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New Zelda in work needs to stay on Gamecube


Unconfirmed Member
Nintendo won't launch with Zelda. They've never launched a system with a Zelda game before, AFAIK. They're not about to start now. Besides, doing so would also piss off people more. First they promise a "realistic" Zelda for the Cube and decide to change it into a cartoon. Then you want them to promise a "realistic" Zelda for the Cube again and just flat out not deliver it at all? Yeah, broken promises are a real good way to keep the fans coming back. Zelda WILL release on the GC, and there's really nothing else to that.

But this time they MUST LAUNCH WITH MARIO. Not doing so with the Cube was dumb as hell, and it's not a mistake I expect them to make twice.


I guess it'd be smarter to release the thing on Revolution...Nintendo better have a mega kick-ass launch line up.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Did they ever promise a realistic Zelda for the Cube before WW?

Or was that just the ASSumption that was made given that tech demo they put together at Spaceworld 2000?
Mejilan said:
Did they ever promise a realistic Zelda for the Cube before WW?

Or was that just the ASSumption that was made given that tech demo they put together at Spaceworld 2000?

Don't be so anal. It's not like it's was unreasonable to expect a realistic Zelda, especially after they showed it again at E3 the following year.

Anyway, I've probably said this before but Nintendo cannot let the GC go out with a wimper, it needs to keep the support strong, at least all throughout 2005 and well into 2006. They cannot afford to have more momentum sapped out of their sails by being dormant in the market.

Also I disagree with Mario being a necessity at launch. While it might be because I'm probably the only person who doesn't think Mario128 has been shifted to Revolution, but also launches aren't exactly Nintendo's weak point. The built in Nintendo fanbase is enough to give Nintendo a good start. It's the 6-10 months after launch where they fall down.

A good launch doesn't need to be packed to the brim with AAA games. It just needs some decent solidly playable stuff, the newest factor will carry them for a while. You need to start hitting with the really impressive system sellers around Feb-Mar (assuming a Sept-Nov launch), to shake off the post-Xmas dip, that's when Nintendo should be aiming for the Revolution Mario.

Deku Tree

I want Zelda Reborn to stay on the Cube. 2 Zelda games per Console is a must.

Nintendo should launch their next console with a new awesome Mario game, Pikmin 3, SSB Revolution, a non-metroid FPS from retro and maybe another entirely new franchise. + RE5 would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.

Review sites like IGN GC should just give up giving corporate advice to Nintendo about when they should release their games.

I don't see IGN xbox suggesting that Conker should be delayed to xenon or IGN ps2 suggesting that Wanda should be delayed to PS3...


Running off of Custom Firmware
Die Squirrel Die said:
Don't be so anal. It's not like it's was unreasonable to expect a realistic Zelda, especially after they showed it again at E3 the following year.

But did they ever confirm it was a real game?

Also, GCN HAS received more than two Zelda games. WW, Four Sword Adventures, and Ocarina of Time Master Quest!


Deku Tree

Mejilan said:
Also, GCN HAS received more than two Zelda games. WW, Four Sword Adventures, and Ocarina of Time Master Quest!

Four Swords is a Spin Off Series. OoT Master Quest, while awesome, is not a Current Gen game. I only count one new main series Zelda game on the GC.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I now what you're saying, of course. I'm just having a bit of fun. I CERTAINLY do not what Zelda to be delayed onto another system.

Still... half of all Zeldas are technically unrelated spin-offs, then. I mean, half of them, if not more, don't even deal with the Zelda/Ganon/Triforce/Hyrule story arc.

And while it might technically have been a last gen game, OoT MQ was GCN exlcusive... :D

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
I've already had my say in this topic, but I just want to add that it seems ever more likely that it's 2 years until the next system. 2 years! Not only is that far too soon to be talking about moving software over, what exactly are Nintendo going to release in its stead? Now if Nintendo was launching next year, maybe I'd see his point.

Can't wait till Matt gets back off his holiday or whatever it is. I just hope this Juan isn't going to make N-Query his home like MJ did for a while. Those were bad days.

Oh and it wasn't unreasonable to expect a realistic Zelda, but it is unreasonable to call it a broken promise. Nintendo constantly told us it was just a tech demo, we in our infinite wisdom decided this was just a line and there was no way it wasn't a real game, and hey, what do you know, Nintendo weren't lying.


Sucks at viral marketing
Deku Tree said:
Review sites like IGN GC should just give up giving corporate advice to Nintendo about when they should release their games.

I don't see IGN xbox suggesting that Conker should be delayed to xenon or IGN ps2 suggesting that Wanda should be delayed to PS3...
So true. The worst part about IGNCube, isn't that they give their opinion about what they'd like to see happen, it's when they imply that if Nintendo does it any way but IGN's way, they're wrong, or disappointing, or doomed. The work their-little-idiot-selves up into such a ridiculous fury, they can't help but to be disappointed.

Nintendo is not going to delay the new Zelda and put it on the Revolution. The fact that it was shown at E3 cements its appearance on the Gamecube. Zelda isn't Eternal Darkness or Dinosuar Planet; it's not some new, unknown game that they can bait 'n' switch on us. Those two do not make up a precedence for Zelda also being delayed. If they do switch Zelda, it would be the first time Nintendo publicly demonstrated a new game in an exsisting franchise and then scrapped it for a next-gen platform.

I believe Miyamoto stated at E3 that Super Mario 128 could have been shown at the same time, but they were thinking about putting that game on Revolution (or different platform), so they didn't show it. That's makes for a better example over ED and DP.


Reggie: "let me show you, one more world, for Nintendo Gamecube"

the new Zelda shown at E3 is for for Gamecube, obviously

Revolution will have its own Zelda releases, in the 2007-2008-2009 timeframe.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
doncale said:
Reggie: "let me show you, one more world, for Nintendo Gamecube"

the new Zelda shown at E3 is for for Gamecube, obviously

Revolution will have its own Zelda releases, in the 2007-2008-2009 timeframe.

Actually, it's "I'd like you to step inside one more world for Nintendo Gamecube."


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
Nintendo needs to launch Revolution with a Pokemon, full-fledged RPG, with online trading/battling capabilities... That = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$


Still Tagged Accordingly
djtiesto said:
Nintendo needs to launch Revolution with a Pokemon, full-fledged RPG, with online trading/battling capabilities... That = $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
yeah... $$$ for development of a game like that ;P


I like the idea of Pokemon Online, but not as a launch titles. Nintendo still has a huge image problem, the last thing they need to do is it reiterate that fact by launching their next console a series that has played a huge role in earning them their kiddy image.


Mama Smurf said:
I've already had my say in this topic, but I just want to add that it seems ever more likely that it's 2 years until the next system. 2 years! Not only is that far too soon to be talking about moving software over, what exactly are Nintendo going to release in its stead? Now if Nintendo was launching next year, maybe I'd see his point.

Can't wait till Matt gets back off his holiday or whatever it is. I just hope this Juan isn't going to make N-Query his home like MJ did for a while. Those were bad days.

Oh and it wasn't unreasonable to expect a realistic Zelda, but it is unreasonable to call it a broken promise. Nintendo constantly told us it was just a tech demo, we in our infinite wisdom decided this was just a line and there was no way it wasn't a real game, and hey, what do you know, Nintendo weren't lying.

Stupid IGN-Juan has totally riled up the board now. Almost every topic is about that Zelda will launch with Revolution. Grrrrr.


I am tired of people expecting the next system to rock the house... I just want Nintendo to support GC like they did with the SNES and not like they did with the N64 when the games began to lack long time before the first GC news appeared.

Sorry but I don't see the point of some wanting the new Zelda to appear on Revolution.


ourumov said:
I am tired of people expecting the next system to rock the house... I just want Nintendo to support GC like they did with the SNES and not like they did with the N64 when the games began to lack long time before the first GC news appeared.
While the droughts were painful, I have to say Nintendo's own software on N64 was better than their SNES stuff imo...
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