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NFL 2013 Divisional |OT| Don't Call It A Comeback


But why does it matter? Say in the end out of all the guys they do decide Caldwell seems like the best candidate and they go with him. So because he wasn't the #1 choice or the choice the media led everyone to believe, the Lions should worry? What if he comes in and fixed the problems they have and has a successful run?

Media perception is their own creation. All these fools claim to have inside sources and then bang the drums about how they are so sure so and so is going here or there. And then when it doesn't come true to cover their own credibility they blame the organization or say they are dysfunctional.

I don't know what the Lions FO's perception is. To be honest I don't hear about them like I do other organizations like the Raiders (until recently).

All very true, although I personally highly doubt the bolded. That's just my gut reaction.
As for the rest, I'm probably overblowing the importance of outside perception, but there are a few ways in which it does matter. Lions fans have been watching a weird, wonky bipolar product out of the team in the last few years, and bringing in a new coach is supposed to bring with it a wave of optimism. If a new coach comes in and doesn't turn it around immediately AND it's a coach that people don't think the FO initially wanted, fans will be likely to hold that coach (and the management too) to the fire a lot more quickly. I think it also potentially sends a message to the players that "here's your new coach, you'd better listen to him (even though he's not even the guy that we at management most wanted)." A new coach coming in as the known backup plan had better be able to remove that label and gain players respect in a hurry, or the team will revert back to clown show status within a year.

Nori Chan

i'm not kap's #1 fan or anything (highly critical at times!) but it really gets my wiener going when i see people so butt hurt over kap and he just doesn't give a fuck!

i've had people at work and other places say they dont like kap because he's a thug. then i say how is he a thug? and they can't really say beyond well he wears his hat backwards, has a bunch of tats and i dont like how he dresses. what does any of this have to do with anything? people just can't stand that a guy who isn't your run-of-the-mill media ass kissing cliche spouting QB is having success in the NFL

You only said that because Kaep is watching your every move and your anus is not ready on back to back days.


i'm not kap's #1 fan or anything (highly critical at times!) but it really gets my wiener going when i see people so butt hurt over kap and he just doesn't give a fuck!

i've had people at work and other places say they dont like kap because he's a thug. then i say how is he a thug? and they can't really say beyond well he wears his hat backwards, has a bunch of tats and i dont like how he dresses. what does any of this have to do with anything? people just can't stand that a guy who isn't your run-of-the-mill media ass kissing cliche spouting QB is having success in the NFL

It's not like he's shooting people in the club like Hernandez or spouting out about his love for Taco Bell.

Speaking of Taco Bell...



Finishing season 2 and I thought Doakes was the biggest asshole in the show.

Doakes sucks but the actor has a nice physique. Arms are aesthetically proportioned, clearly works more than just chest and bis because he has a nice defined back as well. Havent seen his legs though!!


Doakes sucks but the actor has a nice physique. Arms are aesthetically proportioned, clearly works more than just chest and bis because he has a nice defined back as well. Havent seen his legs though!!

wtf lol

and doakes was fucking awesome.

man did that show go to shit after season 4.


Doakes sucks but the actor has a nice physique. Arms are aesthetically proportioned, clearly works more than just chest and bis because he has a nice defined back as well. Havent seen his legs though!!
doakes was amazing, are you serious.

i bet you loved deb you dolt
hey bb how u doin

Calvin is too nice a guy to demand a trade, which is sad. He's going to waste away his career here, and unlike Barry I don't think he'll retire early. Calvin is getting straight up killed by high throws over the middle. Stafford almost never hits him in stride, and if he hits him down field it's a long or low ball; Calvin basically has to break a tackle immediately. That's going to shorten his career, I'm telling you guys.

It all boils down to Stafford. After 5 years of being told he's fine, I'm not sure how he'll react to an offseason of hard work on mechanics. The one thing I know about Caldwell is that he's a very calm guy who doesn't get in anyone's face. He preaches discipline, sits guys, etc...but isn't going to press a point with somebody. That type of behavior can lose a locker room, especially one as unruly as the Lions'. And if Stafford doesn't buy in, or dismisses Caldwell ("Peyton was going to be great no matter who coached him"), we're fucked.

I honestly think the Lions would have been a playoff team if Shaun Hill started. No doubt in my mind. I think Stafford could be a very good QB, he works hard in the off season...but I don't think he works on the right things. He's out there slanging balls in the off season, not studying his film. This team won't go anywhere unless he performs, and we can't get rid of him...


It's kind of sad to say, but I think a lot of people don't like Kaepernick because they associate his tattoos with being a gangbanger or ruffian of some kind. Incredibly superficial, but I think that has a lot to do with his perception.
I don't like him because he turns into a hall of famer when he plays the Packers.


Sounds like Whisenhunt going to the Titans was money more then anything else. Some on twitter saying the Titans ponied up big boy money.


After watching The Sopranos, I basically envision Bill Belichick as a real life Tony. I'm not yet sure if that improves or lessens my opinion of him.


Just had a small 2.9 earthquake hit a few miles away. Normally you wouldn't really notice/feel something that low unless you were right next to it, which was the case here. House shook for a few seconds like a large big rig had rumbled by on the highway.

My first reaction was "shit, I just made that Freeman post in that Magic the Gathering thread, maybe he's pissed and running towards my location" before thinking "ah...earthquake" and went to refresh the USGS quake site until it showed up on the list.


as evidenced by the beats headphones... kap was listening to music the whole time he was at camp taylor and just removed it while taking pics. Look at Russell's pics no head phones, I dont even think he had a cellphone with him.


Looks like Gase will interview with the Browns when the Broncos are done with the playoffs.

I will eat crow if it happens but I don't see him leaving. He could wait a year and likely have his choice of HC spots. Plus he gets to work with Peyton, and if he goes to CLE its square one. I hope you guys do get a good coach though. A more experienced guy would be the best IMO .
I will eat crow if it happens but I don't see him leaving. He could wait a year and likely have his choice of HC spots. Plus he gets to work with Peyton, and if he goes to CLE its square one. I hope you guys do get a good coach though. A more experienced guy would be the best IMO .

If he's worth his salt he won't bother with them anyway.


Just had a small 2.9 earthquake hit a few miles away. Normally you wouldn't really notice/feel something that low unless you were right next to it, which was the case here. House shook for a few seconds like a large big rig had rumbled by on the highway.

My first reaction was "shit, I just made that Freeman post in that Magic the Gathering thread, maybe he's pissed and running towards my location" before thinking "ah...earthquake" and went to refresh the USGS quake site until it showed up on the list.


I want Freeman to be relevant again so that this nfl-gaf meme doesnt lose all meaning :(
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