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[NEXT LEVEL lames™] ResetEra sold to M.O.B.A. Network for USD$4.55 million

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Gold Member
I have to get up early tomorrow and do a few real estate showings for some clients, and this damned thread just…. just…
They Pull Me Back In Al Pacino GIF by The Godfather

Why would you waste your time with real estate? Just start building a new forum for all the morons over at Resetera to flock to. I bet a few of those idiots will even help with the logo design and technical stuff, and then you can make them feel like they belong and have purpose in life, then just goddamn sell the thing from underneath them and leave them crying on the floor.
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Gold Member
Why would you waste your time with real estate? Just start building a new forum for all the morons over at Resetera to flock to. I bet a few of those idiots will even help with the logo design and technical stuff, and then you can make them feel like they belong and have purpose in life, then just goddamn sell the thing from underneath them and leave them crying on the floor.
Real Estate Meme GIF by hero0fwar


One thing that doesn't add up to me is the original admin team who didn't get a share. Like why the fuck didn't a single one of them say some shit on the way out of leaving Era. Something like guys I'm leaving Era, I'm not happy about the way it's run and concerned about the ownership. Not a single one said that no wonder no one had a clue about ownership. Maybe there was more to it such as Cerium paying the guys a fee to keep quiet who fucking knows but I find it odd no one talked about ownership especially the original admins. You would think that would be a big deal after all they all made the site due to the owner of NeoGAF.

According to Emily Rogers who was privy to those inner circle discussions, most of the old mods bounced cause they didn't agree with doing it for free knowing how much money the site was going to generate. Why they all just
Animated GIF
'd out the door (despite every one of them having just razed Neogaf to the ground) while an unknown guy stole their forum and 5 million dollars is anyone's guess.
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Reseterror Resettler

*that would allow and nuture such a toxic hypocritical, bullying, racist, doxxing, virtue signalling, toxic use-rbase to be enabled to grow into an actual hate site.

Yep. Era stopped being a safe space when they mounted artillery on their walls and put guard dogs at the gate. Their hatred of literally everything except some trans people and black people became so insular that all anyone could do was agree with the accepted opinion, and talk shit about everything else. No dissenting opinions, just an echo chamber where the only advancement in discussion was the decibals each party raised their voice to.

Ironic that "GAF is a has been," site, when it's clear that after the Mass Exodus, we've simply dug our boots in and became a FAR better community, while this is, what? The third or fourth big controversy they've had? This site will be kicking far after they eat each other alive, because we're into the actual point of it: gaming and community. It's not a smokescreen for agenda pushing and picketing.


4 total posts on your alt account, well done.
Alt is a harsh word. I'm on nights for a few weeks, So I've got time to burn. If I remembered the username much less the password from years ago I'd have twice the post count.

The risky business part I didn't see, so that's all on me. I thought I'd seen a few others do it a few pages back. It is what it is though. If I get banned, I'll simply lurk for the next couple of weeks.

And it had better be a only a couple more weeks. I don't mind covering for my coworkers vacation or sick time, but this guy's pushing it.


Gold Member
Why would you waste your time with real estate? Just start building a new forum for all the morons over at Resetera to flock to. I bet a few of those idiots will even help with the logo design and technical stuff, and then you can make them feel like they belong and have purpose in life, then just goddamn sell the thing from underneath them and leave them crying on the floor.
That might not be enough. Keep the day job.

Say that you do real estate, but stress you do deals only for poor people and take no commission cut. You even pay out of your own pocket for inspection fees. In your spare time, you are on a industry board fighting for lower fees.

When they ask how it's going tell them you are scraping by, but it feels good to give back to the community for poor first time home buyers. Tell them selling properties for 4% commission fees spread across brokers is a rip off, and lawyers making $1500 signing documents is silly since real estate deals are really no different than signing a cell phone agreement at $60/mth.

They'll believe it.
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Lord Panda

The Sea is Always Right
I'd like to apologize to Nepenthe. Clearly, Royalan is the most pathetic person on Resetera, by about 20 Texas miles.

Yeah, at least Nepenthe’s furry deranged style had some entertainment value. Royalan’s only value is to make me glad I’m not Royalan.
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The community I frequent to would love the situation Era is in right now. It was MOBA centric. LoL community specifically but we do talk about Heroes of the Storm for time to time. It’s a shame they have stuck to Discord. It’s actually quite brilliant of them though. When Era was in infancy, they already talked about how the site is sketchy and specifically those who were the founders and the mods. I was kinda sad that they weren’t as active there at Era compared to here in Gaf but they were fucking Nostradamus in hindsight.


Gold Member

Yeah, at least Nepenthe’s furry deranged style had some entertainment value. Royalan’s only value is to make me glad I’m not Royalan.
At least Nep realized last night he was getting hosed for years, so he set up that donation link for a couple hours. He had about $150 until changing it to a donation to Brazil (assuming thats even true).

Royalan will work forever for free.

If any of you run message boards or need general labour for $0, email him and offer him a job.

Say your business is broke and there's people needing their driveways shoveled during upcoming winter. Collect the money by e-transfer so he doesn't know. To make him happy, give him some empowerment options like letting him decide whether to salt their driveways or not. He'll be happy as a clam.

Even if he finds out you make $1000s a day with a team of shovelers and they all get paid $20/hr, he'll be happy making $0.
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Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
You know what, I think one of the funniest things on Era is that the China 1% meme dude made it as a mod there.

It's an open secret that the black mods at ree are racist against Asians. Back when I still browsed for the lulz, anytime some kind of topic regarding justice or equality for Asians, no matter what it was, would be answered by the chorus of black mods basically saying "but whatever about ME?!" while suggesting whatever grievance Asian members had were insignificant because according to them all Asians were welcomed to the US with open arms and given free wealth and education and whatever else that racist narrative entails.

Jack Uzi

It's an open secret that the black mods at ree are racist against Asians. Back when I still browsed for the lulz, anytime some kind of topic regarding justice or equality for Asians, no matter what it was, would be answered by the chorus of black mods basically saying "but whatever about ME?!" while suggesting whatever grievance Asian members had were insignificant because according to them all Asians were welcomed to the US with open arms and given free wealth and education and whatever else that racist narrative entails.
Is it that Nephente one? I don’t go in a lot of threads so I’ve never seen these things happening.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Is it that Nephente one? I don’t go in a lot of threads so I’ve never seen these things happening.

Slayven, Nepenthe, Royalan, and this other one who's name I've long since forgotten. They all did it. But Nepenthe, to no one's surprise, was often the loudest about it.

I'd search for some examples but I stopped browsing there shortly after the laugh at ree thread here was closed, and some of the threads and posts I am referring to were definitely scrubbed by now.

Airbus Jr

Resetera? More like ComradeEra


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Resetera? More like ComradeEra




You know what, I think one of the funniest things on Era is that the China 1% meme dude made it as a mod there.

As several other people have commented, he's of Japanese extraction and not Chinese. One amusing note is that his family name Fukui (福井) means "fortunate" - although it sounds like he made his luck for himself.


I really feel for the poor company that thought that community was worth 4.5 million. I really hope they’re at least able to break even before it all goes to hell. If only they’d looked into it a little further.

Windle Poons

Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
Can we run the stats and see if we have had a massive amount of new users registering in the past 48 hours?


Gold Member
All those anti-right/anti-corporate Reee mods should either quit working there now or be ready to be stamped corporate shill on their forehead.

They are now working on a message board owned by a company that strives for MOBA, ad revenue, and the CEO was a board of director at a company that does online gambling sites. No different than Cerium grubbing for money, but at least MOBA is transparent in their business strategy. So there's no playing ignorant Cerium took them for a ride.

Let's see if all these mods quit due to self-righteous ethics, or stick around being unpaid corporate ass lickers #1 to 20.

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Jack Uzi

As several other people have commented, he's of Japanese extraction and not Chinese. One amusing note is that his family name Fukui (福井) means "fortunate" - although it sounds like he made his luck for himself.
You guys know him really well? I just remember the walking dead Eugene profile pic, his name being The Artisan and him making that meme about 1% of Chinese people buying consoles or something.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
All those anti-right/anti-corporate Reee mods should either quit working there now or be ready to be stamped corporate shill on their forehead.

Some of them, like Slayven and Poodlestrike, going by what they've posted there and on social media in the past, and various leaked Discord exchanges over years, really have absolutely nothing else in life but their mod status on ree.

I'll give it to Slayven though, at least he is mostly cordial with people and actually seems to have hobbies and interests like comics and art. Poodlestrike, on the other hand, is just a miserable bully (he's even worse on Discord if you can believe it) who clearly has nothing, and I mean nothing, outside of ree. It wouldn't surprise me to find out he has some serious disability and cannot work. Not that that's a bad thing, some people are unfortunate, but rather because he clearly has no marketable skills, no interests, he comes off as severely undereducated, etc. Nothing - just the ree.


Reseterror Resettler
All those anti-right/anti-corporate Reee mods should either quit working there now or be ready to be stamped corporate shill on their forehead.

They are now working on a message board owned by a company that strives for MOBA, ad revenue, and the CEO was a board of director at a company that does online gambling sites. No different than Cerium grubbing for money, but at least MOBA is transparent in their business strategy. So there's no playing ignorant Cerium took them for a ride.

Let's see if all these mods quit due to self-righteous ethics, or stick around being unpaid corporate ass lickers #1 to 20.


Yeah, it seems like Hecht and Vulpix are doing the AlcoholicEra/WeekendEra pass time of actively and openly being shitheads to their community, going so far as to openly state they're "baiting," (presumably ban baiting) this dude who's just calling out double standards on the mods power tripping. There are a lot of snowflakes there, but shit like this just makes me want to invite some of them back here and let them detox from the Kool aid.
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You guys know him really well? I just remember the walking dead Eugene profile pic, his name being The Artisan and him making that meme about 1% of Chinese people buying consoles or something.

No, not really - it's just some of the stuff that came up in the initial discussion about the split. I've also been living in Asia for several decades, so I find the idea of Japanese talking shit about the Chinese (or vice versa) absolutely unsurprising.
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