The Lunch Legend
GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Use more Tender.
Wim Hof? I thought about giving that a go. If you do, keep me posted on your thoughts.Breathwork perhaps
Wim Hof? I thought about giving that a go. If you do, keep me posted on your thoughts.
I'm worried about the mortgage cost. Interest rates have flown through the roof due to the terrible economy. The timing of building the house wasn't ideal - however work was ongoing prior to the global economic meltdown so there we go.That's a big goal. No doubt requires great effort to achieve, but no greater goals to achieve than our dreams. Keep at it, just don't over exert yourself. Want to make sure you able to get there. ;^)
need to get a haircut
Minimizing sugar intake is a step I took last year it worked out very well. Sugar free everything. My ma bakes cookies and cakes like a madman though, haha! Now I'm all about staying away from buying whole bottles of Vodka and/or Rum and it's working out okay. A shot at the bar doesn't hurt me as much as keeping a fifth by my bed.
I hope you all accomplish goals this year!
Your a good, good, man. I admire your determination to be the one to fuck yourself up.This year I'm going to
1. Drink more booze and smoke more weed. I've been slacking off for a while now. It's time to up my game.
2. Eat junk food. I never eat that shit. It's disgusting, but this year I'm gonna put some effort in.
3 Watch more TV. I'm lucky if I have the time to watch any TV. I need to change that.
4. Stop exercising. I'm sick of all that running and hill walking shit. If you exercise you live longer they say. So what? Live longer to do what. Eat broccoli for 35 years? Fuck that. I'll trade the salad munching for a good time and a massive heart attack thank you.
5. Stand up to mywifeabuser and demand she start treating me like a human being with needs and feelings, instead of her personal sex toy. The degradation must end!
6. Start a pegging survivors support group.
Here it was like 2 weeks. The plus side was that none of the swarm went toward the free weights, so we just skipped cardio those 2 weeks. So grateful I've got a gym in my basement now. Never any crowds down there.Lol give it 2 months tops
Yeah, of course, besides the my harem.