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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


Trying to muster the courage to post this to facebook...so I guess I'll start here.

That's impressive, sir. What did you do?


At about 260ish I carried the weight well. Also think it was because i went to the gym a lot too but past that weight it has started to look bad and also falling away from the gym over the past year really has not helped it too.

See the reason I think that weight would be fine for me it because I was about 170 at that height about 8 years ago when I started to put the weight on.

Ah thats a good way to know. I still have a mesomorph frame even at 6'5", probably a consequence of being that weight during my growth years and my body trying to compensate. On that note if I started crazy lifting routine gimme a few years and I could do a Brock Lesnar cosplay, I would have to slouch though.

I will try and use 2015 to take off the last 30-50 lbs a bit more slowly I think, as soon as I can convince my brain and stomach to eat more calories.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Monthly weigh in:

- 10lbs
- 0.5" waist
- 1.5" chest

I'm happy with that, I gained a little weight over Christmas and stayed the same this week but I had a huge 9lbs loss last week when I was ill (praise the flu). I'm now 17lbs from my original goal but I will no doubt need to lose more than that. Looking at the UK average I need to lose another 4" off my chest and 8" off my waist, although at 6ft 3" I'm not that average so maybe take a couple of inches off that guestimate. I reckon I've got another 4 - 5 months left until I'm happy, I can't wait to buy some new clothes!
Instead of trying to kill myself, I've come to terms with the fact I'm going to be 10--15 lbs heavier during the winter. I lose half the weight with my outdoor activities than I do during the summer and I'm not willing to double my activity or half my consumption.

I need to move to a warmer climate.
Jan. Update:

Currently at 342lbs. Last month at this time was 356.

Lost 14lbs. and at a total weight loss of 114lbs.

(Is there going to be a 2015 weight loss thread?)


Jan. Update:

Currently at 342lbs. Last month at this time was 356.

Lost 14lbs. and at a total weight loss of 114lbs.

(Is there going to be a 2015 weight loss thread?)
Keep at it man. You'll be under 300 in no time.

As for the thread title, should probably just ask a mod to take the year out of it and it'll just be a general weight loss thread. Don't think the last one was for a specific year or anything.
Keep at it man. You'll be under 300 in no time.

As for the thread title, should probably just ask a mod to take the year out of it and it'll just be a general weight loss thread. Don't think the last one was for a specific year or anything.

Thanks for the encouragement!

(I did message a mod, let's see how this goes.)
I'm starting my own weight loss journey now. Or rather I did few days ago. I have been fairly active all my life, always walking or biking around town unless I really needed to take a car/bus. But at the same time for the past ~11 years I have eaten such garbage it's almost unspeakable. There have been seasons where all I did drink was soda, eat out (the most unhealthy shit imaginable and insane portions) ect ect. The good side is that it is surprising how I haven't gotten any fatter than I am and my legs are pretty strong due to being active so upping up the cardio shouldn't be a biggie.

The hardest part is to figure out a plan that works for you of course. Gotta just try stuff and see what works but for now at the beginning of my journey the plan is thus: Going for the 5:2 fasting, tone down carbs+sugar+portions, remove ALL the shit like soda (going 100% water), fast food, candy ect. Zero tolerance for cheat days, no excuses. Every day take a 1+ hour brisk walk (since it's way too slippery over here at this time of year for biking/jogging) and exercise bike twice a day with 10km distance adding 0.1km every day (going for 10.5 today). I need to get new batteries for my scale so I can weigh myself (a little scared to do this but seeing the progress is good for motivation). Weigh myself every week and see how it is working for me after a few months.

The thing that motivates me the most is that I know I can do it since I did it once before when I was in the army. I just didn't keep it up afterwards so naturally all the weight came back. I'm also super pumped to do this at the moment. There is no doubt in my mind I can do this. Maybe I should take some pictures now and see how it progresses.
I've been making half hearted attempts to lose weight the past few years, but overall ending up falling off from a bad few days. I've felt so horribly the past few weeks, but now that I'm back at school I'm ready to try this again.

At the time of posting this, I'm 369lbs. I hope I can make it to at least 300 by next year, but for now I'm just aiming for some progress. My first step's gonna be gradually decreasing my meal portions and cutting out soda altogether. When spring hits, I'm gonna start walking daily.

Does anyone use MyFitnessPal? I'm gonna start using it and wanted to add some people on here to keep each other motivated.


Thanks for the encouragement!

(I did message a mod, let's see how this goes.)
Worked, thanks. :)

I'm starting my own weight loss journey now. Or rather I did few days ago. I have been fairly active all my life, always walking or biking around town unless I really needed to take a car/bus. But at the same time for the past ~11 years I have eaten such garbage it's almost unspeakable. There have been seasons where all I did drink was soda, eat out (the most unhealthy shit imaginable and insane portions) ect ect. The good side is that it is surprising how I haven't gotten any fatter than I am and my legs are pretty strong due to being active so upping up the cardio shouldn't be a biggie.

The hardest part is to figure out a plan that works for you of course. Gotta just try stuff and see what works but for now at the beginning of my journey the plan is thus: Going for the 5:2 fasting, tone down carbs+sugar+portions, remove ALL the shit like soda (going 100% water), fast food, candy ect. Zero tolerance for cheat days, no excuses. Every day take a 1+ hour brisk walk (since it's way too slippery over here at this time of year for biking/jogging) and exercise bike twice a day with 10km distance adding 0.1km every day (going for 10.5 today). I need to get new batteries for my scale so I can weigh myself (a little scared to do this but seeing the progress is good for motivation). Weigh myself every week and see how it is working for me after a few months.

The thing that motivates me the most is that I know I can do it since I did it once before when I was in the army. I just didn't keep it up afterwards so naturally all the weight came back. I'm also super pumped to do this at the moment. There is no doubt in my mind I can do this. Maybe I should take some pictures now and see how it progresses.
Going ultra strict with no cheat days will definitely get you results, but don't make yourself miserable. That is a surefire way to fall off the bandwagon.

You also don't need to kill yourself on cardio like that. I'd always recommend mixing in more weight lifting instead of just pure cardio. When losing weight, you're going to be burning both fat and muscle. If you lift weights(and eat a good amount of protein), you will significantly improve the ratio of fat being burned rather than muscle.

I've been making half hearted attempts to lose weight the past few years, but overall ending up falling off from a bad few days. I've felt so horribly the past few weeks, but now that I'm back at school I'm ready to try this again.

At the time of posting this, I'm 369lbs. I hope I can make it to at least 300 by next year, but for now I'm just aiming for some progress. My first step's gonna be gradually decreasing my meal portions and cutting out soda altogether. When spring hits, I'm gonna start walking daily.

Does anyone use MyFitnessPal? I'm gonna start using it and wanted to add some people on here to keep each other motivated.
MyFitnessPal is fantastic and should be something anybody interested in nutrition or weight loss should have.

Realising you can bench more than you weigh, pretty dope.
Shit's difficult on a cutting diet, I've found. I can bring my weight down closer to my lift, but getting my lift up higher is a slow process. I bet it does feel good though, congrats.


I put on eight pounds over the Christmas break, which is four weeks. It's a little disheartening. My friend is coming into town this weekend, and we're having a party and going to a basketball game, and going out to dinner. I won't be able to keep on my diet this weekend. Also I've been finding grey hairs and noticed like ten or fifteen this morning, and I'm only 22. I'm kind of freaking out and went to Taco Bell for breakfast this morning. Gotta keep on it.


I put on eight pounds over the Christmas break, which is four weeks. It's a little disheartening. My friend is coming into town this weekend, and we're having a party and going to a basketball game, and going out to dinner. I won't be able to keep on my diet this weekend. Also I've been finding grey hairs and noticed like ten or fifteen this morning, and I'm only 22. I'm kind of freaking out and went to Taco Bell for breakfast this morning. Gotta keep on it.

You dont have to break your diet because of all that. You can still make good choices when you have the gauntlet thrown at you.


The hardest part is to figure out a plan that works for you of course. Gotta just try stuff and see what works but for now at the beginning of my journey the plan is thus: Going for the 5:2 fasting, tone down carbs+sugar+portions, remove ALL the shit like soda (going 100% water), fast food, candy ect. Zero tolerance for cheat days, no excuses. Every day take a 1+ hour brisk walk (since it's way too slippery over here at this time of year for biking/jogging) and exercise bike twice a day with 10km distance adding 0.1km every day (going for 10.5 today). I need to get new batteries for my scale so I can weigh myself (a little scared to do this but seeing the progress is good for motivation). Weigh myself every week and see how it is working for me after a few months.

Obviously, different things work for different people... but I just wanted to say that I think you are setting yourself up for a bad result. You're just trading extreme over eating for extreme denial.


Started a food log. I tried it on my phone and tablet, but those were a pain in the ass. Way easier to buy a notebook, get a nice pen, and simply write down the calories I'm eating. Also it's kinda fun. I like seeing numbers.


Realising you can bench more than you weigh, pretty dope.
Congrats! That is awesome. :D

Going ultra strict with no cheat days will definitely get you results, but don't make yourself miserable. That is a surefire way to fall off the bandwagon.

You also don't need to kill yourself on cardio like that. I'd always recommend mixing in more weight lifting instead of just pure cardio. When losing weight, you're going to be burning both fat and muscle. If you lift weights(and eat a good amount of protein), you will significantly improve the ratio of fat being burned rather than muscle.
I also heartily recommend doing both cardio and weights. What comes to maintaining your future lower weight it is easier the more muscle mass you have left. Muscles burn more energy even if you wouldn't be doing anything, so I strongly advice to do what is in your reach to maintain and even increase the muscle mass. Also weight lifting of course also burns calories so it is just a win-win situation.

And for the days you really need something for you sweet tooth, there is better be an option that you have thought beforehand so you know what to do. I myself go for Quest bars (like every day...).

If someone in here is into lifting or general fitness, feel free to head to FitGAF thread.


I don't have much of a story, but maybe I could be a cautionary tale to some.

At one point I was 13+ something stone and thinking I was fine. I very quickly lost that after changing habits and went down to 11.6ish. I've got a before and after pic; it's not as amazing as the losses in here, but maybe it'll just show what losing a few bits and pieces can do and give a bit of motivation to those who've wanted to shed the chin fat? I dunno.

How do I post a picture in e-mail tags, so that only GAF can see?


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Shit's difficult on a cutting diet, I've found. I can bring my weight down closer to my lift, but getting my lift up higher is a slow process. I bet it does feel good though, congrats.

Yeah. I haven't really gone up in any of my big lifts but I've lost the weight to where I was like "Oh, I weigh less than this now. Cool.

Congrats! That is awesome. :D

Over the past 8 months I've really fattened up. XD I got a different job which isn't going to be so demanding (spent close to 16 hours a day five days a week at this job), and I'm gonna start taking care of my body again. Gonna start walking to get back up to regular jogging, and gonna significantly reduce meat in my diet.


Over the past 8 months I've really fattened up. XD I got a different job which isn't going to be so demanding (spent close to 16 hours a day five days a week at this job), and I'm gonna start taking care of my body again. Gonna start walking to get back up to regular jogging, and gonna significantly reduce meat in my diet.
Just so you know - meat isn't making you fat. Eating too many calories is. You want to eat less calories and you want to make the calories you do eat count.

If your normal diet is anything like the average western diet, you're probably eating a fair amount of fairly nutritionally empty carbs like with most breads, pastas and white rice. These tend to pack more calories than you realize. Meats pack calories as well, but are a great source of protein and healthy fats(yes, fats are healthy) and poultry and fish/seafood are lower calorie than red meats. So maybe cut back on red meat, but cutting back on meat in general isn't necessarily the best idea. If you do eat carbs, try and make them good carbs. Wholewheat breads and pasta, brown rice, sweet potatos, vegetables(obviously), etc. These not only provide more nutritional value, but due to their increased levels of fiber, will keep you full longer. Fiber + protein is really the ultimate formula for warding off hunger. Bad carbs tend to just get processed fairly quickly(into body fat) leaving you full in the very short term, but hungry again soon afterwards.

Just some stuff to think about.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Having a rough time the past two weeks. I was ill and lost 9lbs three weeks ago and since then I've not been able to lose weight, I even put on a lb this week.


I haven't seen much progress. Anything I lost since NYD has kinda reverted due to water weight.

I guess at this point I need to desensitive myself to how fast I am losing due to starting some weight lifting and diminishing returns.

At least I get to see if my thyroid has been backstabbing me, not really looking forward to that needle again though :(


Wow, calorie counting and meticulously writing down EVERYTHING I eat has completely opened my eyes.

Ignore the spelling mistakes, they're not important. :p Before I started my log, I was having 7-8 scoops of chili a day (I made a huge batch), which alone was my full daily allotted amount, and that was just snacking. Now I have the tools and knowledge to be successful. Hope I can do it.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, calorie counting and meticulously writing down EVERYTHING I eat has completely opened my eyes.

Ignore the spelling mistakes, they're not important. :p Before I started my log, I was having 7-8 scoops of chili a day (I made a huge batch), which alone was my full daily allotted amount, and that was just snacking. Now I have the tools and knowledge to be successful. Hope I can do it.

You should make an account on MyFitnessPal.com, it's much easier than pen and paper.


You should make an account on MyFitnessPal.com, it's much easier than pen and paper.

I tried, but I'm not near a computer all the time and I absolutely hate typing all the information in a phone. I just leave the notebook in the kitchen and write it down right then and there. I tried the whole calorie logging software thing and it's just a pain.


I'm sitting here in the parking lot of McDonalds. I just stopped by to get my wife a coffee, but left with two burgers and a fry too. I'm 31 years old and am sitting at 440 pounds. I've got two kids and want to be there when they get married or well I want them to be able to see my get old and not have to think back to when I died overweight. Any way I'm tired of being so over weight and just threw the McDonald's in the trash. I know it's a waste of money, but it's something I had to do. I'll post my picture tomorrow and every week after that. My goal is to drop 200 pounds by next year. I thought about gastrict bypass, but thought maybe I could just do it the old fashion way instead. Sorry for the long post, but I didn't know where else to post it. I've got a gym membership and just don't know what sort of work outs are good or even where to begin.
I'm sitting here in the parking lot of McDonalds. I just stopped by to get my wife a coffee, but left with two burgers and a fry too. I'm 31 years old and am sitting at 440 pounds. I've got two kids and want to be there when they get married or well I want them to be able to see my get old and not have to think back to when I died overweight. Any way I'm tired of being so over weight and just threw the McDonald's in the trash. I know it's a waste of money, but it's something I had to do. I'll post my picture tomorrow and every week after that. My goal is to drop 200 pounds by next year. I thought about gastrict bypass, but thought maybe I could just do it the old fashion way instead. Sorry for the long post, but I didn't know where else to post it. I've got a gym membership and just don't know what sort of work outs are good or even where to begin.

You can do it man. I was 342.. Saw a nutritionist for awhile and right after my weigh-in visits would b-line straight to McDs for a 20 piece and a large fry. I dieted the first 7 months to burn off the first 100.. By then I had enough weight off my knees to run. I now run 20-30 miles /week and lift 3-4 days and am sitting around 210. It's going to really suck at the beginning but it's worth it. You got this.


I'm sitting here in the parking lot of McDonalds. I just stopped by to get my wife a coffee, but left with two burgers and a fry too. I'm 31 years old and am sitting at 440 pounds. I've got two kids and want to be there when they get married or well I want them to be able to see my get old and not have to think back to when I died overweight. Any way I'm tired of being so over weight and just threw the McDonald's in the trash. I know it's a waste of money, but it's something I had to do. I'll post my picture tomorrow and every week after that. My goal is to drop 200 pounds by next year. I thought about gastrict bypass, but thought maybe I could just do it the old fashion way instead. Sorry for the long post, but I didn't know where else to post it. I've got a gym membership and just don't know what sort of work outs are good or even where to begin.
Hey, this is a good place to start! Congratulations - you made the decision, now you just stick to it and make it a routine. We will help you on your way.

If (and when) you need help with your workouts, please check FitGAF

Also tips and advices about food you can find from nutrition thread.

Losing weight is a long journey. Your weight will start to stall once in a while after a certain point. Just stick to it, believe in yourself and what you are doing and you will be golden.



I find food journals really tough if you are always cooking at home. I know it doesn't need to be 100% accurate but some times I feel like I'm not even close. For example tonight I'll be making chicken breast with sweet potato, kale, and broccoli. The sweet potatoes are huge, probably 2/3's larger than what myfitnesspal calls a medium. Same goes for the frozen chicken breast. It says 130 calories per but some can be twice the size of another. Seems like you should just guess and not sweat it but I always hit a plateau at around 200lbs that I can never break through.


I find food journals really tough if you are always cooking at home. I know it doesn't need to be 100% accurate but some times I feel like I'm not even close. For example tonight I'll be making chicken breast with sweet potato, kale, and broccoli. The sweet potatoes are huge, probably 2/3's larger than what myfitnesspal calls a medium. Same goes for the frozen chicken breast. It says 130 calories per but some can be twice the size of another. Seems like you should just guess and not sweat it but I always hit a plateau at around 200lbs that I can never break through.

You need a scale.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
A digital food scale is a must if you're serious about losing weight. I plug all my homemade recipes into MFP so I know exactly what I'm eating, once you've done it once it only takes 2 minutes a day to log all your food. If you're honest with what you're eating and log everything you will lose weight.


A digital food scale is a must if you're serious about losing weight. I plug all my homemade recipes into MFP so I know exactly what I'm eating, once you've done it once it only takes 2 minutes a day to log all your food. If you're honest with what you're eating and log everything you will lose weight.
I admit I have actually weighted my food only on one day last spring when I wanted to generally know how much I was consuming. After that I haven't.

I know I haven't been losing as much as most people in here, but I am generally quite happy that I have lost around 50 pounds under a year and that my body composition is way more healthy because also working out and lifting at the same time.

After that weight loss I am aware I should recalculate my intake and get back on track diet wise, since I am now maintaining. I am not too worried about it though. Even if I still weight a ton I can use M size clothing now. I will continue losing fat and getting more toned, but it will come with time.

What works for one doesn't work for all. I myself didn't like the idea of weighting everything daily and putting it into an app, but I was none the less very aware of what I ate.


I've always found counting calories and keeping a few journal futile.

I think its mostly a way of giving awareness may or may not be helpful depending on the person. The online apps are nice because they are community based and making the effort with other people is another beneficial dimension entirely.

I admit I have actually weighted my food only on one day last spring when I wanted to generally know how much I was consuming. After that I haven't.

I know I haven't been losing as much as most people in here, but I am generally quite happy that I have lost around 50 pounds under a year and that my body composition is way more healthy because also working out and lifting at the same time.

After that weight loss I am aware I should recalculate my intake and get back on track diet wise, since I am now maintaining. I am not too worried about it though. Even if I still weight a ton I can use M size clothing now. I will continue losing fat and getting more toned, but it will come with time.

What works for one doesn't work for all. I myself didn't like the idea of weighting everything daily and putting it into an app, but I was none the less very aware of what I ate.

Yeah it definitely does not work for everyone. Its pretty easy to take a stab at though. I still eyeball most things I put in and I generally worry about under-eating more than going over if I was not counting, apparently I just tend to be conservative in estimating.

A digital food scale is a must if you're serious about losing weight. I plug all my homemade recipes into MFP so I know exactly what I'm eating, once you've done it once it only takes 2 minutes a day to log all your food. If you're honest with what you're eating and log everything you will lose weight.

Well its certainly nice to have if you are going to try and track calories. I can still guess on a few things but once I get to complex recipes having the scale is nice.


Having a rough time the past two weeks. I was ill and lost 9lbs three weeks ago and since then I've not been able to lose weight, I even put on a lb this week.
I'm sure you felt excited at the prospect of losing 9lbs while being ill, but 'if it sounds too good to be true', ya know? Most of that was likely dehydration. We tend to sweat more when sick. And if you've been able to keep that weight off(minus a pound), then really, what's to be worried about? That's still 8lbs lost in 3 weeks!

A digital food scale is a must if you're serious about losing weight. I plug all my homemade recipes into MFP so I know exactly what I'm eating, once you've done it once it only takes 2 minutes a day to log all your food. If you're honest with what you're eating and log everything you will lose weight.
If you want to get really precise with everything, I suppose. I never quite go that far. I also never eat to a really strict calorie deficit, either. I basically eyeball things and am happy with a roughly figured 1400-1600 calories. If I'm plus or minus 100 calories or so(or even a bit more), aint no big deal.


Wow, calorie counting and meticulously writing down EVERYTHING I eat has completely opened my eyes.

Ignore the spelling mistakes, they're not important. :p Before I started my log, I was having 7-8 scoops of chili a day (I made a huge batch), which alone was my full daily allotted amount, and that was just snacking. Now I have the tools and knowledge to be successful. Hope I can do it.

I just began calorie counting after a year of working out at least 3 times weekly. Before I started counting, I never thought of myself as an overeater, but I definitely was in terms of calories.


I think I was always aware I was eating too much but now that I am measuring I apparently overestimate weights and measures pretty badly.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I think I was always aware I was eating too much but now that I am measuring I apparently overestimate weights and measures pretty badly.

So many hidden/empty calories in things too... things you wouldn't expect to be calorie rich and sometimes the stuff you wouldn't even think to count hit the hardest. Like toppings or condiments.

Pretty scary the calories in a damn plain bagel. Not even anything on it... you could eat 2-3 entire freaking cantaloupes or a watermelon for the calories in a bagel.

A few weeks ago I started counting my calories and getting off my ass and doing some physical activity (walking so far). In November I was around 265, which was my highest in the last 3-4 months. This morning I was down to 258. My current goal is to get under 250 and then after that 225.


Hey folks, I've lurked on GAF for years but only really started posting recently. Just came across this thread and it seems like s great place for support and advice. I'm a 33 year old guy, 6'5", and currently weigh 136kg. I started using MyFitnessPal a couple of months ago and I'm finding it invaluable in helping me lose weight. I'm not sure what my heaviest weight may have been as I've avoided scales most of my life, but I do know my heaviest recorded weight at a doctors appointment about 18 months ago was 154kg. When I started using MFP I was around 145, so I'm down 9kg using it so far. I've also just rejoined the gym and I'm trying to get there at least 3 times a week, doing both cardio and weights.

I truly had no concept of how much I was overeating by as I've always had a fairly reasonable diet (albeit with a weakness for takeaway) and I cut out regular sodas when I was diagnosed with diabetes, but it's clear my portions were way out of whack, not to mention I didn't consider how many calories were in the alcohol I was drinking too. Using a calorie calculator to work out what I was eating to be maintaining 145kg+ was actually a huge shock.

So yeah, that's a little about me. I was hoping for a bit of advice on a few things. Hope you don't mind being bombarded with questions, and apologies if it's a bit rambling...

When using MFP, do people usually eat the calories "earned" through exercise, or stick to their target calories only? Is it ok to eat those calories?

I was also wondering about how many calories I'm eating - I set a goal of 0.8kg lost per week in MFP with activity set at sedentary (desk job), and target weight 100kg (I've not really decided a target weight yet, but I want it to be <100kg) and it has me at 2200 calories a day. This seems like a lot compared to what I've seen others posting in here tho? I also just purchased a Fitbit (which hasn't arrived yet) and had a browse of the app setting up my profile etc, and it's telling me 1900 for the same goal, so I'm a bit confused. I guess I'm losing weight tho, so I'm doing something right.

Is it normal for weight to fluctuate a lot in a short period of time? For example I weighed myself 48 hours apart a few days ago and appeared to lose a kilo in that time which seems a lot. I also seemed to put on a kilo last night from the night before, but I was wondering if that was because I'd drank a lot of water before weighing myself? (I also discovered my clothes weigh 2kg while figuring out these fluctuations as I realised I'd taken one reading unclothed and the next clothed. Won't make that mistake again!)

I'm not really doing anything special in terms of *what* I'm eating, just counting the calories and trying to avoid fast food etc. I see loads of posts about macros etc but that just seem so complicated. Similarly I don't know about this whole keto thing as although I'm not, my wife is vegan and won't allow meat in the house, so I was curious if anyone had any vegetarian/vegan diet tips? I'm free to eat meat outside the house but in terms of home cooking I'm a bit limited. Also bearing in mind I'm diabetic so I think intermittent fasting is out. Oh, and I hate eggs (which seem to be a staple in a lot of diets) and mushrooms (which seem to be the basis of so many vegetarian dishes)!

One other thing - I'm absolutely terrified of loose skin if, no WHEN, I shift this weight. Is it avoidable? Is there anything I can do to prevent it? I need to lose the weight regardless but I've seen some documentaries etc about weight loss that had some pretty scary images. Is the only way to stop that to fill the skin with muscle? I already have plenty of stretch marks so I'm guessing the skin won't just snap back. Maybe I'm getting a bit too far ahead of myself...


Will drop pants for Sony.
I did 100lbs in 5 1/2 months, so probably.

When you are heavy enough.

I lost 70 lbs in one summer with minimal exercise. Just altered diet.

I think so. I lost 45lbs in two months, I biked an hour a day and changed my diet. Provided you're large enough, of course, 100lbs in 4 months sounds perfectly doable.

I lost 20lbs a month for the first 5. So if I would have had more exercise and a normal T4 level I can see it being possible.

well damn. i should workout more then

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Also bearing in mind I'm diabetic so I think intermittent fasting is out.

Why? Are your insulin shots timed? If so, then there would definitely be a problem, but if anything intermittent fasting should be a boon to diabetics. Giving your digestive system a break and, more importantly, not spiking blood sugar multiple times a day sounds like a treatment. Obviously you'll want to consult with your doctor, but definitely do some research on it. I think you'll be surprised.

Your dietary restrictions are going to make things difficult for you, but you might want to check out tofu dishes. You can do a lot with it and it's a good source of protein. Maybe look into macadamia nuts and avocados as some fat sources. I imagine cheese and other dairy products are banned in the house, too?


When using MFP, do people usually eat the calories "earned" through exercise, or stick to their target calories only? Is it ok to eat those calories?
Yes, absolutely eat those calories if you want to. At the end of the day, its all about calories in vs calories out. If your normal 'burn rate'(or maintenance level) is 2000 calories a day and you typically eat 1500 calories on your weight loss plan, that's 500 calorie deficit. If you exercise and burn off another 200 calories, your burn rate for the day is 2200 calories, leaving a deficit of 700. So you can eat an extra 200 calories and still have the same 500 calorie deficit you'd have without exercising.

You don't need to, though. You can take the extra deficit if you want. Judge it on how you feel. Maybe you feel you need some extra calories on workout days to maintain intensity. Maybe you tend to get a bit hungry after a workout. Don't be afraid to eat something in these situations. Working out while feeling weak sucks and of course being hungry sucks. A good weight loss plan shouldn't leave you tired or hungry.

I was also wondering about how many calories I'm eating - I set a goal of 0.8kg lost per week in MFP with activity set at sedentary (desk job), and target weight 100kg (I've not really decided a target weight yet, but I want it to be <100kg) and it has me at 2200 calories a day. This seems like a lot compared to what I've seen others posting in here tho? I also just purchased a Fitbit (which hasn't arrived yet) and had a browse of the app setting up my profile etc, and it's telling me 1900 for the same goal, so I'm a bit confused. I guess I'm losing weight tho, so I'm doing something right.
These maintenance level calculators are all only rough estimates. They can never be perfectly accurate as everybody is different, even with people of the same general height and weight.

If you're losing weight, you're on a deficit and that's all you really need to be concerned about. You sound like a bigger guy, so 1900-2200 sounds like a reasonable range. 1900 perhaps even a bit on the light side at your weight. Since your calorie requirements go down as you lose weight, you will eventually get to where you have to eat less to keep progressing, but I imagine it will be hard for you to not lose weight at 6'5" and 1900 calories. Keep it in that 1900-2200 range for a while. Recalculate again in a month or two just to check.

Is it normal for weight to fluctuate a lot in a short period of time? For example I weighed myself 48 hours apart a few days ago and appeared to lose a kilo in that time which seems a lot. I also seemed to put on a kilo last night from the night before, but I was wondering if that was because I'd drank a lot of water before weighing myself? (I also discovered my clothes weigh 2kg while figuring out these fluctuations as I realised I'd taken one reading unclothed and the next clothed. Won't make that mistake again!)
Shit yea, that's normal. Its possible for your weight to fluctuate 2kg's throughout a single waking day. Water weight is definitely the main factor here.

Its for this reason that most people only bother weighing themselves once a week, or every other week. If you do it everyday, its easy to get caught up in the fluctuations and being overly concerned about what appears to be lack of progress in the short term even though you're still losing mass overall. Or conversely, you see a big drop overnight and get excited about it, only to find it goes back up the next day.

Personally, I like weighing everyday. Most people don't. I don't let daily fluctuations bother me, but what I didn't like about weekly weigh-ins was that on that one weigh-in day, perhaps that was a day that was particularly high or particularly low. So it might not be the most representative figure to track my progress. Weighing daily, I can see the fluctuations, but I also see the general trend going down. Its up to you on this.

But yea, I definitely wouldn't recommend wearing clothes while you weigh-in. I mean, underwear, yea, but not shirt and pants or whatever. And try and keep the conditions the same, so basically, the easiest thing to do is weigh yourself right when you wake up, in your underwear each time. That's about as much as you'll ever be able have 'constants' with that. Once you start moving about, drinking water(or whatever else) and eating, things can become more muddled.

I'm not really doing anything special in terms of *what* I'm eating, just counting the calories and trying to avoid fast food etc. I see loads of posts about macros etc but that just seem so complicated. Similarly I don't know about this whole keto thing as although I'm not, my wife is vegan and won't allow meat in the house, so I was curious if anyone had any vegetarian/vegan diet tips? I'm free to eat meat outside the house but in terms of home cooking I'm a bit limited. Also bearing in mind I'm diabetic so I think intermittent fasting is out. Oh, and I hate eggs (which seem to be a staple in a lot of diets) and mushrooms (which seem to be the basis of so many vegetarian dishes)!
Keto is a more extreme sort of diet. Many people cant, or don't want to do it, and that's fine. I wouldn't want to. But the general idea of lowering the amount of carbs you eat, especially bad carbs, is a good idea. If you're used to eating a lot of bread or pasta or rice, maybe try and cut it down to less than 100g a day. If you can get it to less than 50g, even better, but don't make yourself miserable.

Not eating meat definitely makes it hard to get a good amount of protein, and protein is great for sustaining muscle during your weight loss, and it, along with fiber, give you the best long term 'fullness' factor after a meal. I was a vegetarian for about 6 months a long time ago and I honestly ate terribly because I didn't know how to do it properly and so I'm not going to give you any advice myself here, but it is important you try and get a decent amount of protein somehow. Its a shame you hate eggs....

But really, you don't *need* to get all hardcore into all this stuff. It can help make you burn fat quicker and it can help you control hunger and it can help you just generally eat healthier, but losing weight is all about the calories at the end of the day. Eat on a deficit and you're going to lose weight. No two ways about it.

One other thing - I'm absolutely terrified of loose skin if, no WHEN, I shift this weight. Is it avoidable? Is there anything I can do to prevent it? I need to lose the weight regardless but I've seen some documentaries etc about weight loss that had some pretty scary images. Is the only way to stop that to fill the skin with muscle? I already have plenty of stretch marks so I'm guessing the skin won't just snap back. Maybe I'm getting a bit too far ahead of myself...
Probably something other people are more knowledgeable about, but I do know that not everybody has the same degree of problem with loose skin. You're 6'5", so it may not be as bad as you think. And having stretch marks isn't necessarily an automatic sign that you'll have a bunch of loose skin(though it may be an indication). I think you're right that you're getting ahead of yourself there and you need to lose the weight first and see where you're at.
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