Thanks, mate. Yes, I've been through frustration periods a lot, nearly quit as well and sold all my gear. Honestly speaking, in any business, you really need to be as social as possible, and to know as much as you can. Most of those deals have biases, and if the client likes you he/she would rather have you over someone probably more capable, as long as he/she feels that you're passionate and aiming for the best level possible.
It's so painful to work for free, but my plan is to keep it as bare-minimum and at the right time as self-advertisement when things seem to be slow. Also making a neutral video like something around an event (halloween/Christmas/national day/something education with association with police, etc) could help make you go viral and don't feel the sting of unpaid work.
Also widen your portfolio, I'm 100% a naturalist, but going for ads now, sports, and might as well go for underwater documentaries (extremely expensive!) when I get the chance. Also listen carefully to whom considered "downers", even though you won't do what they say, but they represent a chunk of the audience and they might spark a positive change in your work, whatever that biz is
