Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
I said it before, but DC's lighting engine makes the competition look like cartoons. So much more visual fidelity that sells the image.
Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
Yes I know that, but it doesn't prevent them to base their photo mode on their debugging tools (like Sucker Punch did with Infamous Second Son, IIRC), right?Rushy replied 'Maybe' when asked if that was photomode on Twitter. There're a couple of screen caps in one of the GC DC threads.
Can somebody explain me why being open world racer plays a relatively big role when it comes to performance? I mean, it's not like you drive inside small corridors in Driveclub, you actually have detailed surroundings and beautiful vistas all around.
Serious question
optimisation. If you are driving a fixed course then they can carefully map where performance drops happen and where they have spare cup/gpu cycles.
Where they have spare they can add more detail or they can crank up the effects,
Where they are over budget they can look at reducing detail or using a different technique to achieve a similar effect.
You've also got to consider that any background detail in an open world game has to be viewable up close, so it may have a larger memory footprint due to having multiple level of detail States or being more detailed to start with.
The engines may load differently too, an open world game will need to stream data in , all assers will need to be within budget so they can physically be loaded in quick enough, so their file quality/detail will be lower because of this.
Also if you are creating a world or level 1000x larger, then you are going to need more people to deal with this if you want to lavish the same attention on it.
But these examples don't apply to just racing games , they apply to everything .
It's why second son doesn't look as good as killzone . Or why Battlefield's Multiplayer doesn't look as good as single player
I really only just stumbled into this thread by accident, but the bottom image is WORLDS apart.
Wow at some of the denial in this thread. DC looks like it's on entirely different level to both F5 and FH2.
Yet Driveclub is said to render a 200km area so that you can see the curvature of the earth.
Yet Driveclub is said to render a 200km area so that you can see the curvature of the earth.
Yet Driveclub is said to render a 200km area so that you can see the curvature of the earth.
If you have a camera at that height it's way less demanding than the height of FH2's camera. Everyone knows this. Oh, and the environments are closer so...you know.
If I were him, I would still say the same after watching direct feed 1080p videos from both games.Yeah on 256 colored gifs in 480p
Wow at some of the denial in this thread. DC looks like it's on entirely different level to both F5 and FH2.
Say what?
Glad to see the improvement to FH2 since the E3 build, though. When I first looked at those pictures I was like "huh? it's clearly been downgraded"....then I realised the E3 build shots were at the bottom, lol. Looks much better.
The camera positions are pretty much the same, but in DC's case it's more dynamic and pans in and out when the car is either breaking or at high speed. In regards to slight height differences, it doesn't matter since both games are still rendering everything to be seen in far off distances with no 2d backdrops. Slight changes to height isn't going to magically render more polygons on screen when the whole verticality of the environment can already be seen in both games. It's just a matter of preference on the devs part in how the chase cam works. GT6 has a high chase cam but it doesn't mean anything.
If I were him, I would still say the same after watching direct feed 1080p videos from both games.
The lighting alone brings DriveClub on another world.
Yeah on 256 colored gifs in 480p
oh no, I was being sarcastic! There's no way I believe that stuff haha
Damn, you got me. lol. I swear there was another member who posted something similar and actually believed it. D'oh.
She can laugh all she want but you know that comparison is flawed because the camera and angle in DC bring the car and the environments closer to the player view. Where in fh2 the view need to be farther away since you can drive anywhere and you wouldn't be able to see the different roads ahead if the camera was so close.
Those distant hills look pretty damn barren.
You cant judge graphics on gifs, its just not accurate.Oh, give it a rest. We have DC GIF's, we have FH2 GIFs. DC clearly looks better in those GIF's. What do you thinks going to happen once we see both running on our TV's, that FH2 is just somehow going to look better? It's immediacy apparent to anyone who isn't in extreme denial that DC looks miles better than FH2. And I say that as someone who has FH2 pre-ordered and has said multiple times that I think FH2 will be more fun overall.
I know owning a game/syetem doesn't mean you're completely neutral and objective, but I wanted to prove I'm not saying this because I have some sort of agenda towards Xbox or Forza
Wow at some of the denial in this thread. DC looks like it's on entirely different level to both F5 and FH2.
Say what?
Glad to see the improvement to FH2 since the E3 build, though. When I first looked at those pictures I was like "huh? it's clearly been downgraded"....then I realised the E3 build shots were at the bottom, lol. Looks much better.
It's a desert environment. What?
asked my girlfriend which gif looked better....she laughed and asked if I was joking
Forza looks good considering the weaker hardware and open world, however being open world is a negative in my book. Imo it hinders racers by making tracks more like straight roads with less emphasis on racing.
Real life is packed with trees bro.
You cant judge graphics on gifs, its just not accurate.
Gifs hide tons of rendering issues and generally promotes art.
Those distant hills look pretty damn barren.
Forza looks good considering the weaker hardware and open world, however being open world is a negative in my book. Imo it hinders racers by making tracks more like straight roads with less emphasis on racing.
There is a place for them but if you are a racing fan its not exactly excelling in that area. I'd take tracks any day, no genre benefits less from being open world.
The sense of speed in DC is insane
love it
Why are people so stuck on that area that we first saw at E3? There's plenty of better footage now, for instance, this video from 10:20 onward..
Rainy GIF comparison of Gamescom footage from both.
I also like how people keep picking the fh2 shots from e3, we have 1080p video showing the game in better state.
Why are people so stuck on that area that we first saw at E3? There's plenty of better footage now, for instance, this video from 10:20 onward..
Yeah, sure, it totally looks like shit (but dem clouds).I've watched direct feed of DC from Sony conference.
Tons of aliasing issues and lack of AF.
Yeah, sure, it totally looks like shit (but dem clouds).
Really? ^^if its not on pc/made by crytek kkrt is just going to criticize it
PGR 4 still looks a generation ahead of both DC and FH2. And rather than doing some shitty low detail countryside its rendering photo-realistic cities.
Well let's see fh2 get delayed and see how much the can improve it, because last year DC didn't look better than f5 which was a launch game. The fanboys won't admit that.
It's always nice seeing a hover car.The sense of speed in DC is insane
love it
Well let's see fh2 get delayed and see how much the can improve it, because last year DC didn't look better than f5 which was a launch game. The fanboys won't admit that.
Well let's see fh2 get delayed and see how much the can improve it, because last year DC didn't look better than f5 which was a launch game. The fanboys won't admit that.