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NFL 2013 Divisional |OT| Don't Call It A Comeback


Vanderbilt is interested in looking Pep Hamilton as their HC.

If he leaves, Luck will have been under 3 OC in 3yrs. While I was hard on Pep early on, I've come to somewhat like our style of play on offense (still would've liked Arians as head coach, but that wasn't gonna happen with Pagano's situation). We still didn't have all the pieces for a power running game, but we made it work with what we had (sorta).

The downside was he took too long to transition to letting Luck have the ball, and I felt that it kind of hurt us later in the season. Our line is just plain shit and we can't run up the middle for shit. And I felt maybe next year after some changes we might have gotten a glimpse of his true vision for the offense. He treated Luck like a game manager for most of the year, and we ended up giving away the ball the second least in the league. There were some upsides to having him here, but I don't think we lose much if he leaves. Although I'd prefer having him stay another year and seeing what that brings.

2TE sets with a healthy Allen and Fleener would be fucking beast.
Well at least you guys have all the pieces in place for a great power run offense next year. Trent should really shine after getting an off season to get comfortable in that offense.


milch is going to learn his math and become some sort of wizard, then the pats will be unstoppable.

I think he was doing Comp Sci? It's a lot of work. Get's hairy at times. I can't blame him for bailing.

I don't post that often, but I've been a Bronco fan for 25 years.

I was there at Mile High for "The Fumble". I was seven and don't remember a thing, but my Mom reminds me every time the Broncos make the playoffs.

I was born in Massachusetts, so the Patriots are my backup team. But this week, screw 'em.

I've seen you post a time or two. WeIcome. Kind of an odd set of teams to root for, but each to their own. Lucky to witness the fumble as well.


Vanderbilt is interested in looking Pep Hamilton as their HC.

If he leaves, Luck will have been under 3 OC in 3yrs. While I was hard on Pep early on, I've come to somewhat like our style of play on offense (still would've liked Arians as head coach, but that wasn't gonna happen with Pagano's situation). We still didn't have all the pieces for a power running game, but we made it work with what we had (sorta).

The downside was he took too long to transition to letting Luck have the ball, and I felt that it kind of hurt us later in the season. Our line is just plain shit and we can't run up the middle for shit. And I felt maybe next year after some changes we might have gotten a glimpse of his true vision for the offense. He treated Luck like a game manager for most of the year, and we ended up giving away the ball the second least in the league. There were some upsides to having him here, but I don't think we lose much if he leaves. Although I'd prefer having him stay another year and seeing what that brings.

2TE sets with a healthy Allen and Fleener would be fucking beast.

I see it now....Kubiak as OC in Indy and whoops our ass every time.


meh, he cheated on his wife, its affecting his family, his $$, his conscience, people knocking on his door with cameras in front. That looked pretty tame to me given the circumstances

i don't mean the video, i mean the situation in general

I think he comes off as a hypocritical douchebag in the video. If he is so damn worried about his kids why did he cheat on his wife with some skank?
Please add me to the 49ers on the chart. I will rep them all offseason long even if they lose this sunday. I was born in 87 so missed a lot of the glory days and had to grow up when they were one of the worst teams in the league.

Basicly what I'm saying is, I'VE EARNED THIS
Please add me to the 49ers on the chart. I will rep them all offseason long even if they lose this sunday. I was born in 87 so missed a lot of the glory days and had to grow up when they were one of the worst teams in the league.

Basicly what I'm saying is, I'VE EARNED THIS

Psh you barely show up once a week. You're basically a Seachickens fan
I have no idea what to expect next year.. Absolutely no idea.

Same. Honestly it comes down to Stafford. If he had just played "decent," or if he had simply not been utter dog shit, we probably would have gotten into the playoffs; I don't think that's a fanboy thing to say. But being "decent" won't even be enough next year, when presumably Cutler and Godgers will be healthy.

If he doesn't have a Pro Bowl season, we don't make the playoffs. And while I think Caldwell can help Stafford - if he listens - I just don't think it's going to happen in one season. We needed a solid coach and OC to light a fire under the team and rush out the gate winning. Can anyone see that happening? Ehh...

what sucks about the NFL concussion settlement is that there are a lot of players who deserve money but then you've got douchers like pat white who sign onto the concussion suit and then remove themselves when they get back into the NFL
Same. Honestly it comes down to Stafford. If he had just played "decent," or if he had simply not been utter dog shit, we probably would have gotten into the playoffs; I don't think that's a fanboy thing to say. But being "decent" won't even be enough next year, when presumably Cutler and Godgers will be healthy.

If he doesn't have a Pro Bowl season, we don't make the playoffs. And while I think Caldwell can help Stafford - if he listens - I just don't think it's going to happen in one season. We needed a solid coach and OC to light a fire under the team and rush out the gate winning. Can anyone see that happening? Ehh...


I could replace about four names in this and have a nice 2014 Rams predicition


Its good to know that you're perfect MechDX and never make mistakes ever.

Where did I say that? But no I wouldn't cheat on my wife and if I did I would be prepared for the consequences. He lives in the public eye and he slept with some girl. Did he really think it wouldn't get out? Think about how it would effect his kids?

Please. I have no sympathy for shit like this.

What does that have to do with his kids? He cheated so that gives paparazzi the right to harass him at his house?

They pulled up and asked for an interview. That is harassment? Don't forget this gem:


5. Men and her worth. (loads shotgun) A sore subject for any man with a daughter. I will teach her that she is a young goddess. Help her understand her worth. Let her know that she must hold every man accountable for who they are and how they act towards her. There will be a day when I give her away, and they say that a woman spends her life looking for her father in her groom, so until that day I will try to be the example of a man that she eventually will seek out. Men tend to be motivated by one thing. Don't fall victim to a prince charming. If he cares for her, he'll act accordingly. If not (aims shotgun), well, I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

I guess some of you forgot this article. Love the hypocrisy of it.


what sucks about the NFL concussion settlement is that there are a lot of players who deserve money but then you've got douchers like pat white who sign onto the concussion suit and then remove themselves when they get back into the NFL
There are also a lot of guys that need this deal now. The NFL is capitalizing on those players that don't have much time left to litigate, because they are on a downward spiral either in life or overall mental/physical health.

It's a weird leverage game that just depresses me.


Where did I say that? But no I wouldn't cheat on my wife and if I did I would be prepared for the consequences. He lives in the public eye and he slept with some girl. Did he really think it wouldn't get out? Think about how it would effect his kids?

Please. I have no sympathy for shit like this.

How could you have sympathy for shit like that? you can't relate to the man.You're not rich, famous, goodlooking, etc etc so get off the high horse.

No way dawg. You have to post shallow meaningless shit about your personal life that we don't care about to fit in. One of us, one of us

hrmmmm, maybe i should change myposting habbits, i want to fit in!


Wow. Do you know this person?

She wants Wade
this was from a thread posted in OT, but we probably share some mutual friends.

she deleted her FB and claimed that she's going to press charges on "someone that broke into her house and put this as her status"...


How could you have sympathy for shit like that? you can't relate to the man.You're not rich, famous, goodlooking, etc etc so get off the high horse.

hrmmmm, maybe i should change myposting habbits, i want to fit in!

Fuck Arian and his classless ways. Hope he gets cut and signed by the Browns. Did you also defend Hernandez and say he was just misunderstood?


A bit late to the party here but I feel like throwing my thoughts out anyway, regarding the Lions and the Caldwell hire. Never let it be said that I won't call myself out on my opinions:

I was wrong last night. I apologize. I said that if the Lions were going to wind up settling for Caldwell they should do it sooner rather than later. I regretted thinking that way as soon as they actually announced today that they hired him. Not that I think that Caldwell is a terrible coach or anything--really I don't think there was any potential hire to be made that would make me go "wow, that's awesome"--but given the list of candidates that we know they interviewed, I don't think anymore that it would have hurt them to wait a bit longer and pursue a few other angles.

I get that they wanted someone with previous NFL head coaching experience, as our last two coaches didn't, and among the guys that were available Caldwell is probably the most qualified option (despite my personal preference of being able to refer to "Coach Munch" in years to come for comedic purposes). His demeanor has me concerned, though...he has the experience, but does he really have the temperament to come in and actually take command of a locker room that's used to being told that the way they're currently playing the game is fine? I keep hearing about how he's a "great guy," but we don't need a great guy, we need a great coach, and one that the big-money players will concede to. If Stafford doesn't buy in and produce results quickly, that contract extension will turn into an albatross and team balance will remain dismal. I don't want to sound like I'm dismissing Jim Caldwell before he even walks through the doors, but for the time being I just can't shake the feeling that three years from now we'll be looking for a new GM and a new coaching staff.

Actually the hire of Austin as D-coordinator is the move that intrigued me the most today. Given the track record of where he's worked and Caldwell likely knows his character and how he operates, he feels like the sort of guy that would eventually receive a promotion like this. As for Lazor...jury's still out, but I dig the name. Having two unprovens as coordinators will be risky when Caldwell is best suited to be more of a supervisor than a coordinator himself, so here's hoping they learn what they're doing quickly.


Looks like I was wrong or the Broncos are being deceptive but they now have Champ listed as LCB, opposite DRC. Thought for sure Champ would be limited. Now that makes me think they rotate Webster in for run defense and Carter in the passing, making Jammer odd man out. Will be interested to see how they shuffle these pieces.
Where did I say that? But no I wouldn't cheat on my wife and if I did I would be prepared for the consequences. He lives in the public eye and he slept with some girl. Did he really think it wouldn't get out? Think about how it would effect his kids?

Please. I have no sympathy for shit like this.

They pulled up and asked for an interview. That is harassment? Don't forget this gem:


I guess some of you forgot this article. Love the hypocrisy of it.

Cheating is hypocrisy, true. I just don't see why he can't be upset, or protective of his kids seeing him in a bad light. Dude isn't the first guy who did dirt.


Persecution Complex
How did Sunhi get banned? Doesn't he just post Gifs?

Last post I saw from him he said he was very busy so maybe it was self requested? No way dude would've gotten banned because he was an amazing part of GAF for awhile. Even on NFLGAF he was quick with GIFs for a couple of seasons.

BakedPigion got banned (CardinalsGAF) last year for a homophobic slur IIRC.
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