatever the heck I want, but I just choose to stay on the regimen, I feel good.

edit: sorry no pics guys, wasn't very forward thinking. And also I avoided cameras when I was at my heaviest. Just being honest. That was a rough time.


Lots of people will tell you lots of different stuff. I can tell you my situation.

A couple years ago I had a really bad back injury. I was basically out of commission for months. I think it was two months where I could barely put on my socks. Lost my job. And bunch of other unfortunate shit happened and I did not respond particularly well to these life challenges. Got faaaat. Well, for me anyway it was quite heavy. Took about a year for my back to recover and it was right around then I started a regimen which was a very aggressive calorie deficit. Long story short I lost about 90 lbs in six months. I did this by counting every damn calorie going in. Never cheating. And just basically committing 100% to the regime. (I understand that this strict approach is not the best recipe for everyone, we're all different) And while I would run 3-5 miles a day with two rest days a week, I do believe it was mostly nutrition that dropped the weight.

Anyway, what I followed was 50% protein, 30% fat, 20-10% carbs. Sometimes I would have more carbs and the split would end up 35/35/30 give or take. And I always try for high fiber. Quest bars a pretty handy in that regard.

That's what I did (and still do, though my calorie intake has increased significantly to compensate for weigh training) and while I won't recommend it (not a doctor, could be the least healthiest thing in the world, idk) I look and feel better than I ever have. Current me could beat the crap while laughing out of highschool me.

Basically my advice would be avoid sugar like it's poison. If you have sugar, try and take it with fiber. You can't have too much protein, and fat isn't really a worry. The thing about fat, in my experience, is that it's calorically expensive. So, if you're on a calorie deficit, it's hard to fit fat in there in a reasonable way just because it's so caloric. It's costs a lot. But I eat high protein and medium fat, and it works for me.

Also, I eat 4-5 times a day. Smaller meals, quite small, but frequently. I don't really have hunger pangs, and honestly I feel completely in control of my appetite and cravings. There was a time when those things ruled me, and they just don't anymore. Now and then I get a want for something, but it passes. These days I can honestly eat whatever the heck I want, but I just choose to stay on the regimen, I feel good.

edit: sorry no pics guys, wasn't very forward thinking. And also I avoided cameras when I was at my heaviest. Just being honest. That was a rough time.

Thanks for sharing, that was really helpful and now i'm more motivated than before because i was doing what you did (with less exercise) to lose weight, even with the same percentages of macronutrients, i'm gonna keep doing it and start exercising more. Thank you :)


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Thanks for sharing, that was really helpful and now i'm more motivated than before because i was doing what you did (with less exercise) to lose weight, even with the same percentages of macronutrients, i'm gonna keep doing it and start exercising more. Thank you :)

Good luck.

There are lots of ways to get to the target... you do have to understand the science/nutrition side of things to have success (even the best intentions are undermined by what is called "healthy" eating these days -- most of that crap is basically candy masquerading as health food) but I think it's just as important to know yourself, and what your own pitfalls/stumbling blocks are. Be mindful of yourself and your own needs/goals, stay committed to whatever approach you choose, and stay positive.

There were things I wanted in life more than a sandwich or whatever from whatever place (that would just make me feel gross immediately afterward). That's what I'd think about in the early days when cravings were still an issue. Things I wanted more. Like being able to wear clothes/styles I like, feeling healthy and fit, confident.

Eating small, high-protein medium-fat meals frequently throughout the day was probably the main factor in my ability to achieve my original goals (I have new goals now) and Quest bars lol. Fuckin quest bars ahaha.


Good luck.

There are lots of ways to get to the target... you do have to understand the science/nutrition side of things to have success (even the best intentions are undermined by what is called "healthy" eating these days -- most of that crap is basically candy masquerading as health food) but I think it's just as important to know yourself, and what your own pitfalls/stumbling blocks are. Be mindful of yourself and your own needs/goals, stay committed to whatever approach you choose, and stay positive.

There were things I wanted in life more than a sandwich or whatever from whatever place (that would just make me feel gross immediately afterward). That's what I'd think about in the early days when cravings were still an issue. Things I wanted more. Like being able to wear clothes/styles I like, feeling healthy and fit, confident.

Eating small, high-protein medium-fat meals frequently throughout the day was probably the main factor in my ability to achieve my original goals (I have new goals now) and Quest bars lol. Fuckin quest bars ahaha.

You're great, thanks a lot!


I'm really happy, i weighed myself this morning and i'm at 224 lb, and 4 months ago i started with 264 lb. It's been hard but i'm motivated to get to 155 next year, and not so long ago i started walking 5 km per day.

But i need a little help with the macronutrients, i don't know how to balance them for weight loss, should i eat more protein and fat than carbs? that's how i've been losing weight lately but someone told me the other day that's not healthy so i don't know. HALP!
I won't be of much help, but what worked for me was 1) counting calories and staying at a big deficit (without starving myself), 2) limiting (non-fiber) carbs at around 100g/day, (also 3) 45min cardio/day, 6 days a week).

Was keeping an eye on default macros given by fitness pal as I was using it to count calories. I'd typically be around suggested values on sugar and fat, below on proteins (unintentional) and carbs (intentional). So I sort of tried to get more proteins, but in all honesty I never looked into how well adjusted these macros were for me. So, in my case, limiting carbs and calories was enough (with the exercise) to lose quite a bit, I didn't really need to look at macros much, although that certainly could have helped.

Everyone's different, but on 100g of carbs/day I've been plenty healthy, although I've felt like I was running on empty on a cple of occasions when jogging. If you're worried about having crazy unbalanced macros, give fitness pal a shot. There's no telling how well adjusted it'll be to you, but at least it'll give you a rough idea of general levels that someone deemed healthy.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
Yeah myfitnesspal is a daily thing... just so easy especially with the barcode scanner and its nutrition breakdowns.


I won't be of much help, but what worked for me was 1) counting calories and staying at a big deficit (without starving myself), 2) limiting (non-fiber) carbs at around 100g/day, (also 3) 45min cardio/day, 6 days a week).

Was keeping an eye on default macros given by fitness pal as I was using it to count calories. I'd typically be around suggested values on sugar and fat, below on proteins (unintentional) and carbs (intentional). So I sort of tried to get more proteins, but in all honesty I never looked into how well adjusted these macros were for me. So, in my case, limiting carbs and calories was enough (with the exercise) to lose quite a bit, I didn't really need to look at macros much, although that certainly could have helped.

Everyone's different, but on 100g of carbs/day I've been plenty healthy, although I've felt like I was running on empty on a cple of occasions when jogging. If you're worried about having crazy unbalanced macros, give fitness pal a shot. There's no telling how well adjusted it'll be to you, but at least it'll give you a rough idea of general levels that someone deemed healthy.

yeah i downloaded it, it really is great and helps you put things in perspective as it let's you see how much you've eaten in a day. Thanks i think i won't worry too much and just follow the fitness pal macronutrients. Thank you.


I won't be of much help, but what worked for me was 1) counting calories and staying at a big deficit (without starving myself), 2) limiting (non-fiber) carbs at around 100g/day, (also 3) 45min cardio/day, 6 days a week).

Sweet baby Jesus, that's a lot of cardio (2.25hrs a day?), and on a deficit?
December Update: I've just surpassed my 100 lb goal, and I'm currently at 356.4lbs this week. I thought it would take until the end the month but nope, it happened today.

Pleasantly surprised.


Hi Guys, it has been a while since i last posted here, and to be honest i did nothing to fight my Overweight....until today. I just came back from a ~30 Minute Jogging-Session, and even though my left leg hurts like crazy, i feel good right now.

The only bad News is that it needed a pretty big Argument between my Parents and me to go out and run for a bit :/
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