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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


I've dropped 20lbs since January but the gut doesn't seem to be going away. Any suggestions?
Your gut is shrinking, but its got a lot more layers to shed than most other places on your body, so its the least noticeable and usually last to disappear completely.

You cant do anything but keep doing what you're doing. There's no way to work off certain areas of fat specifically. Your body puts on and gets rid of fat at its own discretion, unfortunately.

Low carb/high protein diet, high intensity interval training and weight lifting are some things to try if you want to maximize general fat loss. Otherwise, just keep it up. 20lbs since January is solid progress.


so i have one account at fitbit and the other at mfp and the calories burned/calorie intake recommended are both different but im not sure which to stick with?
Everything is going to have different methods for calculating that. Just stick with one of them.


so i have one account at fitbit and the other at mfp and the calories burned/calorie intake recommended are both different but im not sure which to stick with?

I have this setup too. They have different formulas etc I guess, so what I do is set the same goal on each, then track all exercise in fitbit and all food in MFP, and use the fitbit calorie adjustment for any extra calories (although I rarely eat back all that I've burned)

Little progress update - weighed in at 124.9kg this morning (275lb). Feels pretty good, and the wife keeps mentioning my face is thinner and muscles are a bit more visible. I've also noticed my wedding ring is getting pretty loose, which is a bit annoying as I never considered my hands to be fat in the first place, and I don't really want to get it re-sized.



Sorry its really big I don't know how to tilt the X-Axis descriptions in matplotlib yet :(

So decided to start doing daily weigh ins. Progress looks good(overall -7lbs) but a little fast still. I suspect the spike toward the end of the month is due to creatine, despite the fact that I opted out of doing the loading stage based on some research.

I have been doing weight lifting since mid Feb, and recently decided to get out of the house and have been going to the gym with an old HS/College friend who has been helping me out with different exercises.

My calories have ended up around 1900-2300, mostly 2300 since i started the gym routine. I have been adding in sweet potato as a lower GI carb to give me more energy to workout. Probably need to investigate some alternatives to that. Averaging 0.8g/lb of protein and 0.5g/lb of fat per day.

20 more lbs maybe, dunno, gonna ride it out and see where it goes.


so i have one account at fitbit and the other at mfp and the calories burned/calorie intake recommended are both different but im not sure which to stick with? anyway i think im going to post a shot of my face before/after.

Bravo, mercenar1e.
hey guys,

well i just got me a new scale this week.... i am shocked for good. Met my Girlfried almost a year ago and added almost 15 kg in this year. I am so angry at myself at letting this happen. I was overweight a year ago with about 110 to 115 kg, i cant remember the exact number and hooray back to 127,5 again. I really need to do something and i will. From today on. Is it ok to keep this thread as weight monitor thingy? I have to motivate myself, have to go the gym again or do anything and cut out all this sweet and soda crap. Maybe some of you could support me here, only heard good things about this community.

Going to work and goona buy me a few water bottles. I will have a look at a diet tonight. Have a great day people

edit. just looked through my fridge and no wonder im so fat again, just threw away everything unhealthy and poured all my sodacrap into the sink. Today is the day of change, feeling good yet bad ;)


I've noticed this too.

I'm down 40 lbs and it's started to show but not as much as some other places.

Keep going at it and eventually it'll show. good luck.

Typically the most worrisome areas are the last to go. You also don't really tend to notice it happening, there isn't one magic moment where it disappears.

I was always concerned about love handles, but eventually they were basically gone and I could put my hands directly onto my hip bones right there. My response was "oh good, now what about all these other spots".

Typically the gut is last to go as visceral fat retention is hormone driven.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Yarp, I expect my gut to be the last to completely go. Most of it has gone already, starting to see a bit defintion finally. I have my home scale can be trusted (probably not, apparantly those things aren't that precise when it comes to fat%) I'm currently at 8-9% body fat. With 58 kg that would be 4,64 - 5,22kg of fat left and a margin of about 3-6% left. However, could be higher if the scale isn't that precise.


I've done the weight loss routine before (lost 70lbs in 4 months a few years back), but I have struggled to gain muscle and build definition. This past week, I not only hired a personal trainer for the next 6 months, but I also got rid of all my blu-ray movies, videogames, and deleted my FaceBook-- the 3 biggest time wasters in my life. I feel great about it this time. I want this to work, and I am making every effort to make it work!

I turn 30 on October 22, so my goal is to be in great shape by then... Wish me luck!
I've done the weight loss routine before (lost 70lbs in 4 months a few years back), but I have struggled to gain muscle and build definition. This past week, I not only hired a personal trainer for the next 6 months, but I also got rid of all my blu-ray movies, videogames, and deleted my FaceBook-- the 3 biggest time wasters in my life. I feel great about it this time. I want this to work, and I am making every effort to make it work!

I turn 30 on October 22, so my goal is to be in great shape by then... Wish me luck!
Good luck man. Definitely know you can do it!


Yarp, I expect my gut to be the last to completely go. Most of it has gone already, starting to see a bit defintion finally. I have my home scale can be trusted (probably not, apparantly those things aren't that precise when it comes to fat%) I'm currently at 8-9% body fat. With 58 kg that would be 4,64 - 5,22kg of fat left and a margin of about 3-6% left. However, could be higher if the scale isn't that precise.

Unless you have a model with some kind of athletic mode, they weren't really made for body fat percentages that low.


I like to weigh myself every day to look at trends, and for 4 days in a row I've been 219.2 on the dot. Its so weird how it hasn't budget up or down.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
Unless you have a model with some kind of athletic mode, they weren't really made for body fat percentages that low.

I've been doing some reading and turns out they're considered highly unreliable. Well, it was a hand-me-down and it seems pretty reliable regular weight wise, so I probably should focus on that. As long as both my weight and fat% are going down it's all going according to keikaku.
hey guys,

well i just got me a new scale this week.... i am shocked for good. Met my Girlfried almost a year ago and added almost 15 kg in this year. I am so angry at myself at letting this happen. I was overweight a year ago with about 110 to 115 kg, i cant remember the exact number and hooray back to 127,5 again. I really need to do something and i will. From today on. Is it ok to keep this thread as weight monitor thingy? I have to motivate myself, have to go the gym again or do anything and cut out all this sweet and soda crap. Maybe some of you could support me here, only heard good things about this community.

Going to work and goona buy me a few water bottles. I will have a look at a diet tonight. Have a great day people

edit. just looked through my fridge and no wonder im so fat again, just threw away everything unhealthy and poured all my sodacrap into the sink. Today is the day of change, feeling good yet bad ;)

Not even 6 months ago I was pretty close to your weight, closing in on over 120 kg. Now I'm very close to hitting the magical 90kg bar, have gone from XXL to loose XL/L relatively easily just cutting soda and all that crap and adding lil cardio every day. I don't do gym (or at least not yet), I started with stationary biking/normal biking every day and now I have thrown jogging in there too. Nothing too demanding but if you do it frequently it really adds up really fast with a good diet. Just cutting the soda/juices alone must have dropped my calorie intake by insane amount.

Personally I found low carb diet to work wonders. I ain't too stricht about it, if I'm visiting relatives or something I won't be picky about what I eat but in my normal days I just pump myself with meat, eggs, fish, cheese and vegetables and feel myself fuller with much smaller portions than when I was eating tons of bread ect.

I quit soda relatively cold turkey but you can always try lemon water for instance if regular is too plain for you. Also diet sodas can help a lot for some people.

It might be different for other people but if you are anything like me and do a total 180 on your lifestyle you will be astonished how fast you will see a difference. I know some people here have warned me for losing weight too fast but I can't help it. The routine comes naturally to me and my body is just following. The weight loss is significantly slower now but when I think how I was 30kg heavier just a few months ago I can't be too bothered.
Not even 6 months ago I was pretty close to your weight, closing in on over 120 kg. Now I'm very close to hitting the magical 90kg bar, have gone from XXL to loose XL/L relatively easily just cutting soda and all that crap and adding lil cardio every day. I don't do gym (or at least not yet), I started with stationary biking/normal biking every day and now I have thrown jogging in there too. Nothing too demanding but if you do it frequently it really adds up really fast with a good diet. Just cutting the soda/juices alone must have dropped my calorie intake by insane amount.

Personally I found low carb diet to work wonders. I ain't too stricht about it, if I'm visiting relatives or something I won't be picky about what I eat but in my normal days I just pump myself with meat, eggs, fish, cheese and vegetables and feel myself fuller with much smaller portions than when I was eating tons of bread ect.

I quit soda relatively cold turkey but you can always try lemon water for instance if regular is too plain for you. Also diet sodas can help a lot for some people.

It might be different for other people but if you are anything like me and do a total 180 on your lifestyle you will be astonished how fast you will see a difference. I know some people here have warned me for losing weight too fast but I can't help it. The routine comes naturally to me and my body is just following. The weight loss is significantly slower now but when I think how I was 30kg heavier just a few months ago I can't be too bothered.
Yeah I dropped 25 lbs from January 1st and today. Im hoping by June or July I can be down another 25 lbs.


hey guys,

well i just got me a new scale this week.... i am shocked for good. Met my Girlfried almost a year ago and added almost 15 kg in this year. I am so angry at myself at letting this happen. I was overweight a year ago with about 110 to 115 kg, i cant remember the exact number and hooray back to 127,5 again. I really need to do something and i will. From today on. Is it ok to keep this thread as weight monitor thingy? I have to motivate myself, have to go the gym again or do anything and cut out all this sweet and soda crap. Maybe some of you could support me here, only heard good things about this community.

Going to work and goona buy me a few water bottles. I will have a look at a diet tonight. Have a great day people

edit. just looked through my fridge and no wonder im so fat again, just threw away everything unhealthy and poured all my sodacrap into the sink. Today is the day of change, feeling good yet bad ;)
Absolutely post in here, as often as you like. The more, the better, as far as I'm concerned. Sharing our stories and our progress is a great motivational tool for ourselves and others. It feels good to express your accomplishments and it feels good to hear about other people's accomplishments.

Even if you're feeling crappy or fall off the wagon or whatever, stick around and I'll bet you're far more likely to get back into the swing of things than if you stay away.

Good luck man.
hey guys, read now through a few sites of this thread and it is really awesome what all of you acomplished. Just going to do my share of the story :D But well, after seeing the new me or what i became im pumped to change that. Worked well the first day but that is pretty common i guess ;) This time i will make it. Thing is, i was always the big guy or fatty guy except for a few years where i was almost 3 years in the gym, lost a good amount of weight and was compared to now quite healthy. Well, off to day 2. Have a good day guys and thanks for the kind words, really helps staying motivated.


I've dropped 20lbs since January but the gut doesn't seem to be going away. Any suggestions?

Belly fat is the hardest area for most guys to get eliminate. Typically it will be some of the last fat to go so you'll have to be even more strict with your diet and make sure to keep exercising. I've had some luck with Keto + IF so you might consider one or both of those. Just keep at it and it'll come off eventually.


Absolutely post in here, as often as you like. The more, the better, as far as I'm concerned. Sharing our stories and our progress is a great motivational tool for ourselves and others. It feels good to express your accomplishments and it feels good to hear about other people's accomplishments.

Even if you're feeling crappy or fall off the wagon or whatever, stick around and I'll bet you're far more likely to get back into the swing of things than if you stay away.

Good luck man.
100% agree with this. Poring through the original weight loss thread is how I learned about, and started engaging in, low carb dieting. These days I weight lift and eat carbs again, but I wouldn't have gotten to that point were it not for wanting to look better after my initial GAF-inspired diet.
100% agree with this. Poring through the original weight loss thread is how I learned about, and started engaging in, low carb dieting. These days I weight lift and eat carbs again, but I wouldn't have gotten to that point were it not for wanting to look better after my initial GAF-inspired diet.

just reading through the thread. Really great stuff and very inspireing indeed. If i feel down and not motivated i will read the posts here and get strong again, sounds cheesy on day 2 but god damn eastertime when theres chocolate everywhere and me working in a little bistro makes it tough :D


Just stumbling upon this thread now.

Started into things seriously about three weeks ago after a trip to the doctors and not the greatest blood pressure readings.

3 weeks later and I've dropped 11 pounds, it's amazing what some serious motivation when it comes to your health can get you to do. I've always tried on and off in the past to lose some weight but never to great success, hoping this is the start of better things to come.


Just stumbling upon this thread now.

Started into things seriously about three weeks ago after a trip to the doctors and not the greatest blood pressure readings.

3 weeks later and I've dropped 11 pounds, it's amazing what some serious motivation when it comes to your health can get you to do. I've always tried on and off in the past to lose some weight but never to great success, hoping this is the start of better things to come.

Good luck! Congratulations on the lifestyle change.


Good luck! Congratulations on the lifestyle change.

Thanks! Unfortunately the local gym just closed for six months for refurbishments and all that but I've just resorted to walking every morning, including a diet change of course but it's amazing the results that simply walking for an hour or two every day can achieve.


Just stumbling upon this thread now.

Started into things seriously about three weeks ago after a trip to the doctors and not the greatest blood pressure readings.

3 weeks later and I've dropped 11 pounds, it's amazing what some serious motivation when it comes to your health can get you to do. I've always tried on and off in the past to lose some weight but never to great success, hoping this is the start of better things to come.

If anything the biggest difference for me this time has been internet buddies.

Fellow Gaffers, MFP homies, and some Facebook friends.

Easier when you aren't doing it alone.


If anything the biggest difference for me this time has been internet buddies.

Fellow Gaffers, MFP homies, and some Facebook friends.

Easier when you aren't doing it alone.

Agreed, that's why I'm hopping on here too. I usually walk about 6/7 mile by myself every day, it does get fairly boring, but if you have some people to interact with and discuss your progress with.. it does help spur you on.


Fclvat sbe Pnanqn, ru?
I went to the gym yesterday with a colleague, first time I stepped into a gym in 16 years. Tried it as a higschooler a couple of months but was totally bored with it back then. Was surprisingly fun! Compared to doing a limited set of exercises at home using your own body weight and dumbells the variety makes it a lot more fun. Didn't realize we had already spend 1 1/2 hour when my colleague pointed it out. I'll still take squashing, climbing and running over a session in the gym but I can see myself doing this 1-2 times a week.


Thanks! Unfortunately the local gym just closed for six months for refurbishments and all that but I've just resorted to walking every morning, including a diet change of course but it's amazing the results that simply walking for an hour or two every day can achieve.
Just remember that it's the diet that is 90% of your weight loss progress. Walking is great, it will help you feel good and the extra activity may kick up your metabolism, but losing weight is mostly all about your diet. Exercise is basically just a supplement.


Another suggestion... if you want something, you have to walk to get it.

Want Bloodborne? OK, Best Buy is 2 miles away.

Want lunch? It's a mile to the market.


Another suggestion... if you want something, you have to walk to get it.

Want Bloodborne? OK, Best Buy is 2 miles away.

Unfortunately my nearest game retailer is 17 miles away so I'll just stick to Amazon for now lol I walk everywhere though for everything anyway, I don't drive so that's a help in that regard.


Unfortunately my nearest game retailer is 17 miles away so I'll just stick to Amazon for now lol I walk everywhere though for everything anyway, I don't drive so that's a help in that regard.

Sure, there will always be situations where walking is impractical, if not dangerous due to highways, etc... but if you can make it your first priority you'll be surprised at how fast the miles rack up and what an effect it has on you, physically. Even if it's not strenuous/brisk walking, it really makes a big difference when combined with other exercise.
So I've yet to post here, and I'm not sure this is the right place for it, but I figure I'll share my story.
So I'm about 5'10"/11" depending on the day. About a year ago I was nearing 260 lbs (118kg). I had just been dumped by my girlfriend and was pathetically depressed at the time. My life felt like it was falling apart and I had no control over what was going on around me. Eventually, I decided that I needed to grab hold of something that I could manage, so I settled on food. I started by eating less, and eating better. I had always been on the chubbier side which led to pretty severe body image issues. Anyway, I started exercising to complement the changes I was making in the kitchen. I figured it'd do no harm. It has probably been the hardest thing I've ever done. There were a lot of times where I just wanted to say, "fuck it" and resign to the fact that I'd be a fat fuck forever. Thankfully I pushed through and I want to say that the hardest part is now over. This morning I weighed in at 177lbs (80kgs). I've gone from an XL shirt size down to a medium and from a size 40 pants to a size 33. I'd be lying if I said that I'm completely happy with my body, but I sure as hell feel a lot better. Overall, I lost about 83lbs (38kgs) so far over the course of about 9 months. I've still got to lose some fat and build muscle, but I'm in a much better place both physically and emotionally compared to what I was a year ago.


Better slow and steady than too fast. I'm down 10lb in two weeks and I feel like shit :( Even went to the doctors this week with how terrible I've been feeling.

i bet you're dehydrated or not eating enough... are you getting tunnel vision and woozy if you stand up too quickly?


So I've yet to post here, and I'm not sure this is the right place for it, but I figure I'll share my story.
So I'm about 5'10"/11" depending on the day. About a year ago I was nearing 260 lbs (118kg). I had just been dumped by my girlfriend and was pathetically depressed at the time. My life felt like it was falling apart and I had no control over what was going on around me. Eventually, I decided that I needed to grab hold of something that I could manage, so I settled on food. I started by eating less, and eating better. I had always been on the chubbier side which led to pretty severe body image issues. Anyway, I started exercising to complement the changes I was making in the kitchen. I figured it'd do no harm. It has probably been the hardest thing I've ever done. There were a lot of times where I just wanted to say, "fuck it" and resign to the fact that I'd be a fat fuck forever. Thankfully I pushed through and I want to say that the hardest part is now over. This morning I weighed in at 177lbs (80kgs). I've gone from an XL shirt size down to a medium and from a size 40 pants to a size 33. I'd be lying if I said that I'm completely happy with my body, but I sure as hell feel a lot better. Overall, I lost about 83lbs (38kgs) so far over the course of about 9 months. I've still got to lose some fat and build muscle, but I'm in a much better place both physically and emotionally compared to what I was a year ago.

That is an incredible achievement, well done! I'm in a similar situation weight wise, wanna lose about the same amount. It is tough but it does really lift your spirits when you're making progress, as I've said up above.. I'm only 11 pounds down so far but I already feel so much better for it.


So I've yet to post here, and I'm not sure this is the right place for it, but I figure I'll share my story.
So I'm about 5'10"/11" depending on the day. About a year ago I was nearing 260 lbs (118kg). I had just been dumped by my girlfriend and was pathetically depressed at the time. My life felt like it was falling apart and I had no control over what was going on around me. Eventually, I decided that I needed to grab hold of something that I could manage, so I settled on food. I started by eating less, and eating better. I had always been on the chubbier side which led to pretty severe body image issues. Anyway, I started exercising to complement the changes I was making in the kitchen. I figured it'd do no harm. It has probably been the hardest thing I've ever done. There were a lot of times where I just wanted to say, "fuck it" and resign to the fact that I'd be a fat fuck forever. Thankfully I pushed through and I want to say that the hardest part is now over. This morning I weighed in at 177lbs (80kgs). I've gone from an XL shirt size down to a medium and from a size 40 pants to a size 33. I'd be lying if I said that I'm completely happy with my body, but I sure as hell feel a lot better. Overall, I lost about 83lbs (38kgs) so far over the course of about 9 months. I've still got to lose some fat and build muscle, but I'm in a much better place both physically and emotionally compared to what I was a year ago.
Fantastic job man! (been through something similar, 6'1-6'2, ended up at 125Kg about a year ago, lost 40 from march to november.) I'm actually jealous, I'd like to get down to 80 myself. ;3

Congrats on the hard work, keep it up! Feel free to share food diet and exercice routine, it's always nice to read what's worked for people.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck, gained 3lbs this week. I haven't been good with my diet due to it being Easter and there being a lot of sweets in the house and I paid for it on the scale. Don't do what I did people, be stronger than that.
Same here, went to a buddy's wedding and just stuffed myself silly. I'll eating a little lower and increase my cardio for a few days to offset.

Chris R

i bet you're dehydrated or not eating enough... are you getting tunnel vision and woozy if you stand up too quickly?

I almost fainted sitting at my desk a few times. Calorie intake isn't that much lower (MFP is hard with home cooked meals, but I think I'm around 2.3k a day), I've just added exercise (~3 mile walk during lunch, 10+ miles a day on my bike)

Getting blood work back soon, hope the doctor can identify the issue because it sucks feeling terrible now exercising and eating well when I felt "fine" with the extra pounds and eating fast food crap almost every meal.


relies on auto-aim
I almost fainted sitting at my desk a few times. Calorie intake isn't that much lower (MFP is hard with home cooked meals, but I think I'm around 2.3k a day), I've just added exercise (~3 mile walk during lunch, 10+ miles a day on my bike)

Getting blood work back soon, hope the doctor can identify the issue because it sucks feeling terrible now exercising and eating well when I felt "fine" with the extra pounds and eating fast food crap almost every meal.
Drink water, lots more.


If you have just switched from a premade foods diet to homemade, you might not be getting enough salt.

Usually crops up as really bad headaches. And you might be flushing all your electrolytes down the urinal and sweating them out doing the biking.

Electrolytes are important. I should know i just woke up with both calves seized up this morning. Probably overtrained on Friday... first time doing isolation exercises on them in a while. Pedialyte to the rescue!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I almost fainted sitting at my desk a few times. Calorie intake isn't that much lower (MFP is hard with home cooked meals, but I think I'm around 2.3k a day), I've just added exercise (~3 mile walk during lunch, 10+ miles a day on my bike)

Getting blood work back soon, hope the doctor can identify the issue because it sucks feeling terrible now exercising and eating well when I felt "fine" with the extra pounds and eating fast food crap almost every meal.

What are you eating?


Quarterly progress report time. 3 months to the day. These pics are purposefully unflattering by the way. Was not trying to get a 'good light' or cherry pick anything.

Day 1 - Jan 6th - 220lbs

1 month - Feb 6th - 208lbs

2 months - March 6th - 201lbs

3 months - April 6th - 193lbs
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