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New York Times: Trump Backers (the 45%) Like His First Draft of a New America

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This is one of the major problems I see.

Yeah, there is outrage about what Trump is doing now, but he is doing exactly what he said he would do and thats what he was elected for.
The more complicated issues like trade, diplomacy etc. don't even register with most people anyway, because nobody understands them anyway.

People think this development can be stopped by reason.
I think thats wrong.

Just look at this comment I received recently on Youtube:

Now, many may say that thats just Youtube and not representative, but with every day going by I start to think more and more that this might be representative of a significant chunk of the countries mindset. Significant enough to elect a president.

I am fairly sure these opinions exist among a majority of Trump voters. They may not all voice them when they talk to people in person, but they still hold positions like these.

Of course they are happy with Trump. They are racist, so any discrimination, no matter how unconstitutional, is great in their book.
They don't believe in climate change. They don't believe in science. They hate scientists. They believe abortion is murder.
These people know no grey areas. The only know absolute evil and absolute good.
The believe in what they want to believe in and nothing can convince them otherwise.

Unless you figure out how to deal with these people, its going to be very hard to get the country back.

While it probably is true that it represents a very significant part of the country, sadly, it's not the majority by any chance. We won the popular vote by other 3 million. Only 70,000-ish votes across three states actually won Trump this Presidency. The GOP has majorities, but not super majorities (yet, anyway), and a lot of their seats come because of gerrymandering and voter suppression. I don't know how, at this point, you combat those latter two things, but you don't need those people we're talking about to actually win. The numbers are on our side truly. The real problem is getting past the obstacles the GOP has put up, and will continue to put up in the coming years, and getting the left to come out and vote in local and midterm elections (historically, the party in power is punished, and liberals are angrier now than I can recall in a long time, so maybe there is hope).


Policy nuance really is lost on some people isn't it? "I dunno build a wall, that sounds like it will work"


I wonder how many people who voted for him to 'send a message' and 'shake up the establishment' while secretly believing that he wouldn't carry out his promises regret their vote now.

This article doesn't really seem to focus on those supporters (we've had plenty posted here that do.)

These guys sound like your more "average" right-wing, low-information Republican voters.

I do think it's interesting how much single issues seem to be dominating their votes though. The one person with her business, the other guy with veteran's groups, and the young idiot whose main complaint is the ACA penalty.

The thing is that many liberals often don't know why they believe in liberal ideology either. Thats just the point of view they have adapted from their social circle.
Its time for everyone to buckle up on some good data and arguments.

Well this is what usually frustrates me. Most people who are liberal were raised liberal, most people who are conservative were raised conservative. GAF can bring up examples of where they are much more liberal than their parents and the like, but the exceptions prove the rule. Frankly you don't deserve some shining medal for not thinking blacks and gays are abominations if you were raised that way; the only thing separating you from those Trump voters is that their family background was conservative. Otherwise you both have probably put the same amount of mental energy into forming your beliefs.

The Republicans might be the party of anti-science, but liberals have led the charge against vaccines, GMOs, and go on juice cleanses to "detox". They're just as capable of sending inane death threats against people they don't like, they're just as hypocritical when it comes to applying our civil protections to only the people they want to protect. We like to believe those "liberals and conservatives have, like, different brains, man"-type of articles because it can be used to shield us from the truth—that if we changed our background growing up just a little bit, it would probably change our entire outlook.

In this way I don't think data is the answer, because the number of people you can sway by logic and argument seems pretty small compared to the total number of people who just don't care and their beliefs are their beliefs.
“I have never seen someone make promises and immediately start keeping them,” he said.

To be fair this is pretty rare in politics.

They got what they voted for. Now to wait for the damage to happen and see who they blame.


Trump is the definition of doing exactly what he said he would while giving no shits. Exactly what you want from someone you vote for


Not sure why you guys are torturing yourself with this, most Trump voters are going to like and defend Trump no matter what he does, especially at the very start. The goal isn't to win over 60 million Trump supporters in a week, it's to win over 100k or so over four years.

To be fair this is pretty rare in politics.
Not really. Most presidents actually keep or make a good faith effort to keep their campaign promises, especially when they first get into office.
Not really surprising. They need to witness the consequences of these fulfilled promises to realize it's a mistake. When taxes skyrocket cause Mexico isn't paying for the wall I doubt that dude will be 100% behind it. Or when mom dies because her healthcare is gone and they are broke.


“Trump’s done more in five days than Obama did in eight years,” said Doug Cooperrider, 58, who works in construction repairing bridges and roads around central Ohio.
Chucklefucks like this guy need to take a long walk into the ocean. Don't vote, don't breed, just hunker down and let nature take its course.

Not just factually wrong, but aggressively ignorant.


Not sure why you guys are torturing yourself with this, most Trump voters are going to like and defend Trump no matter what he does, especially at the very start. The goal isn't to win over 60 million Trump supporters in a week, it's to win over 100k or so over four years.

Not really. Most presidents actually keep or make a good faith effort to keep their campaign promises, especially when they first get into office.

But don't a lot of presidents also attempt compromise? Trying to get a varied cabinet. Hell obamas last Supreme Court appointee was the definition of reaching across the aisle. I haven't researched this so I could admittedly be wrong, but I feel like I am used to having to play the waiting game for core campaign promises besides a few orders at the start that match party lines

Trumps uniqueness seems to be simply not attempting to do that at all, and trying to push things forward bypassing as much red tape as possible. Appointing who he needs to get the job done regardless of approval rating or whatever. Now maybe it's also just because the media is in a trump reporting frenzy, so every decision makes headlines
The mindset these people articulate is basically the biggest threat to Western democracy in the 21st century. Islamic terrorism (as enacted in the West) is dwarfed next to this. This mindset needs to be challenged at every juncture...It is tragic, but it seems like we are heading into a century of conflict...


Remember all those times something blatantly racist happened and like clockwork people would come out to tell you all the ways it might not be racism?

Well, if they actually believed what they were saying, I hope they're coming to terms with the reality that tens of millions of Americans are racist as fuck.


I wonder how are Americans whose heritage lies with one of the countries whose passport got banned by Trump feel right now.

Honestly, it's not completely out of the realm of possibility that in the near future violence against ethnic minorities will rise significantly.


meanwhile, some just shut their eyes and ears and believe he's doing a great job.


Niel Redmond, 54, a mechanic who in 2012 voted for Barack Obama but this time went for Trump, said: “I think he’s doing a phenomenal job.”

Redmond was unaware of the critical coverage that has saturated newspaper front pages and cable news reports since inauguration day. “Papers? I’ve no idea what they are talking about – I don’t see them. If it don’t put a dime in my pocket, I don’t worry about it.”

Kotharz has bought the line from Trump that he will be the “greatest president for jobs that God ever created”. He referred to the much-vaunted deal to stop the Carrier air-conditioner plant moving from Indianapolis to Mexico, and to Keystone which he said would create 28,000 new jobs. “I believe in the pipeline; I also believe in global warming but you can’t have everything,” he said.

The pawn shop owner did not dwell on the handsome tax sweeteners offered to Carrier, or to the US state department estimate that Keystone will create only 35 long-term jobs.

more at the link


I mean, how *do* you deal with these people? I have honestly no idea.

Sweep the damn countrysides clean. Force everyone currently there to move to the nearest city.

This will never happen, except slowly on its own over time. In the meantime those in the countryside will continue to shit themselves at the thought of needing to move to a city for work, and will be frightened of mimority groups even though they consist of like 1% of the town's population.

Once people live in cities together they generally realize people of other races and orientations aren't so scary, and care more about what happens to them as they know more of them and see them often. Being in a city also makes much more apparent the need for government infrastructure, taxing and spending.

The country essentially needs a modern de-segregation, of rural and urban, race, orientation, and class. You see it everywhere - the more segregated people are by these things the more they don't give a shit about what happens to the other groups, or are easily convinced to hate and lay blame. That is still a danger within cities if governments allow people to self-segregate or be segregated by external forces.


Reminds me of Brexit lol


"Economic anxiety" my ass.
Ann Arbor is my hometown. It's crazy to even think that someone back home penciled in Trump, but obviously there's that silent majority. At least he agrees that he needs to STFU about the petty inauguration stuff..


While it probably is true that it represents a very significant part of the country, sadly, it's not the majority by any chance. We won the popular vote by other 3 million. Only 70,000-ish votes across three states actually won Trump this Presidency. The GOP has majorities, but not super majorities (yet, anyway), and a lot of their seats come because of gerrymandering and voter suppression. I don't know how, at this point, you combat those latter two things, but you don't need those people we're talking about to actually win. The numbers are on our side truly. The real problem is getting past the obstacles the GOP has put up, and will continue to put up in the coming years, and getting the left to come out and vote in local and midterm elections (historically, the party in power is punished, and liberals are angrier now than I can recall in a long time, so maybe there is hope).

Preach brother. Liberals have a billion reason to be angry as fuck.


No surprises. They bought the view the only way to realise their values was Trump. Their values sadly arent anything good for evolution of society and equality.

They just figure he's going to bump them up the queue to realise "the American dream" and get all the immigrants and coloured folk out of the way.

In a while they'll refuse to accept the whole thing was s fallacy and look for another saviour while others try and recover from the damage done to basic equalities and the environment.


That number scares me. Who the fuck are these people. It's been one week of being carpet bombed with bad news. They are so racist and sexist that this all gets to slide so some minority groups get oppressed.


This is really frustrating. And on another forum when I tried to say Trump supporters are bad people, I get responses like "Liking trump = bad people , yeah that's logical" as sarcasm and things like "Hating Republicans because they're Republicans is unreasonable" and they set me on ignore and it just sucks because otherwise I really respect and like those people. But I just think that when you support a platform that is literally based on bigotry it is no longer defensible to say you are a well meaning person.And I'm in the wrong for it, somehow.
This is really frustrating. And on another forum when I tried to say Trump supporters are bad people, I get responses like "Liking trump = bad people , yeah that's logical" as sarcasm and things like "Hating Republicans because they're Republicans is unreasonable" and they set me on ignore and it just sucks because otherwise I really respect and like those people. But I just think that when you support a platform that is literally based on bigotry it is no longer defensible to say you are a well meaning person.And I'm in the wrong for it, somehow.
Those people are brick walls, logic will not and never apply to them. Hate is what they believe in.

Caja 117

This is what they wants, and this spectacle that you are seen is music to all these people ears, I just want to see what they have to say when everything comes crashing down. Hopefully, the level of stupidity in this country haven't reached self destruct levels.


Water is not wet!
This is what they wants, and this spectacle that you are seen is music to all these people ears, I just want to see what they have to say when everything comes crashing down. Hopefully, the level of stupidity in this country haven't reached self destruct levels.

Yeah. All this bad news is the best news theyve heard in a decade to these people. This has been the greatest week of their lives probably. And we all know the answer to what will happen when things crash.. they will scapegoat someone to take the blame.
Saw this article like ten minutes ago and just shook my head.

One of the comments said something to the affect of "NYT needs to stop giving these people quotes, and do some Spotlight type reporting where they dig up and uncover more unsavory Trump info" I tend to agree. They do excellent work, but we already know trump supporters are idiots and think he's doing good just cause he's doing what he promised. Deplorables gonna deplorable, we know this.

NYT and other great news outlets need to destroy trump with everything they've got.
This is one of the major problems I see.

Yeah, there is outrage about what Trump is doing now, but he is doing exactly what he said he would do and thats what he was elected for.
The more complicated issues like trade, diplomacy etc. don't even register with most people anyway, because nobody understands them anyway.

People think this development can be stopped by reason.
I think thats wrong.

Just look at this comment I received recently on Youtube:

Now, many may say that thats just Youtube and not representative, but with every day going by I start to think more and more that this might be representative of a significant chunk of the countries mindset. Significant enough to elect a president.

I am fairly sure these opinions exist among a majority of Trump voters. They may not all voice them when they talk to people in person, but they still hold positions like these.

Of course they are happy with Trump. They are racist, so any discrimination, no matter how unconstitutional, is great in their book.
They don't believe in climate change. They don't believe in science. They hate scientists. They believe abortion is murder.
These people know no grey areas. The only know absolute evil and absolute good.
The believe in what they want to believe in and nothing can convince them otherwise.

Unless you figure out how to deal with these people, its going to be very hard to get the country back.

Not just Youtube. But the financial sites I visit such as Seeking Alpha and even Wall Street Journal, has a lot of similar comments. These comments are coming from educated people (doctors, CPAs, Engineers etc). They hate Obama and hate liberals.

After the results of this election, I realized I underestimated the amount of these types of people all over the USA.


I'm visiting Ohio and when I got into politics with my uncle it just turned bad. I said what happens to people without Healthcare and the poor , his answer was "the world's over populated anyways , and people that don't work will die"

Then he gave me a story of someone he knew at works wife died because she had Obamacare and 7 hospitals wouldn't treat her so she died and they told him if she was uninsured they couldve helped her. How do you respond to that ? I'm 99% sure that he made that up or got the facts wrong but I know nothing about this or if it's true.

He also "dis likes" blacks , said that the top 80% of wealth in the world going to the top 1% was fine, and tried to argue that if people got a base income that no one would want to work because if people have a base income that tazing the millionaires was wrong because they worked for their money.

You just run out of things to say to them , and when they spout off things like "well everyone that stood in hillarys way has ended up dead" and you say find me a source or prove it , they put the burden on you to prove them wrong.

There are no logical arguments to be had


Thanks to trump banning Muslims and getting into spats about crowd sizes, trump voters are no longer anxious over the economy.
Ann Arbor is my hometown. It's crazy to even think that someone back home penciled in Trump, but obviously there's that silent majority. At least he agrees that he needs to STFU about the petty inauguration stuff..

I'm from A2 (moved here ~3 years ago from up north in Trumpland). Surprised to see one in the article, they are definitely a minority here.


But don't a lot of presidents also attempt compromise? Trying to get a varied cabinet. Hell obamas last Supreme Court appointee was the definition of reaching across the aisle. I haven't researched this so I could admittedly be wrong, but I feel like I am used to having to play the waiting game for core campaign promises besides a few orders at the start that match party lines

Trumps uniqueness seems to be simply not attempting to do that at all, and trying to push things forward bypassing as much red tape as possible. Appointing who he needs to get the job done regardless of approval rating or whatever. Now maybe it's also just because the media is in a trump reporting frenzy, so every decision makes headlines

It is customary to appoint at least one person from the opposing party for the cabinet, which Trump did do with his VA choice David Shulkin (well I actually don't know what Shulkin's party affiliation is, so he may be a Republican, but he was at least an Obama appointment).

I'm visiting Ohio and when I got into politics with my uncle it just turned bad. I said what happens to people without Healthcare and the poor , his answer was "the world's over populated anyways , and people that don't work will die"

Then he gave me a story of someone he knew at works wife died because she had Obamacare and 7 hospitals wouldn't treat her so she died and they told him if she was uninsured they couldve helped her. How do you respond to that ? I'm 99% sure that he made that up or got the facts wrong but I know nothing about this or if it's true.

Well, I suppose you could've just said, "The world's overpopulated anyways."
Well this is what usually frustrates me. Most people who are liberal were raised liberal, most people who are conservative were raised conservative. GAF can bring up examples of where they are much more liberal than their parents and the like, but the exceptions prove the rule. Frankly you don't deserve some shining medal for not thinking blacks and gays are abominations if you were raised that way; the only thing separating you from those Trump voters is that their family background was conservative. Otherwise you both have probably put the same amount of mental energy into forming your beliefs.

The Republicans might be the party of anti-science, but liberals have led the charge against vaccines, GMOs, and go on juice cleanses to "detox". They're just as capable of sending inane death threats against people they don't like, they're just as hypocritical when it comes to applying our civil protections to only the people they want to protect. We like to believe those "liberals and conservatives have, like, different brains, man"-type of articles because it can be used to shield us from the truth—that if we changed our background growing up just a little bit, it would probably change our entire outlook.

In this way I don't think data is the answer, because the number of people you can sway by logic and argument seems pretty small compared to the total number of people who just don't care and their beliefs are their beliefs.

Nonsense, a lot of us were raised by conservatives. I had to listen to the "Satan put dinosaur bones on the ground to fool us" type garbage from my mom and stepdad all the time. I'm technically a Mormon (RLDS spinoff). At best I had my dad's half of the family that were pretty religious Democrats (auto worker grandfather).

Anti-vaxxers/GMO is actually bi-partisan nonsense if you check the poll numbers. I thought this was the case too for a while (liberal nonsense folks) but there are a lot of conservative conspiracy theorists too.
I'm visiting Ohio and when I got into politics with my uncle it just turned bad. I said what happens to people without Healthcare and the poor , his answer was "the world's over populated anyways , and people that don't work will die"

Then he gave me a story of someone he knew at works wife died because she had Obamacare and 7 hospitals wouldn't treat her so she died and they told him if she was uninsured they couldve helped her. How do you respond to that ? I'm 99% sure that he made that up or got the facts wrong but I know nothing about this or if it's true.

He also "dis likes" blacks , said that the top 80% of wealth in the world going to the top 1% was fine, and tried to argue that if people got a base income that no one would want to work because if people have a base income that tazing the millionaires was wrong because they worked for their money.

You just run out of things to say to them , and when they spout off things like "well everyone that stood in hillarys way has ended up dead" and you say find me a source or prove it , they put the burden on you to prove them wrong.

There are no logical arguments to be had
What a fucking moron, how does one get this level of thought.

Even if we had a base income people would still work, shit needs to get done and a lot of people enjoy working.
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