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NFL 2013 Week 3 |OT| - We're Up All Night To Get Gronky

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It's not that I can't appreciate the other elements, the world just isn't enough if the missions are awful. If the missions are finally good then I'm interested.

I think with me, frank, and jesus telling you to get it and everyone on GAF telling you things are much improved. I'd fully expect to head over to your house randomly and see a copy by now! :D
Corey Webster did not practice today. Hip injury. He had similar during the preseason. No clue if it was precautionary or not but could be something that keeps him out.
Housler might finally make his damn debut for the season. I'm hoping for a break out year for him but now I'm not confident he can stay healthy through out. High ankle sprain no joke. Fitz limited but I didn't think he'd work out at all so he's clearly going to play, just a question of how healthy he is. Mendy limited with toe issue...hoping it's more precautionary/rest.

Well there are some funny side missions for sure especially as Michael. Some main missions got boring taking photos for evidence. I am probably not as far as Bucket, but there is a ton of variety in side missions as usual. Bear in mind, I am still very much at the beginning, but it has more goofiness than GTA IV. It is worth your $60 for sure due two how huge the game is. I have barely unlocked all the variety I read about yet too.
The photo comment sounds like stealth missions which are amongst my favorite thing in video games. I hope it's like what I'm imagining right now. Crude humor through out should be entertaining.
You're going to get a whole season of it too.
:( Which Chicken fan is betting him again? Back out of the bet for the good of this thread!
I think with me, frank, and jesus telling you to get it and everyone on GAF telling you things are much improved. I'd fully expect to head over to your house randomly and see a copy by now! :D
I never thought I see you enter this realm :O


venison crêpe

"Keep rooting for the Browns," he told them Thursday. "Don't give up on them. ... It's going to happen. It's going to be big, too. They got a program that's going in the right direction. But like I said, I'm here starting a new chapter in my life."

*sniff* Take care Mr Truck. Take care. *blubs*
My god Mcnabb is an asshole, on the night that the Eagles are honoring him he decided to let everyone know that Chips offense is just a fad and wont work long term:

McNabb told CSNPhilly.com that the read option is “just a fad,” and he thinks the Eagles are going to struggle to keep up with Kelly’s fast-paced attack all season.
“I don’t know if any offensive player would want to run 90 plays in a game. If you’re running 90 plays in a game, that means your defense is pretty awful and you’re running entirely too many plays,” McNabb said. “At Oregon, [Kelly] may have ran 75 plays in a game, but you’re not going to run 85, 90, not in the NFL, and teams and defensive coordinators are a lot better than what you’re going to see in college.”
McNabb acknowledged that the Eagles’ offense has looked good so far, but he believes it’s also important to be able to play ball control offense, especially with a lead.
“I tip my hat off to what they’ve been doing the first two weeks, but there comes a time if you’re up by 14, up by 21, maybe with about 11, 10 minutes to go, it’s time to go into a mode where you’re trying eat up some clock,” McNabb said. “You can’t continue to run that fast-paced offense because it continues to run down not only their defense, but it wears your offense down, too.”
There’s already been some talk that Eagles quarterback Michael Vick won’t be able to withstand a 16-game season in Kelly’s offense, and McNabb says those concerns should extend beyond just Vick.
“It’s not so much Mike, I think it’s all the guys,” McNabb said. “You worry about the depth, you’re worried about the injuries and long-term. Right now, everything looks great, but I’m just worried as this thing continues, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, if guys get hurt, who’s going to step in? What guys do you have to fill in in these key roles?”



Sounds like there's a good chance Clemons won't play and Jimmy Wilson will be a starting safety again. GG Atlanta, congrats on the win!

On June 2, 2007, Wilson shot and killed the boyfriend of his aunt, 29 year old Kevin Smoot of Lancaster, California. Wilson was subsequently arrested on June 12, 2007 on murder charges by the State of California. Two murder trials were held, in the first trial the jury was unable to reach a verdict after a week of deliberation, and the second trial ended on July 9, 2009 in an acquittal by the jury as his attorney argued Wilson acted in self-defense during the altercation.

moRon has officially announced that Mike Mitchell and Robert Lester will start at strong and free safety respectively.

Captain will start at left corner opposite Josh Thomas (concussion) or Drayton Florence (just signed today)
My god Mcnabb is an asshole, on the night that the Eagles are honoring him he decided to let everyone know that Chips offense is just a fad and wont work long term:

McNabb told CSNPhilly.com that the read option is “just a fad,” and he thinks the Eagles are going to struggle to keep up with Kelly’s fast-paced attack all season.
“I don’t know if any offensive player would want to run 90 plays in a game. If you’re running 90 plays in a game, that means your defense is pretty awful and you’re running entirely too many plays,” McNabb said. “At Oregon, [Kelly] may have ran 75 plays in a game, but you’re not going to run 85, 90, not in the NFL, and teams and defensive coordinators are a lot better than what you’re going to see in college.”
McNabb acknowledged that the Eagles’ offense has looked good so far, but he believes it’s also important to be able to play ball control offense, especially with a lead.
“I tip my hat off to what they’ve been doing the first two weeks, but there comes a time if you’re up by 14, up by 21, maybe with about 11, 10 minutes to go, it’s time to go into a mode where you’re trying eat up some clock,” McNabb said. “You can’t continue to run that fast-paced offense because it continues to run down not only their defense, but it wears your offense down, too.”
There’s already been some talk that Eagles quarterback Michael Vick won’t be able to withstand a 16-game season in Kelly’s offense, and McNabb says those concerns should extend beyond just Vick.
“It’s not so much Mike, I think it’s all the guys,” McNabb said. “You worry about the depth, you’re worried about the injuries and long-term. Right now, everything looks great, but I’m just worried as this thing continues, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10, if guys get hurt, who’s going to step in? What guys do you have to fill in in these key roles?”


Sounds like he's speaking the truth to me.

Tom Penny

My god Mcnabb is an asshole, on the night that the Eagles are honoring him he decided to let everyone know that Chips offense is just a fad and wont work long term:

So you're against adjusting the offense based on having a lead when time is the only enemy? That's one of the reasons they lost to the Chargers.
So you're against adjusting the offense based on having a lead when time is the only enemy? That's one of the reasons they lost to the Chargers.

Not opposed to that at all. But first he says that if the offense is running 90 plays a game the D must be doing bad, which is nuts. The only way to run that many plays is if the D is getting turnovers and forcing 3 and outs. Also calling it a fad at this point is incredibly stupid. It has been 2 games, it looked good but no one on Earth knows if it will work long term or not. Mcnabb is still pissy about being traded to the Skins and he takes every chance he can to take shots at the Eagles. He should not have done it today.


This made me laugh.

Also calling it a fad at this point is incredibly stupid. It has been 2 games, it looked good but no one on Earth knows if it will work long term or not.

And not even a good two game representation. The Redskins and Chargers are probably both in the bottom half, maybe even in the bottom third, in defense by the end of the season. The Redskins offense was terrible against the Eagles, especially in the first half, when they had those turnovers and the safety on the bad pitch from RGIII to Morris. That gave the Eagles extra possessions they wouldn't have had otherwise. Nobody's talking about how fantastic Chip Kelly's offense is if the Redskins don't piss down their own legs on that Monday nighter.

For the record, I still think the Eagles offense will be very good. Probably top 10, maybe top 5 in the league. But I think reactions were overblown due to the opponents the first two weeks.


Not opposed to that at all. But first he says that if the offense is running 90 plays a game the D must be doing bad, which is nuts. The only way to run that many plays is if the D is getting turnovers and forcing 3 and outs. Also calling it a fad at this point is incredibly stupid. It has been 2 games, it looked good but no one on Earth knows if it will work long term or not. Mcnabb is still pissy about being traded to the Skins and he takes every chance he can to take shots at the Eagles. He should not have done it today.

You're running 90 plays if the defense is bad, or more accurately, if the other team is running a lot of plays as well.


iTunes radio is pretty awesome.

Much better song selection than Pandora or any other service I used. Barely get any commercials so far. So far listened to some 80s stuff, set one station for Radiohead and one for Van Halen and I am liking most of the songs it has played so far.

Will need to see how it holds up over time. At least it gives me a nice change up from podcasts.


Well that's appropiate timing, as I was just about to ask for Football podcast recommendations :p

Love sports radio, and it certainly helps get my through a work day (Thank you Greg Brady for being so hilarious), but now that I'm getting more into Football, I'm looking to add to my selection with just Football talk too. There are a few Seahawks podcasts that I'm checking out and enjoying, but would love more general Football talk too. edit: preferably able to listen via just a website since I dont have itunes on my work pc.

Thanks in advance!


moRon has officially announced that Mike Mitchell and Robert Lester will start at strong and free safety respectively.

Captain will start at left corner opposite Josh Thomas (concussion) or Drayton Florence (just signed today)

You got it backwards - Mitchell at FS and Lester at SS


Well that's appropiate timing, as I was just about to ask for Football podcast recommendations :p

Love sports radio, and it certainly helps get my through a work day (Thank you Greg Brady for being so hilarious), but now that I'm getting more into Football, I'm looking to add to my selection with just Football talk too. There are a few Seahawks podcasts that I'm checking out and enjoying, but would love more general Football talk too. edit: preferably able to listen via just a website since I dont have itunes on my work pc.

Thanks in advance!

I think squicken mentioned this one earlier, but I quite enjoy's NFL.com's Around The League podcast. I also like Grantland's NFL Podcast with Robert Mays and Bill Barnwell (twice a week!).
Not opposed to that at all. But first he says that if the offense is running 90 plays a game the D must be doing bad, which is nuts. The only way to run that many plays is if the D is getting turnovers and forcing 3 and outs. Also calling it a fad at this point is incredibly stupid. It has been 2 games, it looked good but no one on Earth knows if it will work long term or not. Mcnabb is still pissy about being traded to the Skins and he takes every chance he can to take shots at the Eagles. He should not have done it today.

he shits on RGIII and the skins regularly too so his hate isn't exclusive to Philly.

I like Don a lot but his post playing career has been about as bitter as could be imagined and he gives credence to T.O's statements in regards to why the peak Eagles team of the 2000's didn't chip.

I disagree with the worn out thing though. It's next man up. If McCoy needs a burn bring in the backups. Tempo dictates quicker rotations if the endurance isn't there, but it doesn't necessarily correlate to increased injuries.
It is still a dick move to shit on the new coach the night they are honoring you.

Keep your mouth shut and just praise the fuck out of the city, the team and all the players you played with.

Exactly. It is supposed to be a nice night for him. I dont get why you would take shots on a night they are having a ceremony for him.


Desperate times and all that.

I did, thanks

I'm still trying to get over the fact that we're starting a rookie UDFA who was on the practice squad last week and a guy who was with the team all offseason and had his starting job taken by a guy who was on the team for exactly 5 days with no training camp or offseason work in our secondary.

Like, wtf?


1. I think RG3 is stuck in second gear. As I wrote last month, the narrative on his return to play last season is still muddled, and it does not appear that he has sufficiently healed this year. The bigger fear, however, is that he has healed. In that case, the injury from last year’s playoff game against the Seahawks, which could have been avoided, may have robbed Griffin—and Redskins fans—of a truly special talent.


"When Browns signed RB Trent Richardson, they gave him a $13,341,672 signing bonus. Money's gone, gone, gone."

And the Colts were the ones that got fleeced? lol


Exactly. It is supposed to be a nice night for him. I dont get why you would take shots on a night they are having a ceremony for him.
Well he did have a complicated relationship with Philly, as pretty much all stars and quarterbacks do.

But still that was not classy.
I'm still trying to get over the fact that we're starting a rookie UDFA who was on the practice squad last week and a guy who was with the team all offseason and had his starting job taken by a guy who was on the team for exactly 5 days with no training camp or offseason work in our secondary.

Like, wtf?

UDFAs can be great! We had a few start during our Super Bowl run come up big. No big thang
Shocking no one


Owner Jim Irsay's legendarily chaotic tweeting paid off for the Indianapolis Colts this week. When Irsay sent out word that his general manager was itching to wheel-and-deal for a running back, it didn't take long for the Cleveland Browns to come calling with an intriguing offer.

It was the Browns -- not the Colts -- who initiated Trent Richardson trade talks, The Plain Dealer's Mary Kay Cabot reported Thursday, citing several league sources.

The overhauled front office saw an opportunity to unload a player who has yet to live up to the lofty expectations of the previous regime that surrendered four draft picks for the rights to Richardson.

Taking advantage of the honeymoon year in Cleveland, the new Browns brass threw in the towel on the No. 3 pick in the 2012 NFL Draft, conceded that the No. 22 overall pick in the same draft might lose his job to vagabond Brian Hoyer and demoted the No. 59 overall pick in the 2011 NFL Draft out of the starting lineup.

The day's events had to leave the team's fan base wondering if the virtuous circle of stability will ever carry the day, or if they are simply doomed to a vicious cycle of the excuse-making and responsibility-shifting that naturally accompanies one rebuilding effort after another.

It's fair to infer that the Browns questioned Richardson's long-term durability after considering his two knee surgeries, broken ribs, ankle sprain and shin injury in just over a year with the team.

It's also fair to point out that Colts general manager Ryan Grigson pulled off a heist as long as Richardson isn't damaged goods at age 22. Now that the Browns have already paid the entirety of Richardson's $13.34 million bonus, Indy is only the hook for reasonable base salaries averaging $2.25 million over the next three years.

Although Richardson is averaging a troublesome 1.6 yards after contact in his young career, it's worth noting that his production through 17 games is eerily similar to that of Emmitt Smith, LaDainian Tomlinson and Ricky Williams at the same stage.

Between the injuries, Browns fans rarely had a chance to see Richardson at the peak form that led pundits to laud him as not only the most complete player in last year's draft, but also the best running back prospect to enter the league since Adrian Peterson.

Grigson, who cut his teeth as a long-time scout before landing the Colts job, is confident that Richardson still passes the eye test as a "special" talent.

The videos below from Weeks 2 and 5 of the 2012 season -- before Richardson played through multiple cracked ribs -- back up Grigson's analysis.

There's a reason why Ravens players are thanking coach Chuck Pagano for removing Richardson from their annual schedule.

Get excited, Colts fans. Your new bell cow expects to "play and play a lot" at San Francisco on Sunday.
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