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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

Sye d'Burns


That's a great picture! I'm getting some serious "A Christmas Story" vibes from it.



My daughter was born 4 month ago, preemie, should have been in there 8 more weeks.

It was very dramatic - mother and child almost didn´t make it, but as of now everything is going fine.

Kid develops at the right pace and we have our fingers crossed that it stays that way.

Of course we are very afraid of every doctors appointment because we are always scared he "finds something"..

Parenthood - seems stressful so far.

That would have been an incredibly tough period for you man, glad everything is ok now.


My bubs has just started crawling now at 9 months. I couldn't wait until she started crawling because it's always good to see her hit new milestones but now that she's crawling I wish she wasn't! I turn around for 10 seconds and she's on the other side of the room and my place isn't child proof yet.


Parenthood is humbling, but empowering at the same time.

It’s lies that babies are only take, take, take. They also give. Parenthood is a journey of discovery, but just as much that, it’s a journey of SELF-discovery.
You learn more about yourself as a human being.

It is their gift to you.
My bubs has just started crawling now at 9 months. I couldn't wait until she started crawling because it's always good to see her hit new milestones but now that she's crawling I wish she wasn't! I turn around for 10 seconds and she's on the other side of the room and my place isn't child proof yet.

Haha! Babies are awesome!

I don't want another one though, two is enough


He's out! Over 24 hours in the hospital, my son was born at 10:01 pm on July 13th!

Now the fun part begins.

Late to the thread, looks like our babies were born at the same time.

My daughter was exactly 1 month early, small-ish, purple, shouting, ramming her fists in the air and generally looking very pissed.

2.360 Kg - 5,2 lb
45 cm - 17,72 in

after two months she's now

4.8 kg - 11,02 lb
56+ cm - 22,05 in

growing fast.

We really only had 4 rough weeks, but she actually is very quiet now, eats a lot, sleeps for 3/4 hours straight (lately even 6 at night) and when she doesn't she's aware, always listening to us or to music, watching around herself, showing interest in everything surrounding her.
She really only cries when she's hungry or when her stomach hurts, which i learned to understand quickly and found a couple positions and ways to make the pain go away almost instantly.

Last week she gave me her first real half-laughter.

She's beautiful and we still can't believe it's our daughter.
It's amazing how it changes your life completely.

Also, i can guarantee she will never have an account on Gaf.
Well that was fun. Little guy managed to throw up all over his face and hair which of course instantly sent him into a screaming rage. Trying to wash vomit/milk out of a baby's hair while he's screaming is always fun.


Wife hit 35 weeks today and our brand new Kaiser campus just opened yesterday so we hit our milestone dates. Our first child was 5 weeks early so we expect this one to come anytime .. and now we are past the hump and ready.

New facility for anyone interested in what a high end brand new hospital in the US looks like. $800 million dollar campus. Took a tour of this a few weeks back and it was super high tech and nicer than many Vegas hotels. My insurance coverage is solid, I end up paying a total of $40 out of pocket from conception to delivery for this baby and hospital stay.


Trying to get my sleep in before I have none, but we are finally stress free and finally ready for this baby to arrive any day.
Wife hit 35 weeks today and our brand new Kaiser campus just opened yesterday so we hit our milestone dates. Our first child was 5 weeks early so we expect this one to come anytime .. and now we are past the hump and ready.

New facility for anyone interested in what a high end brand new hospital in the US looks like. $800 million campus. Took a tour of this a few weeks back and it was super high tech and nicer than many Vegas hotels. My insurance coverage is solid, I end up paying a total of $40 out of pocket from conception to delivery for this baby and hospital stay.


Trying to get my sleep in before I have none, but we are finally stress free and finally ready for this baby to arrive any day.
Dude, Kaiser is awesome to have a baby in. We ended up paying only a couple hundred bucks and that was because my son was in the NICU for 2 weeks.



Well our little bundle of joy arrived Monday via C-section and all is well save for a little difficulty breast feeding and the fact that Asian babies are a little jaundice prone. Sleeplessness is my new hobby but luckily we're home now and the in laws flew all the way from China to help out for the next 6 months: given the general lack of sleep I am now 100% okay with this ;)


Deep into his 30th decade

Here is my little guy at 8 weeks old! Can't believe it has been so long already!

I have a bookshelf in his room full of kid's books from when I was a kid, he doesn't understand or look at much, but I read him a book every day before I put him in his crib. I got a few books about Chinese stuff(he is half Chinese), like dim sum, monkey king, that sort of thing, but he is also part Mexican, and I realized I had no books along those lines. Anyone have any good kid book recommendations with sort of a Mexican theme?

Here is my little guy at 8 weeks old! Can't believe it has been so long already!

I have a bookshelf in his room full of kid's books from when I was a kid, he doesn't understand or look at much, but I read him a book every day before I put him in his crib. I got a few books about Chinese stuff(he is half Chinese), like dim sum, monkey king, that sort of thing, but he is also part Mexican, and I realized I had no books along those lines. Anyone have any good kid book recommendations with sort of a Mexican theme?



Congrata on the new additions!

Our daughter is just hitting 4 months now.

Things were rough to begin with and a rough patch at about 3 months, but a key point to parenting is to be able to adapt to the sudden changes.

She feeds on the bottle a little more fussily now, but we have found going breaks works. Amenity of the blue she has started sleeping more over night for longer stretches. I mean like all of a sudden, straight to 6 hour sleeps. It makes you wonder I something is wrong or if it's just a fluke.


Some beautiful babies in here.

As a first time dad to be I am terrified about being left alone with the baby or holding babies. I always think something will happen to the baby. What can I do to get over this "fear"?

My dad just laughs and shrugs it off as "Just give it time, you need practice". But I want to be ready and help my girl out once it's here.
Some beautiful babies in here.

As a first time dad to be I am terrified about being left alone with the baby or holding babies. I always think something will happen to the baby. What can I do to get over this "fear"?

My dad just laughs and shrugs it off as "Just give it time, you need practice". But I want to be ready and help my girl out once it's here.

Listen to your Dad, he's right.

Babies are pretty hardy actually, they feel so fragile but they're really not. They're helpless sure but you likely won't hurt it by holding it. Just move slow and easy and you'll be fine. Before you know it you'll have that kid perched on your hip like a pro.
Some beautiful babies in here.

As a first time dad to be I am terrified about being left alone with the baby or holding babies. I always think something will happen to the baby. What can I do to get over this "fear"?

My dad just laughs and shrugs it off as "Just give it time, you need practice". But I want to be ready and help my girl out once it's here.

The best advice I ever read was that babies were designed to be taken care of by people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing(new parents).

As long as you don't do anything really dumb the baby will be fine.


Some beautiful babies in here.

As a first time dad to be I am terrified about being left alone with the baby or holding babies. I always think something will happen to the baby. What can I do to get over this "fear"?

My dad just laughs and shrugs it off as "Just give it time, you need practice". But I want to be ready and help my girl out once it's here.

I was completely terrified too and the nurses picked up on it and smacked some sense into me. I think the phrase was "don't worry her head isn't going to fall off." It was smooth sailing from there, not sure if it's just instinct or what but I picked it up and got over my fear on day one.


Thanks for the pointers guys. We still got time to go so I'll get more confident as time passes I am sure.


The best advice I ever read was that babies were designed to be taken care of by people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing(new parents).

As long as you don't do anything really dumb the baby will be fine.

I like this. It bears remembering.

So I'm sure we all understand the feeling of wanting to document our little ones - have you all been going crazy with photos and videos? What have you guys done in te way of prO family photos?


Just arrived at the hospital for the baby to be induced. She is 9 days overdue.

Starting to sweat now. GAF, get me through this!


We did our invitations for my sons first birthday party.





(Can't even see the scars anymore!)

A friend took this one...and...



Thanks guys, most likely going to arrive tomorrow, so I have quite a while to wait yet.

This is our first, hence the anxiety


Thanks guys, most likely going to arrive tomorrow, so I have quite a while to wait yet.

This is our first, hence the anxiety

I know how you feel. But it will be alright.

My son was 13/14 days to late. He turned alright. I can still remember how nervous I wa xD. One advice don't forget to drink and eat.


choodi, you'll be good.

First babies are always late, it seems.

I think Gary Whitta's wife went like 8 months past. ;)


I'm at home, working late night doing application updates for a big application for my company, my backup (my boss) left for Spain today. Annnnnd, wife is having contractions so she just drove herself to the hospital.

I'm stuck working for another 3 hours.. lol


Seriously? Priorities man!

Seriously. The application I'm updating is used 24/7/365 and generates a few hundred million dollars a year for my company. There are 12 people on this deployment call and my role is the most important of them all. I have no backup since my boss is out of country and I'm stuck lol...

Wife is with her mom and so far the baby is looking good so nothing may come of tonight, but she was having contractions and some other symptoms so we were playing it safe.

Definitely stuck as shit though, no way to walk from this work tonight. Well, if I want to keep my job that is.



wow my 7month old is so used to getting something to eat from mom before going to bad that every week once mom is out and i have to bring her to bad she absolutely freaks out … but i just ordered a Twilight Turtle by CloudB and will simply use it only when i bring her to bad #masterplan

anyone here using the turtle already?


My girlfriend's sister just had a baby and she hates it. I feel bad for the baby. She's 22 or something so she feels like the baby is ruining her life. She got pregnant because she thought she couldn't get pregnant (had sex with a ton of guys without protection and never got preggers)

I'm glad she lives half way across the country because I can't stand her
With a 3 month-old at home and a wife that works evenings, I'm finding that my decision to start my master's degree was probably a bad one. I've never been so tired in my life.


My girlfriend's sister just had a baby and she hates it. I feel bad for the baby. She's 22 or something so she feels like the baby is ruining her life. She got pregnant because she thought she couldn't get pregnant (had sex with a ton of guys without protection and never got preggers)

I'm glad she lives half way across the country because I can't stand her

wow sounds like a total bitch, poor kid seriously …


My girlfriend's sister just had a baby and she hates it. I feel bad for the baby. She's 22 or something so she feels like the baby is ruining her life. She got pregnant because she thought she couldn't get pregnant (had sex with a ton of guys without protection and never got preggers)

I'm glad she lives half way across the country because I can't stand her

Is her name Casey Anthony by any chance?


Labor started early this morning (Australian time). She just had an epidural as the contractions were really painful.

Should all happen by this afternoon, but I'll know more in about half an hour.

I am surprisingly calm though


wow my 7month old is so used to getting something to eat from mom before going to bad that every week once mom is out and i have to bring her to bad she absolutely freaks out … but i just ordered a Twilight Turtle by CloudB and will simply use it only when i bring her to bad #masterplan

anyone here using the turtle already?

Yeah I got bubs the ladybug version, I don't use it to help her sleep though, I just give her a bottle of formula to help her sleep.

Labor started early this morning (Australian time). She just had an epidural as the contractions were really painful.

Should all happen by this afternoon, but I'll know more in about half an hour.

I am surprisingly calm though

Hope it all goes super smooth man!
wow my 7month old is so used to getting something to eat from mom before going to bad that every week once mom is out and i have to bring her to bad she absolutely freaks out … but i just ordered a Twilight Turtle by CloudB and will simply use it only when i bring her to bad #masterplan

anyone here using the turtle already?

We have and used the turtle but it didn't really do anything for our girl. We never put another set of batteries into it once the batteries died. Now it's just decoration in the room.


A friend took this one...and...

You just cant help with the PS can you? :p Great to hear your lil guy is doing great.

With a 3 month-old at home and a wife that works evenings, I'm finding that my decision to start my master's degree was probably a bad one. I've never been so tired in my life.
My wife isnt working and my daughter is 13 months and I started my Masters. Feels bad man.


My girlfriend's sister just had a baby and she hates it. I feel bad for the baby. She's 22 or something so she feels like the baby is ruining her life. She got pregnant because she thought she couldn't get pregnant (had sex with a ton of guys without protection and never got preggers)

I'm glad she lives half way across the country because I can't stand her

Babies change your life forever. Such a simple concept, but young people don't understand.

Technically, our baby has 'ruined' our previous lifestyle as well, but it's not about that. My life now is technically 'worse' - less free time, less sleep, less hobby time, t the cost of more money, etc. etc. We all know it. But our daughter is without a doubt the best and most important thing in my life ever. Ever. EVER. It's like I have discovered the meaning to life.

The key is to accept your life is different, not worse. Your priorities change, and you have to adapt.

That's why I can't stand a lot of young people who don't understand the concept of consequences.

That said, all those feelings post natal can be very normal. I advise that you suggest she get with a lot of other mothers like in her antenatal group or something. It is MOST important knowing that the difficulties are normal. The sharing of frustrations can be extremely helpful in tough times. She needs to be advised that those feelings can be a consequence of very physical chemical changes going on in her body.

Channelled wrongly, those feelings can have dire consequences, but with the right guidance, as most, she can make it work.


Congrats choodi!


Finally arrived via cesarean.

Mum is recovering after losing a bit of blood.

So happy

Congrats man, welcome to the jungle! Your missus will need a lot of assistance doing regular things over the next week as she recovers so try and stick as close to her as you can. :)
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