Here's the verge with user agent switched to iphone. Video plays.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Where are the user agent settings in Chrome? D:
Here's the verge with user agent switched to iphone. Video plays.[IMG][/QUOTE]
Where are the user agent settings in Chrome? D:
Where are the user agent settings in Chrome? D:
Where are the user agent settings in Chrome? D:
Nonsense, my 2 year old Epic 4g supports WiMax and so do other phones like the Evo 4g.
Ideally, it's the web development side that should be handling this by doing proper feature detection instead of user-agent filtering.
Sorry, Titanium is way ugly lol. Lots of sliders for sound settings are nice.
Regarding Flash, can you guys take a look at what Vyer posted? That's what I'm talking about.
3. Phone is one ugly motherfucker. I'm not gonna lie and say I was ever satisfied with the look but I work at an investment bank where people pay close attention to how you present yourself and I rarely pull this thing out during meetings because of how ugly it is. Lets say I had to buy the blue version because it was the least ugly, not because it was the best looking.
I think it is a Sprint or CDMA thing, I could be wrong, though. My iPhone 5 on AT&T let's me toggle LTE off and use HSPA+ instead.
They have a limited number of tokens, yes. Which is why they will stop selling to customers for a while. This is why they made their Mac app expensive, to be able to turn a profit (and provide support) with limited users.Isn't tweetbot limited to a number of concurrent connections? Isn't that screwed for new customers?
those screenshots on the Android Market are old, it's been holo-ized a bit
1. Reeder, a Google Reader client. I need things like a readability mobilizer, gestures for going between articles and marking articles as read or starring them. I need read later services like Instapaper. I don't want apps like Feedly or Flipboard that make it into a magazine--I want an app that quickly shows the headlines of articles in a list so I can quickly get to what I want to read.
Thanks for all the responses guys!
It's a shame that there doesn't seem to be a real Reeder and Tweetbot alternative. GoodNews does look pretty nice, so maybe it will serve. Plume…not a fan after seeing the screenshots.
Here's an example of what I mean by "readability mobilizer." You know how you see an article on your RSS, but they only post the first paragraph or so? Readability goes in and fetches the entire article without having to load their site.
It does the same for twitter links:
I heard shipping in germany costs 10. So 10$ in the us? Maybe someone who ordered the N7 can help.anyone know how much Google charges for shipping on their devices from the Play store? and if there's tax?
Yep. Also, Good News works where you just click the header of the feed and it will instantly mobilize the article for you, giga.Android has intents and "share to..." so any app that's properly configured can accept requests like that. i use Pocket and the standard Twitter app, but i assume that any other Twitter app and other reading apps like Readability and Instapaper would work in the same way... you just press the "share to" button, then from the list of available accepting apps, touch Readability. 2 presses. then that article/link/whatever is added to the app's reading list...![]()
oldschool: [IM[/IMG]
Ooh, awesome. Can you test some additional sites for me? Try these:Here's the verge with user agent switched to iphone. Video plays.
Thats dope!!
So LG are trying to sell this direct for double the price on what you can buy it from google play store. Thats disgusting!!
Thats dope!!
What annoys me just slightly about Photosphere is that there always seems to be a black circular area at the top and bottom. I guess there's some technical limitation that makes a full sphere difficult to accomplish, but it's still a bit disappointing. Looking up and seeing that black disc breaks the cool illusion Photosphere otherwise does so well.
Well some of the pictures have pretty small ones at the top. Like this one.
As for the bottom, I think that's unavoidable since otherwise you'd just have super distorted views of the photographer's feet.
Yeah, that one is pretty good. But still, I would prefer the software to fill in the blanks by interpolating from the surrounding image data. It wouldn't look perfect, but it would be less daunting than the solid black discs we get now.
Mostly due to 3 reasons:
1. Touchwiz is pretty much the ugliest thing I've had the misfortune of using
2. Slow ass updates. I still don't have JB, still don't have Google Now, and by the time JB is out, 4.2 AND the Nexus 4 will already have been out for a month. I will NEVER go for a non-Nexus phone again.
3. Phone is one ugly motherfucker. I'm not gonna lie and say I was ever satisfied with the look but I work at an investment bank where people pay close attention to how you present yourself and I rarely pull this thing out during meetings because of how ugly it is. Lets say I had to buy the blue version because it was the least ugly, not because it was the best looking.
Your work sounds like one shitty place.....
That's true. They could easily patch in some sort of fill for the top hole at least if it detects that it's sky. I'm not sure about the bottom though, I have no idea how this stuff works.
No one knows what time the purchase will go live.
Best guesses are sometime in the morning of the 13th (office hours), or at 00:00 PST. I'm personally leaning toward the former.
There will be no pre-order on the Play Store.
Check here for specific country availability.
Check here for more information on shipping and handling for your country.
A Virtual Credit Card (VCC) cannot be used with your purchase in the device store. Also, at this time, the country of your credit card must match the the country to which you're shipping.
Taxable charges, if any, depend on what state you're ordering from.
Some "updated" info from XDA:
The wait will be worse when it gets dispatched. argh.
That looks so cool!Another cool thing I haven't seen people talking about as much is that the new Gallery apparenly has a "tiny planet" filter which turns photo spheres into just that:
Some "updated" info from XDA:
The wait will be worse when it gets dispatched. argh.
Some "updated" info from XDA:
The wait will be worse when it gets dispatched. argh.
I'm baffled as to why they're not doing pre-orders on it.
I'm baffled as to why they're not doing pre-orders on it.
I think Asus fucked it up for all of us. Looks like they (Asus) hadn't even delivered Google's pre-order allotment before they had given retailers thier Nexus 7s. Creating this huge cluster fuck. I think Google wants to make sure they have the phones in stock. It could have been something internal at their end too, but who knows.
Something just went wrong with with the Nexus 7 launch, and they don't want to repeat it.
That is the scariest Fernando Alonso I've ever seen.
google region locks the play store, right? am i going to have to order this thing through a VPN and pick it up when i visit my folks at christmas?
Is official twitter app really that bad? Tweetbot praise is kinda crazy. I've tried it. Other than looking slick I don't see the major functionality differences between it and the official app. The official app does what I need it to do on iPhone. Is it worse on android or something? Only thing I hate is the official client removed the translation feature I used very often.Unfortunately, nothing will ever be as good as Tweetbot due to Twitter's API changes. It sucks but either people leave Twitter or after a while we'll all be on the official client (fuck that).
Last week, we gave you guys some Android 4.2 goodness, when the keyboard, clock, and PhotoSphere apks hit the web. This guy has put all those apps, as well as the rest of the core apps, inside this zip file for you to go flash crazy on. Gmail, calendar, alarm, etc., from Android 4.2 can be added to your Galaxy Nexus. That not enough for you? How about Google Wallet as well. It was not included in the zip file, but OMGDroids very own Keyan uploaded that file so it would not feel left out. Make sure you install that like a normal apk, or place it into your system apps. Both links are below, and let us know if they are working for you.
I guess nobody still knows how much phones can one person get...
I'm willing to pay $450 dollars for a 16gb Nexus 4 shipped to Texas if I can pay directly with a credit card (not paypal - amazon or google payments can work, though). Anyone?![]()
Wat. The 16 gb one costs 350 dollars and I'm pretty sure it can be shipped to texas directly from google. Am I missing something?
HSPA+42 says hi. My GNex is which is +21 was getting 10Mbs.
I don't have an american credit card (I live in mexico).