Yeah. And it's clear in pre-race tracking shots that distant trees exist as sprites (as they probably should). I dont have FH2 (no X1 yetInteresting. I've only noticed rotation in things (that LOD correctly) that are flower size or smaller in H2.
Yeah, I'm one of those boring people that will capture everything I think is
Yeah. And it's clear in pre-race tracking shots that distant trees exist as sprites (as they probably should). I dont have FH2 (no X1 yet) but I'd imagine the game employs the same LOD technique.
I want more volumetric clouds/global illumination this gen.Palm-like leaves are my thing. From Morocco to Long Beach. I'm glad they weren't overlooked in H2:
No doubt. Depending on the area, you can definitely find rough patches in H2. Generally the vistas are amazing, but sometimes it can get patchy.
Also, tiny, but BEAUTIFUL capture from one of the Driveclub time-lapse videos.
I want more volumetric clouds/global illumination this gen.
This is from some of my gameplay. I've seen better looking stretches, but this is what I'd call a fair indication of how the foliage looks in a race. It looks especially good driving through it, but I was the one making the point about like-for-like.
Personally I find DC's foliage more convincing in terms of detail and colors. They actually look like individual leaves that are being lit and shadowed whereas in FH2 the canopies looks like a bunch of large cut outs weirdly pasted in different angles. Even in motion that's how it looks in that gif.
I guess the same reason there's a blue filter on DC screens: Overdone effects. Blue filter is the new yellow filter.Why is there a yellow filter on forza screen. Same was tge case with original Horizon
I think it may be situational for both, as much as anything. I definitely think some of the DC assetts are nicer, but most of what I've seen in races is more along these lines:
Is that off-base from what you've played?
The crowds are a surprisingly high resolution...
Being at work and there not being a system-level screen-capture mode makes that more difficult. I would hope that my point that you're choosing unmatched screens would make some sense to you.
This is from some of my gameplay. I've seen better looking stretches, but this is what I'd call a fair indication of how the foliage looks in a race. It looks especially good driving through it, but I was the one making the point about like-for-like.
So putting it next to your example, I hope you'd see more my perspective:
But those don't look any where near as realistic, nor does it change the fact that FH2's tree's are still flat and ordinary. A GIF just helps hide it a little better, but the differences are clear as day in the screenshots.
Why is there a yellow filter on forza screen. Same was tge case with original Horizon
Oh, I'd thought Shinn's gifs from a while back were posted here. They're still hosted at least. The OT was sort of a dumping ground for gifs:
Three of mine:
One of Doffen's:
And a bonus:
That's a really odd road texture.
Not dirt, yet not tarmac. A bizarre hybrid I've never seen before.
True... I propose we shift this gen back to standard definition and max out AA, AF, Textures, Geometry, and frame rate.In 480p gifs both games look really nice.
That does look strange. I wonder if they captured that from an Indian road or just created their own.
Both DC and FH2 look amazing.
If someone had have told me back in 1991 that racing games would look like DC and FH2, I'd have called them liars. I mean, this was what I was playing then.
We've come a long-ass way.
Oh I remember loving this game. The password to that level was Business!Both DC and FH2 look amazing.
If someone had have told me back in 1991 that racing games would look like DC and FH2, I'd have called them liars. I mean, this was what I was playing then.
We've come a long-ass way.
Both DC and FH2 look amazing.
If someone had have told me back in 1991 that racing games would look like DC and FH2, I'd have called them liars. I mean, this was what I was playing then.
We've come a long-ass way.
There has been in all of the Forza games, it's always sort of annoyed me but it doesn't ever get in the way of me enjoying them.Why is there a yellow filter on forza screen. Same was tge case with original Horizon
We need to go back further.
I believe thats Forza Horizon 2's low poly crowd for when they are at a distance, but people are able to get a shot of them in photomode some how. They are (usually) better looking than that.
We need to go back further.
I remember playing that at home and being so envious of the arcade version's graphics - I thought it was unbelievable back then.
I don't think anybody should be allowed to utter the phrase, "looks better than Forza 5" until a 1080P/60fps driving game comes out on the PS4/XB1 that is therefore worthy to be compared to it.
Project Cars looks like it might be a contender. It's supposed to be 1080P/60fps on PS4/XB1.
(Night Driver)
Project CARS.
I don't have images or gifs, but you all know what game is (yeah, the one that looks like real life).
Project Cars, understandably, wins by a mile.
it looks amazing in motion and when you're still.. same cant be said about the others.. lol
it looks amazing in motion and when you're still.. same cant be said about the others.. lol
Both FH2 and DC are extremely underwhelming. The lighting and foliage are so flat.
Both FH2 and DC are extremely underwhelming. The lighting and foliage are so flat.
Both DC and FH2 look amazing.
If someone had have told me back in 1991 that racing games would look like DC and FH2, I'd have called them liars. I mean, this was what I was playing then.
We've come a long-ass way.