my Nexus 7 seems to have died last nightit was from the very first batch here in the Netherlands
it was working great and smooth without crashes for almost two months since 4.2.2 , but at the end of some Youtube vid last night it crashed and the screen hasn't turned on since I switched it off.
Screen remains turned off when I plug in a power cable (left it charging overnight to be sure) , it doesn't turn on when using either the power button or the volume+pwr buttons for the recovery menu, Windows says it's an unrecognized device when I plug it in ... only noticed that when doing the volume+pwr combination while plugged into my PC, Windows will try to install some APX driver it can't find? screen still won't do anything though
guess I'll take it back to the store this afternoon and hope for a 32GB :
Drop it recently? Mine slipped from my nightstand onto carpet and loosened the battery connection. After similar problems I opened it up and resecured the connection, works just fine now.
Dislike the build quality, the battery has some space to be moved around.