20 touchdowns
0 interceptions
Fucking real life videogame.
Looks like the "fire Coughlin" talk is starting back up
Welker <3
Short people are the best people.
They've lost at least 13 points off of dropped passes today, but generally I agree.
Rivera is a fucking awful head coach though.
Now I know you are Gata's alt Squickenin' over to the Broncos. Damn you!
jk, love that little guy.
Fucking Anchorman 2 cross-marketing.
I despise everything about the Broncos right now.
Not too long and I'll even hate Wes.
Brady looks like he's in a French New Wave film. I wish he could play quarterback half as well as he dresses, though.
FixedWes Welker now has same amount of td's as Tom Brady WRs.
I've never gone 20 tds before an int.