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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


A broken game release, in this day and age!!!!! /s

Good work on getting down another shirt size.
XL's are in your future, just keep on working at it.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I still feel like a 300lb man, I constantly feel like people are looking at me when in reality I'm very average these days, certainly not worth a second look because of my size. And I'm still not used to wearing clothes that are slim fit, baggy feels safe. I guess it'll take time for my brain to catch up to my body. I have no idea how to dress either, my fashion sense is less than zero. Once I lose another 10 - 15lbs it'll be time to get some nice clothes, for now I just bought some no brand cheap stuff to get me by. I have missed out on so many of lifes pleasures because of my obesity so life really is going to start at 30 for me.


I still feel like a 300lb man, I constantly feel like people are looking at me when in reality I'm very average these days, certainly not worth a second look because of my size. And I'm still not used to wearing clothes that are slim fit, baggy feels safe. I guess it'll take time for my brain to catch up to my body. I have no idea how to dress either, my fashion sense is less than zero. Once I lose another 10 - 15lbs it'll be time to get some nice clothes, for now I just bought some no brand cheap stuff to get me by. I have missed out on so many of lifes pleasures because of my obesity so life really is going to start at 30 for me.

Getting fashion sense for me was basically dropping the cargo shorts for normal shorts, dropping flip flops for loafers or sneakers and wearing nicer tshirts or button ups.

Still working on formal attire. I am waiting for the last 15 lbs before I get any big purchases in case something drastic changes. I should be able to drop 1 more pants size, really only 1/2 a size as my work pants are already loose when my belt is tight.

Im basically going to stick to XL as my final shirt size based on shoulder fitment and I have just been getting slim fit down from traditional fit so it looks normal at the waist.

Would really like to get a decent suit or 2 for formal obligations/occasions once i feel like I am settled. 12 more pounds I think will be enough.

I feel like I am relearning a bunch of the social life stuff too, I just like to think of myself as the dark horse appearing fashionably late to that party. Losing weight has definitely opened up more doors, even if before they were only closed in my head.
i recently had problems getting below 192 pounds and i looked over the calorie count information and bumped by carbs up to 151-180g and i broke the plateau.. im now at 184. It seems like the weight is coming off everywhere besides the stomach lol


i recently had problems getting below 192 pounds and i looked over the calorie count information and bumped by carbs up to 151-180g and i broke the plateau.. im now at 184. It seems like the weight is coming off everywhere besides the stomach lol

For me it never looks like the stomach is loosing any fat because of the skin, but it is in reality because im relatively tight around the sides and back so the loss of waistline has to come from somewhere.

Seems like for most guys stomach fat is the first on, last off.

Ive been doing just fine adding back carbs. I am about at 150g-170g on workout days, the other days I cut them back out except for oatmeal, so i get only ~100g on those days, mostly from vegetable matter.


I made some more progress this week. Finally starting to see a noticeable reduction in the stomach and chest this week. Plenty more to be done.


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I made some more progress this week. Finally starting to see a noticeable reduction in the stomach and chest this week. Plenty more to be done.


Good shit, you should measure your chest and waist every month or so as well, it's nice having a record of your progress.


Good shit, you should measure your chest and waist every month or so as well, it's nice having a record of your progress.

I probably should indeed, I'll start doing that from this week on. I find with keeping a record like this, it helps to keep me motivated, a nice reminder at times of what the effort is rewarding you with.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I probably should indeed, I'll start doing that from this week on. I find with keeping a record like this, it helps to keep me motivated, a nice reminder at times of what the effort is rewarding you with.

I do a weekly weigh in, and a monthly weigh in with measurements. I also take photos every 3 months.


It's officially the start of my last summer vacation, and I am fucking determined to lose the last forty pounds that I want to before I start my service-job this October. I woke up at 5:30 and ran three miles this morning. So far so good.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
GJ guys, my weight is up and down so I've started some light exercise hoping to get over this hump, so close yet so far from my goal.
i've been reading about body types and apparently i'm an endomorph. i'm very carb sensitive and i was wondering why my body was always the same. so right now i've basically removed the carbs other than fruits and veggies and eating healthy fats. started sunday. we'll see in 2 weeks if this helps or not.

that and im taking in fiber pills and fat loss. lol.

sassy robot

Neo Member
Oh man, this thread is super timely for me.

A few years back, I lost about 75 pounds and mostly maintained it for the past few years. Flash forward to me getting a job in the game industry, and one year later, I've gained 20 pounds back after all the free food and social drinking at work.

It's still super weird (and depressing :|) to me that I managed to let myself go after all that hard work, so seeing everyone's journeys in this thread was the right kick in the ass I needed.


i've been reading about body types and apparently i'm an endomorph. i'm very carb sensitive and i was wondering why my body was always the same. so right now i've basically removed the carbs other than fruits and veggies and eating healthy fats. started sunday. we'll see in 2 weeks if this helps or not.

that and Im taking in fiber pills and fat loss. lol.

I haven't found any science backing body types having different nutritional requirements. I dont doubt that there are specific builds that fit the endo/meso/ecto reductionism, but that doesnt shoehorn the rest of your lifestyle a specific way.

I think everyone is carb sensitive to high-glycemic carbs unless you are very athletic.
The thing about metabolic disorders is that once you get in the proverbial rut, metabolic syndrome, which then turns to diabetes, you really cant tolerate much carbohydrate at all and you need to dial it way back down to get out.

If you are healthy and active then you can use low-gi carbs in your diet, and you should because they are a preferred energy source for your nervous system and a more direct way of recharging your muscles, compared to the efficiency of ketogenic adaptation.

Carb restriction will definitely make you lose weight, no doubt about it, i dropped a whole person doing that.

Oh man, this thread is super timely for me.

A few years back, I lost about 75 pounds and mostly maintained it for the past few years. Flash forward to me getting a job in the game industry, and one year later, I've gained 20 pounds back after all the free food and social drinking at work.

It's still super weird (and depressing :|) to me that I managed to let myself go after all that hard work, so seeing everyone's journeys in this thread was the right kick in the ass I needed.

Welcome to the club, you can lose that 20 again!
I don't think I'm doing it right guys:


This is what happens when you go from running 3 miles every other day to playing Magic: The Gathering, kids. Don't let it happen to you.

Time to get back on the train. My old coworkers at the nutrition store would be ashamed of me lol


I've let the gym schedule slip a bit for the last couple of weeks and ate more than usual, so the loss has slowed a lot, but it's still coming off - now at 121kg. Also finally bought a new pair of 40" waist jeans - honestly no idea the last time I was able to wear that size. Before uni for sure, so at least 15 years ago. They're taking a bit of of getting used to though, I'm used to having a lot more space in the legs and I often feel like they're too small. The wife keeps telling me that they look great so hopefully it's just my imagination.

Definitely need to step it up at the gym now, we're off on a camping/hiking holiday in early June and we're planning to bag at least 2 munros (so far I've failed at one and managed to make it up one last year - fitness levels are much improved now so no more failures allowed!)


it's 4th of July in my asshole
[QUOTE="God's Beard!";163893247]I don't think I'm doing it right guys:


This is what happens when you go from running 3 miles every other day to playing Magic: The Gathering, kids. Don't let it happen to you.

Time to get back on the train. My old coworkers at the nutrition store would be ashamed of me lol[/QUOTE]

Magic the Gathering is pretty awesome though. Shouldn't be to hard to get back into it since you know you are capable.
Back at 230, but a much healither and stronger 230 from last year where I did it solely by dieting. Been exercising every day and I already feel stronger and have far more energy. Still a long way to go from my 180 goal but I know I can do it. I love the way I feel right now even if I'm still over weight I've wanted this kind of energy back for years.


Ah the pains of having well fitted pants, obvious random boner is obvious.

Finally saw some more scale movement, but I'm getting a bit more definition so I think the gym time has been making the number a fudgy metric.


Excellent job bro! You are getting there!

I am constantly surprised/anxious/terrified of my ability to eat 2700 calories a day and still lose weight. Weights + Cardio be crazy. Just different world than when i was doing my no exercise 1500kCal for such a long time.
Excellent job bro! You are getting there!

I am constantly surprised/anxious/terrified of my ability to eat 2700 calories a day and still lose weight. Weights + Cardio be crazy. Just different world than when i was doing my no exercise 1500kCal for such a long time.

I know this feel, I have my calorie tracker app said to "I'm a slouch all day" when I'm far more active in my day job out of paranoia of seeing 2500-2700 calories as my suggested for the day and still losing 1 pound a week


I know this feel, I have my calorie tracker app said to "I'm a slouch all day" when I'm far more active in my day job out of paranoia of seeing 2500-2700 calories as my suggested for the day and still losing 1 pound a week

For me its the sheer amount of food when you are trying to eat clean. I must put down 5 or 6 lbs of food a day.
Time for me to join this thread. I'm at the heaviest I've ever been (280) and basically need to lose 80-100 lbs to get back to my ideal weight. For now I'm going to sleep, but I will post picks and progress updates soon.

My main concern is that I use food to self-sooth and manage my emotions. This makes it difficult to have discipline with it. Is it possible to make up for it through lots of exercise? Or am I just likely to tread water that way...

Anyway, I'm optimistic at the moment and I hope this thread can be an encouragement for when I want to cheat. And congratulations to everyone sharing their progress. It's definitely inspirational to me.

Good night!
Time for me to join this thread. I'm at the heaviest I've ever been (280) and basically need to lose 80-100 lbs to get back to my ideal weight. For now I'm going to sleep, but I will post picks and progress updates soon.

My main concern is that I use food to self-sooth and manage my emotions. This makes it difficult to have discipline with it. Is it possible to make up for it through lots of exercise? Or am I just likely to tread water that way...

Anyway, I'm optimistic at the moment and I hope this thread can be an encouragement for when I want to cheat. And congratulations to everyone sharing their progress. It's definitely inspirational to me.

Good night!

Exercise needs to compliment better eating habits if you really want to lose that much weight and keep it off. I say this as someone who lost 30 pounds last year strictly dieting, stopped dieting, and a year later gained 20 of it back. I'm back at 230 but I feel much stronger and have way more energy then I did last year.

My best advice for you would be to get a calorie counting app like myplate, myfitnesspal, or loseit and start off just by eating how you normally would for a week while tracking calories to get an idea of exactly how much you eat on a normal day. After that you can focus on cutting the excess or replacing bad binge habits with better binge habits like fruits/veggies or doing some kind of exercise.

Its tough and it takes a lot of will power but you can do it if you keep pushing yourself!
Exercise needs to compliment better eating habits if you really want to lose that much weight and keep it off. I say this as someone who lost 30 pounds last year strictly dieting, stopped dieting, and a year later gained 20 of it back.


Its tough and it takes a lot of will power but you can do it if you keep pushing yourself!
That makes sense. I think my starting point will be exercise + cutting out snacks or replacing them with veggies and no more eating after 7pm (what? Eating sanwiches at 10pm each night is NOT good?? :) )


At this point I'm doing exercise mostly for the endorphins and the reality that it makes my brain shut up and focus on something so I actually get some inner peace by doing it. Plus gains, muscles, lower heartrate and all that jazz.

Detaching emotionally from eating is hard if not impossible, but its manageable. Exercise is a good outlet for that emotion.

The easy way to start dieting is to remov all fried foods, and remove all high sugar/fructose/added sugar content from your diet. From there work on portion size control. You can then proceed to look at things like macros and meal timing, which pale in importance to total caloric intake.

Baby steps.
That makes sense. I think my starting point will be exercise + cutting out snacks or replacing them with veggies and no more eating after 7pm (what? Eating sanwiches at 10pm each night is NOT good?? :) )

When you should stop eating depends upon your day. Ideally it should be 4 hours before bed and you should eat something small every 4 hours from the time you wake up till bed. If you wake up at 5am and go to bed at 10pm you should ideally have 4 small meals at 6am, 10am, 2pm, and 6pm.

At this point I'm doing exercise mostly for the endorphins and the reality that it makes my brain shut up and focus on something so I actually get some inner peace by doing it. Plus gains, muscles, lower heartrate and all that jazz.

Detaching emotionally from eating is hard if not impossible, but its manageable. Exercise is a good outlet for that emotion.

The easy way to start dieting is to remov all fried foods, and remove all high sugar/fructose/added sugar content from your diet. From there work on portion size control. You can then proceed to look at things like macros and meal timing, which pale in importance to total caloric intake.

Baby steps.

Going off this

A good rule of thumb my dietician gave was no more then 400 calories at fast food and 550 calories at sit down resturants and thats helped me a ton. Also make sure you take 20 minutes to eat your meal as thats how long it takes your brain to realize you're full. Combine those 2 things with lots of water and you'll be surprised at how little you need to eat to stay full through the day


My main concern is that I use food to self-sooth and manage my emotions. This makes it difficult to have discipline with it. Is it possible to make up for it through lots of exercise? Or am I just likely to tread water that way...

Take two weeks where you eat nothing but meat, non-starchy vegetables, nuts, and a little dairy if you like. Salads with full fat dressing are fine, too. Drink nothing but water or coffee/tea with no sugar. Stevia (liquid not powder) is fine. Don't worry about the calorie count, because your body is going to let you know when you're full (you can still track it if you want, but don't worry about it).

Check your weight before/after.


My main concern is that I use food to self-sooth and manage my emotions. This makes it difficult to have discipline with it. Is it possible to make up for it through lots of exercise? Or am I just likely to tread water that way...

It however will not make a big difference unless you do either long duration or high intensity bouts. Also at the beginning and for a while afterward weight drops off so fast for many people that its hard to track the effect of it. Once you are much closer to your goal then its quite straightforward to increase/decrease your food intake based on your weight loss from the previous few weeks and your hunger levels.

If you are overweight your primary concern with exercise is just to develop the habit and to protect your joints. Swimming, cycling, elliptical and walking are the best(best --> least best) type of things to try.

At some point I would recommend picking up resistance exercises like weightlifting.

I walked a few miles a day, on my worst days and my best to get myself in the habit of doing it. I really cant think of anyone who has reaffirmed their hatred of exercise, most people who I talk to enjoy it recreationally. My previously fat ass can now get a runners high.

sassy robot

Neo Member
Forgive me if this already exists, as I'm new to this thread, but with so many people wanting to lose weight, would it benefit us to do some sort of accountability challenge? Another forum I used to post on used to have a thread like this except they had a community google spreadsheet where people would write their starting weights, goal weights, and then update their weights each month. A lot of us found that, combined with the support of the community, was enough accountability to kick our butts into gear.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Forgive me if this already exists, as I'm new to this thread, but with so many people wanting to lose weight, would it benefit us to do some sort of accountability challenge? Another forum I used to post on used to have a thread like this except they had a community google spreadsheet where people would write their starting weights, goal weights, and then update their weights each month. A lot of us found that, combined with the support of the community, was enough accountability to kick our butts into gear.

I just knocked up a quick spreadsheet, put in your username, starting weight, current weight, goal weight and everything else will be automatically calculated. It should be editable by anyone using this link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17pSkmeBOwo2e_iaaWleJqF_vMX4jw3Rvfz0fkIAHyZk/edit?usp=sharing
Thanks, everyone, for the feedback so far.

My goal right now is to go to the gym consistently (5-6 times per week), to cut out snacks in between meals, and the not eat right before bed.

Thanks for the advice about eating every 4 hours or so - easy guidance, which I like. Also like the advice about not eating 4 hours before bed. So that would make my last food intake around 8PM.

Around 10PM is when the "evil fat crisdecuba" shows up and tries to rationalize with me that I really need food this late, but I'm committed (tonight) to saying no....
Thanks, everyone, for the feedback so far.

My goal right now is to go to the gym consistently (5-6 times per week), to cut out snacks in between meals, and the not eat right before bed.

Thanks for the advice about eating every 4 hours or so - easy guidance, which I like. Also like the advice about not eating 4 hours before bed. So that would make my last food intake around 8PM.

Around 10PM is when the "evil fat crisdecuba" shows up and tries to rationalize with me that I really need food this late, but I'm committed (tonight) to saying no....

And remember, its not the end of the world it you have a bad day or miss a day of exercise. Aim for every day but don't give up after one or two bad days and don't over cheat on a cheat day.


So I finally hit 50 lbs lost last week. April was especially difficult though, between hurting my back and being sick twice but sticking with it.

216 in mid December
164 as of May 6th (I think)

sassy robot

Neo Member
Okay, dudes, you've all inspired me.

Going full low carb (as in, no "cheat days") and cutting out all alcohol for a month, as well as eating at a reasonable calorie deficit. I had a weekend of binging on pizza, chips, and ramen, and when I woke up today, the scale said 155 and I almost cried.

For those of you who did low carb/keto, how did you adjust to the initial sluggishness? Last time I tried it, I got decent results for the brief time I did it, but the first two weeks had me feeling perpetually like shit.


So not worth it
Okay, dudes, you've all inspired me.

Going full low carb (as in, no "cheat days") and cutting out all alcohol for a month, as well as eating at a reasonable calorie deficit. I had a weekend of binging on pizza, chips, and ramen, and when I woke up today, the scale said 155 and I almost cried.

For those of you who did low carb/keto, how did you adjust to the initial sluggishness? Last time I tried it, I got decent results for the brief time I did it, but the first two weeks had me feeling perpetually like shit.

My advice?

Don't do anything "for a month."

Evaluate your intake and adjust your eating patterns permanently. If you struggle at the start, then don't do a radical change for a short while. Ease into it, decrease your intake gradually, change what you eat and when you eat it, find things you like instead of things you feel you "should" eat to adhere to some kind of diet. Pick something you can do all year rather than something that you get sick of in a month, you'll just end up falling back into your old pattern and regaining whatever you lose over this month.


Update time. Currently down 45 lbs since late February. Fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years. Nearly got emotional wearing a shirt and jeans that I thought would never fit again. Still want to lose another 40 lbs, but I'm confident.

I want to thank everyone here for all the support. This place can be damn brutal sometimes, but when it counts, gaf has a big heart and it means a lot. Your kindness and words of encouragement are saving my life.






So not worth it
Looking good. Lost an entire chin, well done!

I grew a beard before I lost my weight, so I never actually really saw myself losing my double chin, I feel kind of bad about that. :D
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