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NFL 2013 Week 7 |OT| - The Green Green Grass of Home

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I'm kind of looking around though, it doesn't seem absurd to gain a lb of muscle a week. Naturally. You probably know more about it than I do though. From him to go from 246 to 262, that would be roughly a little over a lb a week. Assuming he began at the beginning of August like some have reported. Is that possible?

1 lb of muscle a week is absolutely impossible. Gaining 1 lb a week is obviously possible but it'll be mostly water and fat. Natural lifters with average genetics should likely expect 5-10 lbs in their first year of consistent training, with diminishing returns in subsequent years (I'd argue most virtually maximize their natural potential at about the 5 year mark). But of course there's variation depending on genetics.

Regarding Vonn, it's hard to say. He could have gained 7 lbs during his suspension, like I said he's obviously an athletic freak and he might have the genetics to do that. He also has access to the best athletic resources and facilities in the world. It's hard to believe because I'm sure he's been weight lifting for years and at this point I can't imagine how much more he could put on naturally.

But we can't really know in the end. If the NFL says he's clean then that's that! :)
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