Spectral Glider
Wait, the 37 year old guy looked tired? No shit.
A 133,000 teams have picked up Julius Thomas during tonight's game.
What kind of wack ass fantasy league allows you to pickup free agents DURING a game that a player is currently playing in?
He's looking a lot like Rivers/Cutler right now :lolFuck it, I'm going deep.
come on ravens get a TD here so peypey has to get me more FF points!
that's going to be your QB on Sunday!lulz
I hope after this game Ozzie Newsome starts to receive some deserved criticism. He's great, but him being called a genius after every move has grown tiresome. Trading Boldin, almost losing Leach, having Huff and Ihedigbo as the starting safeties... on paper, this definitely doesn't look like a Super Bowl team. But I may have said that at this point last year too, so who the fuck knows.
Sorry to hear that.
Lmao. Too funny.
Yeah, and about 6 or 7 dropped passes, including one for a touchdown. A blocked punt that set Denver up on the 5, a dumbass rookie running into their number two receiver that knocked him out of the game and so many flags I've lost count by now.
He made one real mistake that came back to bite the team in the ass, he threw an INT. The majority of this games failings has pretty obvious been on everyone surrounding Flacco.
that's going to be your QB on Sunday!
Some guy in my league already has 49 points.
don't you twist my words!come on give your defense a little credit. while i will agree that kap will have at least 5 TD's, they won't all be passing
A 133,000 teams have picked up Julius Thomas during tonight's game.
What kind of wack ass fantasy league allows you to pickup free agents DURING a game that a player is currently playing in?
Guy I'm playing on my big money league has Thomas on his bench tooBRONCOSSSSDD! I've had Julius Thomas on my FF but he's on my bench started sudfeld instead
BRONCOSSSSDD! I've had Julius Thomas on my FF but he's on my bench started sudfeld instead
I have 54.