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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
You lost your belly crease, congrats!


You lost your belly crease, congrats!
Just in the pic. I'd probably been sitting down a little bit before those other shots, but I definitely still have it...

Solid progress. You should be proud of yourself! Great work! :D
Thanks. :)

Great stuff man. What's your end goal?
160-165 or so probably. I want to get down to a somewhat lean state, then I'll probably put on *some* muscle, and cut again. Not sure what I'll end up in the end. I've been relatively fit before, but I've never gone for the beach body look or anything, so we'll see!

Awesome job man! What is your workout?
I think its on the previous page. High protein/low-ish carb(<50g) diet.


How's your energy level with carbs so low?
Great. But really, this is something I've always been good with. I don't drink coffee or soda or tea or energy drinks or anything and I've just generally never had energy problems. So I might not be the most typical of examples.


Neo Member
So I've lost 25 lbs and now having trouble with clothes. Today in particular was bad as my shorts kept falling down. Going to get a new belt later as mine is already too big. Any suggestions on when to get new clothes? I'm thinking of trying the Goodwill in town as it would be pretty cheap for clothes I won't wear that long anyway.


So I've lost 25 lbs and now having trouble with clothes. Today in particular was bad as my shorts kept falling down. Going to get a new belt later as mine is already too big. Any suggestions on when to get new clothes? I'm thinking of trying the Goodwill in town as it would be pretty cheap for clothes I won't wear that long anyway.
Outlets and Goodwill are both good for temp stuff.


Hm. Weight keeps bouncing back and forth between 218 and 219 but I'm noticeably thinner. It's pretty amazing actually. I Went from my belt almost not fitting to almost being 3 holes in.

Less than a month to go before I maintain this

And then 3 more months of weight loss


April Update (while using my new Acer 15 Chromebook):

Currently at 319 lbs, with the current weight loss at 137 lbs! :)

That's a mighty fine achievement.

I weigh in tomorrow morning, a bit anxious after a slightly extended beering session over the long Easter weekend here. Currently 11 pounds down after 4 weeks, hoping to hit the 14 pound mark tomorrow to make it 1 stone off... here's hoping.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Two more weeks to go, hope to lose 4,5 more pounds, then I'd be at my target weight. I've had a general decline over the last few weeks but some fluctuations. Probably depending on water intake since my diet's been pretty consistent.
Went from 240 lbs to 155 last year through December, then progress stopped (just couldn't seem to push it down).. Looked a couple days ago and I'm up at 170 and back up to being a bit overweight. Looks like this is day one!

Time for a before pic, I think. Won't be as impactful as last time, but I don't have pics for then. Maybe will try to grab a face pic from back at 200+ so when I'm done this time I can compare. I'm determined to push it down to where I want it this time, not stopping! :)


Successful week.

3 pounds down this week.

That's day 35 down, and 14 pounds off total. Still a lot of days to go.


time to get back on the wagon so i don't feel like killing myself when i look in the mirror anymore

i've gained close to 2 pant sizes back and i feel disgusting. most of this has to do with me working a full time job with late hours but im not even going to throw excuses around

im going to figure something out. probably going to start with axing the sugar/caffeinated drinks i've been indulging too much in completely


I'm down 30lbs today. Thought my doctor says it's actually 40 based on his last recorded weight. I'm pretty damn proud. 7 more pounds and I'm back in the 2's.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
time to get back on the wagon so i don't feel like killing myself when i look in the mirror anymore

i've gained close to 2 pant sizes back and i feel disgusting. most of this has to do with me working a full time job with late hours but im not even going to throw excuses around

im going to figure something out. probably going to start with axing the sugar/caffeinated drinks i've been indulging too much in completely

I've been there man, hating what I see in the mirror. I still don't like what I see, but I'm not repulsed anymore.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So I lost the 3lbs I gained last week, so we'll pretend my Easter chocolate binge never happened.


Does anyone know how many calories are in a chinese takeout of small steamed chicken with mixed vegetables and brown rice?
Nope. There is no standard ingredient ratio for this and if they're using any sort of sauce at all, that can be different from place to place, too. Just take a rough guess on it and either leave room for a margin of error for the rest of the day or just eat it guilt-free.
September 2014


April 12, 2015


January 2016


still got love handles and lady boobs. but it should be gone by end of year. lol.
very impressive guys, seeing this keeps me motivated so i can achieve this body transformation too. Still on it, week 2 and almost 3 kilos gone. Mostly water weight or whatever it is called but it looks nice on the scale.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Up and down lately, 65 down with 21 to go and I just seem to gain and then lose the same 3lbs over and over.


I've had some solid progress at maintaining and continuing to work out over the last week or two. I desperately want to shred the last forty pounds, but I am happy that I have maintained a sixty pound weight loss for a year-and-a-half.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Up and down lately, 65 down with 21 to go and I just seem to gain and then lose the same 3lbs over and over.

Haha, I know that feel! Try to change things up a bit in your diet, maybe? Or cut down a little bit more for a short while (couple of days)? Or try a day of fasting. Not particularly fun but can get you out of your rut. I was endlessly switching between a bit 57.5 kg and 59 untill I spend a week eating maybe 100-200 calories less then I used to and maintained cardio. I haven't tried fasting for a long time but I think it could also help.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I lost 3lbs this week, and not the same 3lbs I've been juggling, this is the lowest I've been so far, I'm only 4lbs away from my original goal and 18lbs from my current goal.


Small victories... Got a pair of very slim/skinny cut jeans and they fit. They look good. It's such a big boost to my confidence and my continued motivation to be able to do something as simple as buy clothes that are in style, rather than looking for super loose/baggy cut jeans that I could ever only find online and never fit that well.

Also, XL t-shirts are starting to get kind of loose on me. I could probably switch to large, but I think they'd still be too tight. I'm right in that zone where neither is a great fit. Again, more motivation to hammer off a few more pounds.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Small victories... Got a pair of very slim/skinny cut jeans and they fit. They look good. It's such a big boost to my confidence and my continued motivation to be able to do something as simple as buy clothes that are in style, rather than looking for super loose/baggy cut jeans that I could ever only find online and never fit that well.

Also, XL t-shirts are starting to get kind of loose on me. I could probably switch to large, but I think they'd still be too tight. I'm right in that zone where neither is a great fit. Again, more motivation to hammer off a few more pounds.

My goal is UK large, which is a 40" chest. I started at 5xl and I'm currently a 2xl. Need to shrink these titties a few more inches.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
:O That's fanfuckingtastic. Way to go.

Thanks man, I'm getting there, I just wish I did it years ago. Buying new clothes is keeping me going, I can't wait to buy something because I like it, and not because it's big and black.


Dropped 1 pound last week and 3 this week. 18 pound total after 49 days now. It feels so damn good that an XXL t-shirt is now slightly loose on me, whereas this time 49 days ago... 3-XL is all I could wear, and they'd be slightly tight on me. I have so many t-shirts that I can actually wear now, most that I've never been able to wear before!
At the start of 2014 I was 260, by summer I had slimmed to 230... Only to regain 20 of it by years end :/

About 6 weeks ago I got sick of it and decided to double down on diet, and on sunday this week I decided to double down on exercise. Every day this week I got on my indoor bike for 20-30 minutes and today I wandered over to my strength machine and did various arm exercises on top of the biking. I'm currently at 237 and I want to continue to exercise every day, though I know I need to change it up cause even doing the bike every day I noticed each day getting harder.

I haven't worked this hard since I was in high school and weighed about 180 pounds. I'm 5-11 and I would love to get back down below 200 and further from there. Any advice and support is greatly appreciated


...hate me...
2 days ago was 1 year that I got my Withings scale, so it's cool to see my progress.


Started at 88.9, today I am at 81.0kg.

It's not even the absolute minimum during this period but I had an horrendous post-Christmas. YOY is great anyway so I'm satisfied.

For reference, my historical max was 100, and my adult minimum is about 70. My goal is a healthy 75 and about a 15 bf%. Still a long road ahead.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Well, I lost 4lbs this week and I'm at my original goal weight. 100% done in 80% of the year I gave myself, so I should be able to get to my final goal in that time as well (15 stone)



...hate me...
Oh the scale data is interesting. Great work!

Here I am doing it by hand with excel like a caveman. /s
Haha, well when I did my "best job" in losing weight, some 4 years ago, I also kept an excel with daily measurements for like 6 months. Same thing.

Bought a connected scale last year only because I was feeling a bit in a rut again, and sometimes you need motivation from somewhere, anywhere. Helped me become a bit more self aware since I can't just not note down my measurements even if I'm in a lazy mindset.

Incidentally, that period that I gain wight from Dec-Feb was a period without said scale, hence why no data.

Just to share, not doing an incredible specific diet or plan right now, just not eating much. I'll have one meal a day at evening, and before that I'll have one or 2 small snacks throughout the day as I feel hungry. Usually a rice cake with peanut butter, or ham/cheese. Then the main meal is tentatively low-carb, a protein (meat, fish, wtv) and a salad. Although once or twice a week I don't mind eating a small pasta or rice dish. Controlled portions and completely guilt-free. Even allow for dessert sometimes.


Haha, well when I did my "best job" in losing weight, some 4 years ago, I also kept an excel with daily measurements for like 6 months. Same thing.

Bought a connected scale last year only because I was feeling a bit in a rut again, and sometimes you need motivation from somewhere, anywhere. Helped me become a bit more self aware since I can't just not note down my measurements even if I'm in a lazy mindset.

Incidentally, that period that I gain wight from Dec-Feb was a period with said scale, hence why no data.

Just to share, not doing an incredible specific diet or plan right now, just not eating much. I'll have one meal a day at evening, and before that I'll have one or 2 small snacks throughout the day as I feel hungry. Usually a rice cake with peanut butter, or ham/cheese. Then the main meal is tentatively low-carb, a protein (meat, fish, wtv) and a salad. Although once or twice a week I don't mind eating a small pasta or rice dish. Controlled portions and completely guilt-free. Even allow for dessert sometimes.

The scale i have now was decided because I can fit my giant feet on it(13 EEEE).

Good to hear that your diet is sustainable and allows you to indulge.

I still have been losing a bit quicker than I would like but I cant eat enough to match the gym schedule(4/5 days lifting + cardio, other days just cardio). Cant really complain with progress in the gym though.


Down to 36 waist. Returned a pair of brand new 38 waist jeans because they were already a bit loose.

Shirt size now hovering between L and XL. XL is a bit loose on the upper body while pretty good around the midsection. L is a great fit on the upper body but a bit snug on the mid. I'll take the L. :D

I started off in May of last year with a 46" waist and 3XL shirt size.


I'm down at just under 123kg at the mo, and really need to buy some new trousers and shorts. Shame I have no money at the mo as I have a holiday to pay for lol. Started as a 46 waist, now even the 42's I bought a month or so ago are too big. Problem is my thighs don't tend to fit in the smaller waist sizes, which is a bit of a bitch when buying trousers :/
Im at 173. Started at 285. My end goal weight is 160. I'm going to over shoot it a little though so my body will have some room to adjust to a normal diet

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I feel so weird in clothes that fit, I've always bought 5xl bedsheets and today I got my first ever pair of jeans (yes really, never bothered with jeans when I was huge) and a tshirt that isn't too big. Both 2xl, and the jeans are even a bit big so I need to get a belt for the first time in my life. I just feel so uncomfortable in clothes that aren't swinging on me, it's mental at this point. I still need to drop to at least 1xl, but preferably just a large but today I realized how far I've come. I looked so massive in my before pictures, and just so round.


Down -8 for April, sitting around 242.

Kinda aiming now for 230 but we will see when I get there!

Also, St3v3 what happened to the Link avatar?!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Down -8 for April, sitting around 242.

Kinda aiming now for 230 but we will see when I get there!

Also, St3v3 what happened to the Link avatar?!

MKX hype! Not that I can play right now because online is terrible on PC. But I'm hoping for a big patch on May 5th so we'll see. Link will return at some point.
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