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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

Already interested in games.


Maybe not yet for the same reason I am though...

My daughter, Madeline, was born two weeks back this past Saturday. 9 lbs, 21 inches. That shot is her on day 2. She only cries when she's hungry or getting her diaper changed but thankfully she's a highly effective eater.

Still working on shifting that sleep cycle to something more in tune with us, but we don't have to wake her to feed her any more since she's gaining well, which means that during these past two weeks I've not only been able to get some QT in, but more sleep than I did before.
My son is 7 months old. Poor guy hasn't been feeling well lately. Diarrhea and puking. No good. He's also cutting teeth from what people have told me. I haven't looked myself yet but the dentist said he could feel them. He goes in to see the urologist in November for his kidney problem.


Apparently no. We're supposed to start right now once a day to get her used to it.

Modernity over thinks parenting. If the baby wants to eat, feed her. If not, don't stress you or the baby out trying to feed them.

Babies have really strong gag reflexes. They gag when food is much further forward in the mouth than you or I would. This is a natural protection to prevent choking. Until the gag reflex recedes you are physically causing distress to them trying to feed them if they don't want it. At 3 months if she wants it that is fine, but that would be abnormal.

I recommend "Baby Led Weaning". It takes all the stress out of feeding. You feed the baby solid food in large chunks, no ground stuff. You encourage the baby to play with the food. You don't expect the baby to swallow his food. The baby lets you know when he starts to want to swallow food (It is really obvious, he will demand the food.) You let the baby gag without intervening, etc. No spoons at first. The premise is that babies aren't actively trying to kill/starve themselves to death like doctors seem to assume so there is no reason to stress and intervene into what the baby naturally wants.

Personally, at 6 months we started putting food in front of our boy. Long thin strips of beef or chicken, slices of apples or other fruit, basically anything he could grasp with his whole hand. ( (At this stage they can't really pinch food so small chunks is worthless.) The same food my wife and I were eating spices and all. He treated it like toys. Sucking on it, banging on it, etc. Almost nothing was being consumed. Natural gagging occurred frequently.

To coincide with the ability to pinch and pick up stuff between thumb and pointer finger (about 7 months), the baby started to want to actually swallow food. Favorites were guacomole, yougurt, and anything small that would dissolve in his saliva and mashed by his gums(crackers, pasta, beans.) Only use a spoon for the yogurt like food. Everything else he feeds himself.

We are at 8.5 months now and he is moving onto wanting pretty much everything we eat, and we let him. He also dropping off on breast feeding during the day. Gagging is nonexistent unless the parent messes up. I gagged him the other day because I helped him use a sippy cup not realizing he had a chunk of chicken in his mouth. Again, he naturally cleared his throat and made no issue out of it because his parents don't make an issue of it. I'll post a pic later but I need to run to a meeting.
That includes the father. I'd be forced to leave at 8pm and wouldn't be allowed to enter again until 10am the next day.

I stayed with my wife for six days straight (three in labor and three after they gave up and just cut our daughter out) and had no trouble whatsoever. The staff let me use the room shower and everything.
This is my little boy, Blake - who was born 4 weeks ago tomorrow.

He's getting on brilliantly now that some initial feeding concerns have been sorted out.

Unbelievable proud - It's hard to describe how totally different your life/world-view becomes when one of these little guys arrive. I wouldn't change it for the world - although needless to say a couple of extra hours sleep here and there would be a bonus.

I've been back at work for a week now, and spend most of my time sneakily looking at photos of him. Happy days.


1 month old today. Her name is Scarlett. Born 9-8-12 via c section. My girlfriend made it all the way to a 10 before the doctor ordered the C sec.


She's up to 4 oz. of Similac every 3-4 hours. When she is awake, boy, is she awake. Wide eyed and bushy tailed.

She is very content. It's really scary. She only cries when she is hungry or cold. Even then, she just grunts for a little bit to let us know its time for a bottle, before she starts wailing. She's honestly one of the best babies I've ever taken care of (and i'm not just saying that because she is my kid... everyone says we are lucky as hell).

She's got a bit of acid reflux so she cant lay flat on her back for a long time without getting irritated. That's the most of our worries, so I'd say we are damn lucky.
Modernity over thinks parenting.

Typically I agree with this. All the crap about organic or not organic, formula or breast milk, etc etc, it all seems over thinking things. However.....

If the baby wants to eat, feed her. If not, don't stress you or the baby out trying to feed them.

It seems that it's pretty much accepted across the board that the time to introduce solids is 4 to 6 months. I think many things are over thinking, but that typically has opinions all over the place. The feeding of solids time frame isn't like that.

Babies have really strong gag reflexes. They gag when food is much further forward in the mouth than you or I would. This is a natural protection to prevent choking. Until the gag reflex recedes you are physically causing distress to them trying to feed them if they don't want it. At 3 months if she wants it that is fine, but that would be abnormal.

I recommend "Baby Led Weaning". It takes all the stress out of feeding. You feed the baby solid food in large chunks, no ground stuff. You encourage the baby to play with the food. You don't expect the baby to swallow his food. The baby lets you know when he starts to want to swallow food (It is really obvious, he will demand the food.) You let the baby gag without intervening, etc. No spoons at first. The premise is that babies aren't actively trying to kill/starve themselves to death like doctors seem to assume so there is no reason to stress and intervene into what the baby naturally wants.

This sounded interesting at first, but then thinking about it more, isn't this dangerous? Isn't this a choking hazard? There's a reason they tell you not to give a baby certain things because of the risk of a choking hazard. I don't believe that babies are ever actively trying to starve themselves and believe that a baby will eat when they want to eat and not eat when they're done, but letting them gag on food seems like it could be dangerous. It's about putting something in their mouth and it accidently goes down, and gets stuck in their throat. Babies die all the time from choking hazards.

I think everyone has a right to raise their kid how they believe and please don't anyone think that I'm putting down a method of how you raise your kid. I think this is an interesting topic and just would like to discuss it further. If anything maybe everyone can learn something or get an idea from the discussion that happens.


This sounded interesting at first, but then thinking about it more, isn't this dangerous? Isn't this a choking hazard? There's a reason they tell you not to give a baby certain things because of the risk of a choking hazard. I don't believe that babies are ever actively trying to starve themselves and believe that a baby will eat when they want to eat and not eat when they're done, but letting them gag on food seems like it could be dangerous. It's about putting something in their mouth and it accidently goes down, and gets stuck in their throat. Babies die all the time from choking hazards.

I think everyone has a right to raise their kid how they believe and please don't anyone think that I'm putting down a method of how you raise your kid. I think this is an interesting topic and just would like to discuss it further. If anything maybe everyone can learn something or get an idea from the discussion that happens.

Well you would intervene if the baby can't clear their throat. There is a difference between gagging and choaking. The gag reflex is to prevent the baby from swallowing too big a food. I consider choaking to be once something too big has already been swallowed. This method of feeding does require you to ignore pretty much all your friends, doctors, and most books and just trust in nature and doing what is easiest. My mother-in-law when she is over cringes during dinner.

And to clarify "Baby Led Weaning" is Baby-Led Weaning by Gil Rapley and Tracy Murkett. I meant the quotes to show it was a book title but that isn't the proper way to do it.
Well you would intervene if the baby can't clear their throat. There is a difference between gagging and choaking. The gag reflex is to prevent the baby from swallowing too big a food. I consider choaking to be once something too big has already been swallowed. This method of feeding does require you to ignore pretty much all your friends, doctors, and most books and just trust in nature and doing what is easiest. My mother-in-law when she is over cringes during dinner.

And to clarify "Baby Led Weaning" is Baby-Led Weaning by Gil Rapley and Tracy Murkett. I meant the quotes to show it was a book title but that isn't the proper way to do it.

I guess I have to ask, isn't it dangerous to even allow them to try to do it? Seems like you could be playing with fire. Also, what do you feel is the benefit of this method of letting them learn to eat in comparison to other methods?


I guess I have to ask, isn't it dangerous to even allow them to try to do it? Seems like you could be playing with fire. Also, what do you feel is the benefit of this method of letting them learn to eat in comparison to other methods?

Supposed benefits:
- Less stress on parents and baby during feeding time (no pressure that baby must consume a certain amount of food, baby isnt batting the spoon)
- Less preparation time, less expensive - you are not grinding or buying baby food
- Baby learns to like a variety of foods by playing with it and mimicing parents during very important early life
- Baby does not have a 2nd adjustment from baby food to normal food

- Pretty much have to bathe baby after every meal
- May be unacceptable to parents who want to protect from any possibility at all of choking
- Other parents think you are crazy


Mine's a little future gamer too! She loves bashing the buttons and pushing the stick so she'd probably beat me at DOA but for now she loves the iCade.




And to clarify "Baby Led Weaning" is Baby-Led Weaning by Gil Rapley and Tracy Murkett. I meant the quotes to show it was a book title but that isn't the proper way to do it.

We're doing it. Lots of "Oh my are you choking little one?" then he almost always coughs the stuff back up. Good Times.

Has anyone wife started making baby clothing. My wife has been going nuts with crafts after having our boys. She's made diapers, snack bags, and now she is making ties and bibs.


Sort of freaking out...my wife (8 months pregnant) decided to go ahead without me this morning and apply some topical flea/tick medicine to our dog.

I casually mentioned it to my boss who said that stuff can be absorbed into the skin and cause birth defects. I'm sort of freaking out...and pissed at her for being so impatient about this that she couldn't have me do it or read the box to see if she should be applying it.

She claims she washed her hands a few times this morning...



Sort of freaking out...my wife (8 months pregnant) decided to go ahead without me this morning and apply some topical flea/tick medicine to our dog.

I casually mentioned it to my boss who said that stuff can be absorbed into the skin and cause birth defects. I'm sort of freaking out...and pissed at her for being so impatient about this that she couldn't have me do it or read the box to see if she should be applying it.

She claims she washed her hands a few times this morning...


I know it's anxious times now, but so much stuff can be 'absorbed through the skin and cause birth defects'. She,s pretty far along now, it's no longer really a developing embryo - it's fully a human being, mostly just growing now, probably. Baby could arrive anytime! That said, the placenta is meant to act as a filter for nasties as well. Is there anything on the box that specifically cause you concern?

Like I said, I know it's anxious times now, but man, I've been there, and it's nothing compared to the anxiety and worry once baby is here! Save your concern when there's nothing you can do about it (I assume).
We went book shopping with my son on Monday and I found this book.
Kel Gilligan's Daredevil Stunt Show

It's a great little book for Toddlers. The basic premise is Kel is a 'daredevil' who's stunts include, eat broccoli and going to the potty by himself. The 'audience' which include his parents and other family members are amazed at the stunts he performs. Super cute story and the art work is gorgeous, I definitely recommend it.
We went book shopping with my son on Monday and I found this book.
Kel Gilligan's Daredevil Stunt Show

It's a great little book for Toddlers. The basic premise is Kel is a 'daredevil' who's stunts include, eat broccoli and going to the potty by himself. The 'audience' which include his parents and other family members are amazed at the stunts he performs. Super cute story and the art work is gorgeous, I definitely recommend it.
I thought that was a DS game for a second.


I know it's anxious times now, but so much stuff can be 'absorbed through the skin and cause birth defects'. She,s pretty far along now, it's no longer really a developing embryo - it's fully a human being, mostly just growing now, probably. Baby could arrive anytime! That said, the placenta is meant to act as a filter for nasties as well. Is there anything on the box that specifically cause you concern?

Like I said, I know it's anxious times now, but man, I've been there, and it's nothing compared to the anxiety and worry once baby is here! Save your concern when there's nothing you can do about it (I assume).

Found out about it after I already left home, I'll check the box tonight after work. Googling things probably didn't help. Didn't want to have to worry about something like this on my birthday. =/

Wife is mad at me now for being super-hypochondria boy.


Found out about it after I already left home, I'll check the box tonight after work. Googling things probably didn't help. Didn't want to have to worry about something like this on my birthday. =/

Wife is mad at me now for being super-hypochondria boy.

You probably are being super-hypochondria boy. I should know, I would be your leader.

Man, the things I could say that would wind you up.... But chances are baby is fine. She's 8 months, baby is pretty much ready to go. Even if there's a toxicity to any compound, it's unlikely that any substantial amount would have been transferred.

And don't google stuff. Internet just winds you up more if you're already a worry-wort.

Jet: cute! We're only 4.5 months, but something everyone has always said, but is hard to appreciate is that they change..,FAST. In those tough times, remember that your baby will only be small and cute like that for a fraction of the time. The days where you can cradle them in one arm rapidly diminish, and you'll wonder where they went, so you have to cherish them while you have em. Seriously, you have a cute baby.


You probably are being super-hypochondria boy. I should know, I would be your leader.

Man, the things I could say that would wind you up.... But chances are baby is fine. She's 8 months, baby is pretty much ready to go. Even if there's a toxicity to any compound, it's unlikely that any substantial amount would have been transferred.

And don't google stuff. Internet just winds you up more if you're already a worry-wort.

Well, she said she didn't get any on her hands and washed her hands anyway, but I can't account for the last 8 months of applying this stuff to my dog. I've taken care of it for the most part, but she might have once or twice early on in the pregnancy. I can't say.

I can only go by our bi-weekly/weekly checkups and baby's heart rate sound fine, and growing as expected.


Well, she said she didn't get any on her hands and washed her hands anyway, but I can't account for the last 8 months of applying this stuff to my dog. I've taken care of it for the most part, but she might have once or twice early on in the pregnancy. I can't say.

I can only go by our bi-weekly/weekly checkups and baby's heart rate sound fine, and growing as expected.

Look, I know what's it's like to worry about this sort of thing, but it's pointless to do so. I bet the only reason you want to read the box and google it is to ease your own concerns. I know, I'm that sort of person myself. Just understand that it can get over the top. The anxiety gets worse when baby arrives, too.


Jet: cute! We're only 4.5 months, but something everyone has always said, but is hard to appreciate is that they change..,FAST. In those tough times, remember that your baby will only be small and cute like that for a fraction of the time. The days where you can cradle them in one arm rapidly diminish, and you'll wonder where they went, so you have to cherish them while you have em. Seriously, you have a cute baby.

Hehe thanks! :p

And you're right, they do change fast. I was looking at some pictures yesterday and it's pretty incredible how fast she grow but I can't wait to have more interaction with her, to play and to talk with her. Being a dad is great. :D


My daughter's due in three weeks now. All is going well, but I just found out that our local hospital doesn't allow any visitors if the mother is kept in overnight after birth.

That includes the father. I'd be forced to leave at 8pm and wouldn't be allowed to enter again until 10am the next day.

We only know this because a friend had their baby delivered last night, and there were complications. The mother lost a huge amount of blood and was in a bad state, and the father STILL wasn't allowed to stay overnight with her.

Is this standard procedure? Because its fucked up.

England, btw.

In the US that would be very odd.

I spent almost a week in the hospital with my wife and son. I slept in the delivery room, and then in the recovery room. The only room with any restrictions was the surgery room (unplanned C-section), but I still got to be in the room I just couldn't move around until the baby was out and she was stitched up.

The normal situation for our hospital (and insurance) is something like two nights for a "normal" birth and three nights for a C-section. At least those are the numbers I remember.

Our six day stay was a little odd, but was mostly because of the unplanned C-section. Wife couldn't even get out of the bed for a couple days.


Deep into his 30th decade
In the US that would be very odd.

I spent almost a week in the hospital with my wife and son. I slept in the delivery room, and then in the recovery room. The only room with any restrictions was the surgery room (unplanned C-section), but I still got to be in the room I just couldn't move around until the baby was out and she was stitched up.

The normal situation for our hospital (and insurance) is something like two nights for a "normal" birth and three nights for a C-section. At least those are the numbers I remember.

Our six day stay was a little odd, but was mostly because of the unplanned C-section. Wife couldn't even get out of the bed for a couple days.

Yup, same for me, I slept in the delivery room with my wife, was there during the whole delivery(I even helped). Then we slept two nights after the delivery at the hospital, my wife, me and our new baby in the same room.

Also my wife had to stay in the hospital for 6 weeks due to going into premature labor, I was there pretty much every day and night when I wasn't working.
Sort of freaking out...my wife (8 months pregnant) decided to go ahead without me this morning and apply some topical flea/tick medicine to our dog.

I casually mentioned it to my boss who said that stuff can be absorbed into the skin and cause birth defects. I'm sort of freaking out...and pissed at her for being so impatient about this that she couldn't have me do it or read the box to see if she should be applying it.

She claims she washed her hands a few times this morning...


You do have a right to freak out. Most of those have some sort of chemical and those chemicals are to be avoided during pregnancy. Fortunately, it seems like it's late enough that it shouldn't be an issue compared to earlier exposure during the development, but the simple carelessness wasn't the best choice on your wife's part. You have every right to be freaked out or annoyed at what took place. I think things should be fine if this was the only time and you're not being a hypochondriac for fearing it.

Also, I think mrkgoo is overselling the anxiety aspect. I was way more paranoid during the pregnancy than after birth. The first couple weeks are certainly a challenge, but once you get used to it and get in a groove, you're almost on auto pilot rather than having anxiety. Just make sure you get rest whenever you can after the birth, and try to take shifts to let the other person get longer stretches of sleep. That will go a long way of being able to handle a newborn.


You do have a right to freak out. Most of those have some sort of chemical and those chemicals are to be avoided during pregnancy. Fortunately, it seems like it's late enough that it shouldn't be an issue compared to earlier exposure during the development, but the simple carelessness wasn't the best choice on your wife's part. You have every right to be freaked out or annoyed at what took place. I think things should be fine if this was the only time and you're not being a hypochondriac for fearing it.

Also, I think mrkgoo is overselling the anxiety aspect. I was way more paranoid during the pregnancy than after birth. The first couple weeks are certainly a challenge, but once you get used to it and get in a groove, you're almost on auto pilot rather than having anxiety. Just make sure you get rest whenever you can after the birth, and try to take shifts to let the other person get longer stretches of sleep. That will go a long way of being able to handle a newborn.

I was mostly meaning if you're an anxious person in the first place, the anxiety never goes away. I'm way more anxious now. But then, I handle radioactive chemicals at work. I wash things so much, I've destroyed the skin on my hands, which bleed now. You'd be right, it's a unique thing for my situation though. I was mostly saying if you're anxious person now regarding stuff like that, it can continue.
Tried feeding my son a very small portion of a orange slice(those small ones you can get in a can)....it did not end well. First he hated it. Then he started to gag really bad so I took it out of his mouth. Then he proceeded to throw up. ALOT. Got all over his bouncer, his clothes...it was a nightmare. I guess he's not ready for solids yet.
Tried feeding my son a very small portion of a orange slice(those small ones you can get in a can)....it did not end well. First he hated it. Then he started to gag really bad so I took it out of his mouth. Then he proceeded to throw up. ALOT. Got all over his bouncer, his clothes...it was a nightmare. I guess he's not ready for solids yet.

Are you still on breast milk/formula? Or have you given other foods before?


You do have a right to freak out. Most of those have some sort of chemical and those chemicals are to be avoided during pregnancy. Fortunately, it seems like it's late enough that it shouldn't be an issue compared to earlier exposure during the development, but the simple carelessness wasn't the best choice on your wife's part. You have every right to be freaked out or annoyed at what took place. I think things should be fine if this was the only time and you're not being a hypochondriac for fearing it.

Also, I think mrkgoo is overselling the anxiety aspect. I was way more paranoid during the pregnancy than after birth. The first couple weeks are certainly a challenge, but once you get used to it and get in a groove, you're almost on auto pilot rather than having anxiety. Just make sure you get rest whenever you can after the birth, and try to take shifts to let the other person get longer stretches of sleep. That will go a long way of being able to handle a newborn.

I don't know what to think. I honestly don't know what type of exposure is bad.

She called the doctor just to double check and they said they're more concerned about older flea and tick stuff where you spray it on as opposed to the applicator she used. Also, it's more of a concern in the earlier trimesters while development is still occurring.

Still, I can't recall how many times in the past 8 months she might have done this (maybe once, twice at the most while I handled the rest)or pet the dog later in the day/week without thinking about it, but it's not exactly easy to get all over your hands unless the dog is squirming around etc.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how my kid turns out...5 more weeks.

Kind of ticks me off (no pun intended) that chemicals this strong are used on animals anyway.


oh man oh man

The baby is going to be early, which means it'll be here before the end of the month at the very latest.

From what I understand, the baby has 'dropped', which means it's almost time. Shiiiiit. I just wish I knew when exactly my girlfriend will go into labour...it could be any time, and it's stressful as hell with me being at work. gah. She's full term now.
I don't know what to think. I honestly don't know what type of exposure is bad.

She called the doctor just to double check and they said they're more concerned about older flea and tick stuff where you spray it on as opposed to the applicator she used. Also, it's more of a concern in the earlier trimesters while development is still occurring.

Still, I can't recall how many times in the past 8 months she might have done this (maybe once, twice at the most while I handled the rest), but it's not exactly easy to get all over your hands unless the dog is squirming around etc.

Guess we'll have to wait and see how my kid turns out...5 more weeks.

Well I've got my fingers crossed for you that hopefully things turn out alright. I hope your wife understands now that you weren't being unreasonable and has at least learned from what happened. At this point there isn't much you can do so try not to get worked up over it because it is out of your hands now. In all likelihood, things are probably fine. I always like to joke that there's always the second kid =)


oh man oh man

The baby is going to be early, which means it'll be here before the end of the month at the very latest.

From what I understand, the baby has 'dropped', which means it's almost time. Shiiiiit. I just wish I knew when exactly my girlfriend will go into labour...it could be any time, and it's stressful as hell with me being at work. gah. She's full term now.

If you're anything like me you'll be more crazy and anxious than the missus. Thankfully that goes away pretty much as soon as the baby is born.


If you're anything like me you'll be more crazy and anxious than the missus. Thankfully that goes away pretty much as soon as the baby is born.

haha yeah. Well, my girlfriend is just chilling at home the whole time! I'm managing a store, 50 hours per week! That's what worries me - if it begins whilst I'm at home with her, I'm all good!

I've got my staff on call to take over immediately from me if I get the call whilst I'm at work luckily, and then I have three weeks off. I'm going to need it.


Well I've got my fingers crossed for you that hopefully things turn out alright. I hope your wife understands now that you weren't being unreasonable and has at least learned from what happened. At this point there isn't much you can do so try not to get worked up over it because it is out of your hands now. In all likelihood, things are probably fine. I always like to joke that there's always the second kid =)

I mean, how potent is this stuff that if you touch it you can absorb it into your skin and fuck up your child? That's so scary to think about.

I'm probably worrying for nothing, but at this point we've invested so much time and money and emotions into this unborn kid I just wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. I asked her not to touch anything until I get home.

What set this whole thing off was she put it on this morning, and when I got home from the gym I noticed my dog jumped on our couch and rubbed some of the stuff on the back of the couch. It's oil based, so it stained the couch....so I took a dish towel and some water and dish soap to clean it out. It wasn't until I got to work that my boss told me that stuff is bad news for pregnant people, so I asked her not to touch any dish towels until I get home to figure out which one I used so we can properly dispose of it or wash it and I can clean up the couch a bit more.

I'll take some blame for this too because I should have been more vigilant as well in knowing what she shouldn't be touching.

I can swear that months ago she purposely had me apply this stuff to the dog because she knew about it, so as long as she had no exposure early on I can rest a bit easier.
I mean, how potent is this stuff that if you touch it you can absorb it into your skin and fuck up your child? That's so scary to think about.

I'm probably worrying for nothing, but at this point we've invested so much time and money and emotions into this unborn kid I just wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that. I asked her not to touch anything until I get home.

What set this whole thing off was she put it on this morning, and when I got home from the gym I noticed my dog jumped on our couch and rubbed some of the stuff on the back of the couch. It's oil based, so it stained the couch....so I took a dish towel and some water and dish soap to clean it out. It wasn't until I got to work that my boss told me that stuff is bad news for pregnant people, so I asked her not to touch any dish towels until I get home to figure out which one I used so we can properly dispose of it or wash it and I can clean up the couch a bit more.

I'll take some blame for this too because I should have been more vigilant as well in knowing what she shouldn't be touching.

I can swear that months ago she purposely had me apply this stuff to the dog because she knew about it, so as long as she had no exposure early on I can rest a bit easier.

There really is no sense in beating yourself up over at this point. You and hopefully your wife understands what happen, you learn from it, and just don't let it happen again and move on. It's far more stressful to dwell on it when the reality is nothing can be done so why put yourself through that stress or even her through that stress. Stress isn't good for the baby either.

It's possible your wife did tell you to do it before, but don't underestimate pregnancy brain. It's quite real. Heck take advantage of it =)

The other thing is, no matter how much you prepare, you're going to make mistakes. There's just no way you can cover everything. So you need to be able to go with the flow sometimes rather than dwelling on them. I know it's hard not to but the sooner you accept that, the easier it gets.


There really is no sense in beating yourself up over at this point. You and hopefully your wife understands what happen, you learn from it, and just don't let it happen again and move on. It's far more stressful to dwell on it when the reality is nothing can be done so why put yourself through that stress or even her through that stress. Stress isn't good for the baby either.

It's possible your wife did tell you to do it before, but don't underestimate pregnancy brain. It's quite real. Heck take advantage of it =)

Yeah, I don't want to stress her out or make her feel bad. She's been a champ thru this pregnancy so far.
Fast forward to 4 minutes after my post...
And it's a girl ! Healthy and 2,5kg. Not too shabby for a one month early.

Jesus, I'm so not ready. but so happy.


Junior Butler
Fast forward to 4 minutes after my post...
And it's a girl ! Healthy and 2,5kg. Not too shabby for a one month early.

Jesus, I'm so not ready. but so happy.

Grats man! You'll do fine, I felt the same way.

While I'm here, is it normal to feel that bump we all have at the back center of our heads on a 3 1/2 month old baby?


wife's 22 weeks today, went to our first Bradley natural childbirth class last night. the next few months are going to be...interesting...to say the least!
Our regiment of introducing solids to our daughters always started with banannas cut into tiny chunks, Gerber Finger Foods (these little puffs of food that melt as soon as it makes contact with saliva), then Cheerios. Teething biscuits were in there somewhere too. The sky is the limit after that. Pasta was always a good early food as well as small chunks of soft cheese. It sure doesn't take long to get them grabbing and eating handfuls of everything within reach! Today, my kids (4 and 5) are not overly fussy eaters and I give them a lot of credit for always trying something no matter how weird it is. I don't think I was quite so open minded as a child.

Don't forget to get pics/video of your babies eating lemons and pickles. Hilarious stuff. We did the pickle thing on my first daughter and she made all sorts of funny faces but still kept trying to eat the stuff. When we did the same thing to my second daughter there was virtually no reaction and she would go on to eat an entire 1/2 of a Claussin's pickle at lunch everyday. Man, that kid loves her some pickles!
Our regiment of introducing solids to our daughters always started with banannas cut into tiny chunks


These are a great way to introduce solid fruits to kids. We put apples and banana chunks in one of these for Addie and she absolutely loves it. They're messy, but it really helps her get the hang of eating on her own.
Grats man! You'll do fine, I felt the same way.

While I'm here, is it normal to feel that bump we all have at the back center of our heads on a 3 1/2 month old baby?

Congrats man! Nobody is ever ready for their first, welcome to the jungle!

Noone is ready, but you'll do great. Congrats!

Thank you guys ! I'm so happy. This was one hell of a day. Baby was due on the 17th of november.

Monday: "I have stocmach cramps"
Tuesday: "Doctor gave me something, I feel better"
Wednesday morning "Well they came back"
Wednesday afternoon: "Doctor advised to go to the ER just to be safe"
1 hour later: "They're running some blood test, could you come over ?"
1 hour later: "They say you'd better hurry".

Plus I felt like the ground giving way when the OBGYN said "I want to take the time to make the best decision, the baby might not stay with us". He meant the baby might have to be transferred to another hospital but boy I wasn't in need for some ambiguous statement.

Anyway, all went fine in the end. Our lovely girl is lovely. Just have to find her a name now. We'll suggest a few and she'll decide !
Thank you guys ! I'm so happy. This was one hell of a day. Baby was due on the 17th of november.

Monday: "I have stocmach cramps"
Tuesday: "Doctor gave me something, I feel better"
Wednesday morning "Well they came back"
Wednesday afternoon: "Doctor advised to go to the ER just to be safe"
1 hour later: "They're running some blood test, could you come over ?"
1 hour later: "They say you'd better hurry".

Plus I felt like the ground giving way when the OBGYN said "I want to take the time to make the best decision, the baby might not stay with us". He meant the baby might have to be transferred to another hospital but boy I wasn't in need for some ambiguous statement.

Anyway, all went fine in the end. Our lovely girl is lovely. Just have to find her a name now. We'll suggest a few and she'll decide !

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