I think it's fine that they have more female lead characters in games...I've read a LOT of people on forums that aren't so happy. I mean, I get it. I don't want ANY specific character shoehorned into a game just to score social justice points, for example. BUT, I do feel that unless the story of a game is very specifically tailored for a certain character identity that you should be able to PICK the character. Like Nioh 2, or Demon's Souls Remake for example. You can be male, female and even something in between if you wish and the game still works as well as the story. Ok, maybe something like Days Gone needed to be that specific character and not let you create your own. Even then, we have the technology now. Could have had Days Gone and sure it's a biker guy but you could pick the black biker guy if you wanted, or the Asian or Indian biker guy....know what I mean? I think it is cool when you can be presented with as much choice as possible.
I also can't figure out how with these cameras we STILL don't have the ability to capture our own faces with the camera and have the in-game character mapped to that picture! In SOME cases at least, it would be pretty cool to be playing ME throughout the game. At least for SOME games.
Anyway, this game looks interesting to me. The bit with the dragon was pretty funny, I thought. Good reaction that someone from our world today would have if thrust into that situation.