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NFL 2013 Week 7 |OT| - The Green Green Grass of Home

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@RapSheet: Reggie Wayne not only has a torn ACL, source says. He also has a torn meniscus. May make rehab a bit more difficult. Bad night all around

They kind of go hand in hand...the meniscus isn't a huge deal, they can shave that down, but he'll have knee troubles later in light when that wears away and he has bone one bone action going on in his knee.

I'd hang up his career here if I were him.


Well, Reggie's out for the year. Torn ACL on what should have been an easy catch and TD. CURSE YOU FOOTBALL GODS!

So, who's got a good WR they'll give up for cheap? Giants?


Number 1) Did I tell y'all about Boykin or what? God damn Packers.

Number 2) Holy hell at the injuries this weekend, especially Finley. Hope he turns out ok.


He's the reason for our awesome 3rd down conversion rate.

Calvin/AJ/Julio are in a class of their own, but Reggie's damn close to it.

I guess I don't have a lot of sympathy after watching what has happened in GB. Next man up. Luck will have to do it without him. Good thing they've built balance around him so he doesn't have to shoulder the entire load.

Caja 117

15 hours since the Patriots game ended. 10,000 instances of whiners saying "that's the first time it's been called!!!!!" 0 instances of anyone showing film of a play where it occurred and wasn't called.

Well actually it did happened aparently in the same jets/pats Game in one of Patriots FG, take that with a grain of salt. but if you belive that no team has done this the whole year up until now, then I really dont know what else I can tell you.

I wont he surprised that you will see the flag to be call more often now, just because of the spotlight it has taken.


If this wasn't the Patriots who lost ESPN and other media wouldn't be talking about this.

Jags lose by this and ESPN doesn't have a meltdown.
Since the Bucs are done and will tank for the season: How much does Bill have to give to get Vjax from his buddy Schiano? A 5th rounder and a round of beers at the golf club?




I liked how the defense player. Ryan's came to play.

Foles played really bad.

The Eagles receivers need to get better. They weren't getting open enough.

The Eagles WRs can only get better next year when they get Maclin back and either draft or sign some guys who can create separation. I love Avant's hands but both he and Cooper can't get away from anyone.

But more than that some of the play calling has been puzzling. Why isn't Damaris Johnson in more? Where are the WR screens? TE screens? Or screens to RBs in general?

And early in the season I kept thinking ok sooner rather than later Ertz and Casey will be used more but we seemed to be married to the 11' personnel and these guys can't even see the field much. Its frustrating because with Foles or Barkley in we should be running more 2-3TE 2 RB sets with tons of play action. Where as our WRs can't get open past most CBs

On to more thoughts about the game and Eagles in general.

coaching grade B-
While I have been in full support of Chip, I think yesterday he and the coaching staff had their worst game. The decision right before half to kick a 60 yard FG was Reid levels dumb. They had a time out left and I believe 20 some seconds left. Its 4rth and 1. Eagles lead the league in converting and going for it on 4rth and 1. JUST TAKE YOUR CHANCES AND CONVERT FOR THE FIRST.

Then take your time out and try for a deeper pass to set up a more manageable FG. Our kicker, Alex Henery, struggles to hit anything 40 yards + and you are going to ask him to kick a 60 yard FG?

And going into the game Chip and the whole world knew Dallas's main goal would be to key in on LeSean and stop him. So where was the counter when the succeeded? I mean I can't be too harsh because they ran the plays which have made them prolific up till now and even on some of the calls Foles was flat out bad but still felt like the coaching didn't do much to help.

defense grade A

This was the only pleasant surprise. I thought the Eagles would lose going into the game but I was thinking it would be Romo lighting up the D. I am shocked by how well they played all game until it was over when Barkley walked in. If you told me they would the Cowboys to 3 at half, to 10 by the end of the 3rd, or 17 points in total I would have said "LOL YEAH RIGHT" and that the Eagles would win by 10 + points.

The D has played well these past three games but I really didn't count the Giants and Bucs games cause why should they? Dallas was the first real test since the Broncos game and what a difference between the D from that day to yesterday. If this is the sort of effort and play we can get out of the D going forward maybe we don't have to rely on the Offense so much.

qb foles grade D

I am so sick and tired of the fans, local media guys, some of the national media guys, and anyone who has these knee jerk reactions. Lets go back a minute. Foles wasn't highly sought after coming out and at best was projected to be a back up on this team. This fascination with Foles is so similar to Kolb. Its the same exact scenario almost. Fans were so fed up with McNabb (for the dumbest reasons in my opinion) that anyone whoever was the back up was looked as the "savior". Kolb lit up the league for 2-3 games and everyone thought "wow this is it we found our guy lets kick McNabb out of town".

You look at the fans after the last two wins and it was almost word for word the same sentiment. Dumbass fans put the full blame of the failures of the last two seasons on Vick and almost exclusively on Vick alone. Forget the injuries to the OLINE, Reid and his wonderful offense, the terribad historicly atrocious D, and non existant Special teams. It was all Vick's fault.

I stopped going to the Eagles board because of this shit. They were happy and cheering when Vick went out because now with Foles in EVERYTHING WOULD BE FIXED! Foles alone would help the D, the run game, the special teams and everything. He gets the ball out so fast! He is so accurate! He is so good. Foles became the new Kolb after 1.5 good games. Fuck out of here.

Everybody completely forgot that Vick hasn't played bad. Vick has 2 INTs. The turnovers have stopped. Shocking isn't it how that works when you fix the OLINE and run the ball with the best RB in the game? Vick had his worst game against the Chiefs and that D is legit enough to carry that team to 7-0. No shame in that. Vick played his best career game against the Chargers but the D couldn't get off the field. Fans are so fucking dumb and fickle that after the Chiefs game they decided "Vick still sucks and is the only reason this team isn't SB contenders". I am shocked to find that even the local bear writers seem to mirror these thoughts. They started up examples of Foles throwing nice passes on routes that 2-3 weeks earlier Vick was hitting on and completely forgot that Vick too was making the same damn exact fucking plays. So fuck all these clowns who have this desire to get rid of the guy and magnify his every mistake while minimizing anything good he does. Some of these assholes after seeing Foles for 1 half against the Giants claimed "ITS OBVIOUS FOLES IS THE GUY!". As if these old farts have never seen a back up come in and look great for a while.

Not saying Foles is destined to be bad. Or good. I don't know. I do know that he isn't anything special yet. I do know that he lost the open competition to Vick. I do know for the type of offense Chip ultimately wants to run, Vick or a QB like him fits best. And unlike what they did to Vick after 1 bad performance, I am not going to shit on Foles. Foles had one bad game. 1.5 great. Again there isn't enough of a sample size to say one thing or another. I will say this though, Vick was bad against the Chiefs D but still after his mistakes kept the Eagles O moving even if they settled for FGs. But Foles against a very average Dallas D missing Ware was shocking in how lost, confused, and inept he looked. I mean he had all the looks. Open WRs, TEs, and RBs. And he missed over and over. I thought he was going to light them up because the sole focus of the Cowboys would be to stop McCoy.

After 7 games I still don't know who the QB of the future is and I really don't care or give a fuck right now. I hate playing this game of projecting 2-3 years into the future. All I know right now is healthy Vick should be the starter. He isn't playing bad turning it over, and when he is on he makes it damn near impossible to stop the O.

Football comes after a long ass hiatus and I enjoy it too much to become one of those fans who wishes for the team to suck and tank to draft the next supposed "it" guy. All that will take care of it self. If at the end of the season, Roseman, Gamble, and Chip decide they don't like what they have at QB and want one of the guys coming out, regardless of where the Eagles 1st round pick lands they can make moves and maneuver their way to select their guy. You don't have to have the #1 pick overall for the QB of the future.

So with all that said I just want to win now as much as we can. I want improvement at all levels. Saw that from the D, saw a step back from Foles even-though its just 1 game, and overall a meh game on offense from the coaches and players.

I know we do a lot on offense from the formations, personnel, tempo, and scheming and overall our offense has been explosive but today when nothing was working it seemed helpless and uncreative.

We really miss Maclin bad.

Oh and big congrats to Cowboys fans. Your team played a hell of a game without Murray, Ware, and other injuries you have. Fucking impressed with whatever you guys did to stop McCoy and make Foles look like a fool. I don't know if it was just you guys or what we didn't do but impressive nonetheless. I still think we can compete for the division but for now Cowboys look like the best team in the division.

Caja 117

Which play? I'll take a look at the film.

I just heard this on the radio, like I said take it with a grain of salt, what I doubt it thats has never happened the whole year.

Either way, like I said yesterday, That flag isnt a big of a deal, when you have that stupid OPI called against the Jets that should have been a TD, Patriots were destined to loose this game.


Well actually it did happened aparently in the same jets/pats Game in one of Patriots FG, take that with a grain of salt. but if you belive that no team has done this the whole year up until now, then I really dont know what else I can tell you.

I wont he surprised that you will see the flag to be call more often now, just because of the spotlight it has taken.

Just watched all the field goals from the Patriots - Jets game. Sorry man. Didn't happen. The Jets didn't even push into the line on either attempt. The linemen went vertical instead of trying to penetrate. The angle isn't great and the coaches film isn't up yet, I'll gif the differences tomorrow when they are available.

Any other examples?

Saw this on Twitter.
They didn't push into the line. He went behind him and jumped. Watch the video. At least that's how it looks, but like I said, kind of inconclusive on the broadcast. Should be more clear on the all-22.


Dan Hanzus ‏@DanHanzus
Listening to Chud press conference tells me Weeden is toast. Coach said he is "considering" everything.

Body language of teammates was awful. No way they could let him keep playing. Fair or not, he was the embodiment of all the past failures and it is time he goes


Man that injury list for Week 7 is crazy. :(

Doug Martin, out for the year
Reggie Wayne, out for the year
Sam Bradford, out for the year
Brian Cushing, out for the year
Jay Cutler, out for the year (possibly)
Jermichael Finley, out indefinitely
Nick Foles, out for 2 weeks (speculation)
Michael Vick, miraculously healed!

Those last two have nothing to do with each other. I swear.


How has AP not demanded a trade yet? Or just to be released? Christ, if I'm any team in the league right now that doesn't have already have a dominant running game, I'm making calls and offering the kitchen sink. The dude has to want out.

Caja 117

Just watched all the field goals from the Patriots - Jets game. Sorry man. Didn't happen. The Jets didn't even push into the line on either attempt. The linemen went vertical instead of trying to penetrate. The angle isn't great and the coaches film isn't up yet, I'll gif the differences tomorrow when they are available.

Any other examples?

They didn't push into the line. He went behind him and jumped. Watch the video.

See my other reply, I really not dwelling too much on it, I still stand of my statement that i doubt it havent happened more times before, but Im not going to dig up that out of 100 games or so when I believe the Jets outplayed the Patriots.
Doug Martin, out for the year
Reggie Wayne, out for the year
Sam Bradford, out for the year
Brian Cushing, out for the year
Jay Cutler, out for the year (possibly)
Jermichael Finley, out indefinitely
Nick Foles, out for 2 weeks (speculation)
Michael Vick, miraculously healed!

Those last two have nothing to do with each other. I swear.

Did Cutler bruise his knee again? What a shame.



While I don't speak for every Eagles fan, I hate Vick because I don't trust him. I'm still salty about that Packers game in 2010. We should have won that game and maybe there wouldn't be so many stupid fucking State Farm commercials

Also, that Nick Foles rank is WAY too high. He gets an F- minimum
They didn't push into the line. He went behind him and jumped. Watch the video. At least that's how it looks, but like I said, kind of inconclusive on the broadcast. Should be more clear on the all-22.

It's really hard to see if you don't have a proper replay as with the Pats penalty, although at first it looked just like how you described the Jets call. A stunt behind the other guy and pushing off when running behind him. Oh well, rules are rules, if you don't want it called against you, avoid everything that could even come close to get it called against you. Coaches should have done a better job preparing the team.

Tom Penny

I'm pretty sure 30 second half minutes by asstatic Brady and donkey Josh Mcdaniels had more to do with the loss than a random penalty. Gronk's pick play was a lamer penalty than that one.
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