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NFL 2012 Week 2 |OT| The Replacements


Defense with below average special teams on one hand.....special teams with below average defense on the other.

Which one you want?

I don't know if you paid attention last year, but we had both last year. Problem is we lost Blake Costanzo, basically our best ST player. We miss you Blake :(
Isn't the fat QB thing freeman shtick?
Freeman is now not as fat due to presumably an eating disorder, which itself is presumably due to our continued ridicule of him in this thread. Get well soon, Josh, we're all rooting for you!

Stafford is now the king fat.


Is this really the defense Kastrioti kept hyping up?

We have one of, if not the worst secondaries in the league in this game. Normally it's just below average, but right now it's terrible. Couple that with the most overrated defensive line in the league and of course this is what you get against an offense as disciplined as the 9ers.
It's insane how effective the 49ers' running game is right now. Teams shouldn't be able to get first-downs on every handoff.




Come on guys, can't keep dropping those. Help Alex out a little bit.

Oh jesus, that was a scary throw. NM, that was another fucking drop by a different receiver.


WOW! What a bunch of frauds trying to catch this shit. They should all be ashamed considering that Alex will be the one eating the bullets.


you want to say Alex w/ Harbs is like a totally different guy, but they keep bogging down in RZ. Can't figure out what's happening there


Instead of showing garbage about that fucking handshake they should show that awesome story about Akers and his daughter over and over.

See, I have a heart too fuckers!
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