angular graphics
Source: <- includes a 10K FB likes campaign
A little history:
Interceptor Entertainment was formed by a group of fans in 2010 with the goal of creating a Duke Nukem 3D reimagining for modern audiences. The game was going to be built with UDK and it would be released for free on PC. Gearbox Software gave them the green light, as long as they would control all aspects of its marketing, release date and so on.
In late 2011 Interceptor announced the game was put on indefinite hold, initially hinted and later confirmed because Gearbox saw how much better it looked and player than Duke Nukem Forever that they couldn't possibly allow for it to be released.
Since then Interceptor have become professional video game developers with an interesting twist: they work from their home, keeping intact the "fans making games" spirit. They have ported/published a bunch of old Apogee and Duke Nukem titles on iOS and Steam and most notably in 2013 they made their first game from scratch, a reimagining of 1995's "Rise of the Triad".
Now it seems they are about to return to the Duke Nukem property, but it's likely going to be an all new commercial game, instead of a free reimagining of DN3D. Also it remains to be seen if Gearbox will (have to) be involved this time or not.
"Duke Nukem: Mass Destruction" for PC & Playstation. Top down action RPG. Unreal Engine.
Source: <- includes a 10K FB likes campaign
Also interesting to note that back on the 28th of November, Frederik Schreiber (the CEO at Interceptor) posted the following on the forums:
I'm also personally tired of Pigcops, Turd Jokes, and a Goofy Duke Nukem.
I would love to see a Duke Nukem game, taken in a completely new direction. A way more serious and "Badass" Duke, with an epic plot. Something that really brings back Duke as an Action Hero.
That reminds me of how tired I am of strippers, babes etc. in Duke Nukem games, which only degrades Duke's intelligence even more (there is nothing wrong with Duke Liking strippers and babes, but it shouldn't be the main plot of a game). Give us a Duke game without strippers, a great sinister villain than can break Duke (Think Bane from DK:Rising), a slightly older, and way more badass/gritty Duke, and a galactic plotline that can be taken seriously, and I'm Sold!
A little history:
Interceptor Entertainment was formed by a group of fans in 2010 with the goal of creating a Duke Nukem 3D reimagining for modern audiences. The game was going to be built with UDK and it would be released for free on PC. Gearbox Software gave them the green light, as long as they would control all aspects of its marketing, release date and so on.
In late 2011 Interceptor announced the game was put on indefinite hold, initially hinted and later confirmed because Gearbox saw how much better it looked and player than Duke Nukem Forever that they couldn't possibly allow for it to be released.
Since then Interceptor have become professional video game developers with an interesting twist: they work from their home, keeping intact the "fans making games" spirit. They have ported/published a bunch of old Apogee and Duke Nukem titles on iOS and Steam and most notably in 2013 they made their first game from scratch, a reimagining of 1995's "Rise of the Triad".
Now it seems they are about to return to the Duke Nukem property, but it's likely going to be an all new commercial game, instead of a free reimagining of DN3D. Also it remains to be seen if Gearbox will (have to) be involved this time or not.