I think you left a team out...
The Ravens? Can't think of anybody else. Oh well, back to watching the first Ace Ventura movie.
I think you left a team out...
The Ravens? Can't think of anybody else. Oh well, back to watching the first Ace Ventura movie.
Only 12000 responses this week. Dutch should never make a OT again. What a failure.
Fuck Dutch that rich daddy suckling degenerate.
Anna Kendrick is hot
She is hotter than Emma Stone
Chan, you started off well and then went straight to Wrongville.
Good morning.
That guy Peyton Manning is pretty good isn't he.
Correction: Wilson is for 2.5 games.The Great Debate
Three games in, lets look at where we're at.
Luck: 663 yds passing, 100 yds rush, 7.13 avg comp, 65.6 COMP%, 3 TD, 1 INT, 1 FUM (0), QBR: 77 (2-1)
RGIII: 975 yds passing, 62 yds rush, 7 avg comp, 63.3 COMP%, 5 TD, 4 INT, 4 FUM (1), PRTG: 84.1 , QBR : 26.6 ( 0-3 )
Kaep: 689 yds passing, 129 yds rush, 7.33 avg comp, 56.4 COMP%, 3 TD, 4 INT, 2 FUM(0), QBR: 48.4 ( 1-2)
Russ: 664 yds passing, 54 yds rush, 9.10 avg comp, 64.4 COMP%, 6 TD, 2 INT, 3 FUM(0), QBR: 61.9 ( 1-2)
God Tier for reference:Peyton
769 yds passing, 5 yds rush, 9.05 avg comp, 67.1 COMP%, 9 TD, 0 INT, 0 FUM, QBR: 89.7 ( 3-0)
Correction: Wilson is for 2.5 games.
I mean that literally Wilson was not playing during the second half of last game. TJack came in to mop up.
Out winning games while everyone else is arguing over garbage time numbers.Where's Tannehill?
Do it! Can't be worse than this week's.Still no new OT? Hmmmmmm
Do it! Can't be worse than this week's.
Can it?
Still no new OT? Hmmmmmm
Get on it, Dutchie.
Without the Gronk bullshit please
I got you, buddy:I can't do no Gronk, but I'll see what I can do for you brother.
Where's Tannehill?
too late, new thread, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?p=83455421#post83455421
dark times when Dutch is making OTs
You happy now? At least I put some effort into it.
You copy/pasted from your Gronk fap folder. I took the time to google "sick looking football".
Go fuck yourself