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NFL 2013 Week 8 |OT| - Hail To The Chiefs


Yeah I'm waiting for the incoming translation. I don't even try to read the original posts

Originally Posted by crazy buttocks on the train

His vision, his fault.

Don't get to run away from this fallout.

The issues comes from facts. If you don't want to hear what I present, can't help you.

Focus your ire to the people who made these decisions regarding hardware. When messager is right you get mad, but I warn because I don't like what I've seen over the last 20 months.

Plan never not for gamers. Xbox One or PS4 or Wii U. All of Us. When directive are apps first, power second, this is not for gamers. When questions about DRM/online policy are floated internally and then disregarded... [that's not for gamers.]

Because monetization is job one for Executives, this is not for gamers. When you are lied to directly about features, that's not for gamers.
Today, Snap is broke. Fact. Maybe (and probably) fix for launch. Today connectivity and party is broken. Fact. And Maybe fix before launch.

ESRam is problem and tools will help down the road. Hardware will always be gimped in comparison. This can never change without new hardware. Fact. Get mad at who you should be getting mad at.

Not the forum.
Not the posters.
Not people who know what's right and wrong and want to help gamers.

See you after launch!

Glad to see you finally admit it. We've known she's gross for a while.


I'm going to start typing like that

git wel sun Jermikel

I like where this is going.

So monetization isn't job one for Sony? I can't wait until cboat has enough misses for everyone to ignore his cries for attention.

Monetization is at the heart of both of them I'm sure. It's a business after all. As far as CBOAT, best just to wait and see if he's either right or full of shit. Best to just be quiet and let the launch reveal what is fact or fiction around these parts imo.

The next 12 hours (when the embargoes on next-gen reviews/footage goes up) will be a fun time on GAF.

jk the servers are crashing at midnight



So does that make Don Mattrick next gens Crazy Ken? That's a pretty shitty way to approach the direction for a console.

Gaming side is circus right now, it's not long before console warriors start to snap. I expect it to be pretty bad for the rest of the year, and so on.

I wasn't here for last gens console war, but I felt that went on till maybe 2009 when the PS3 was actually worth the money-- then it sort of got revived when PSN got hacked. But for some gamers the console wars is a generation long war, and it never ends for them.

Be careful my NFL-gaf brothers
and enemies.
No console is worth your Gaf life. If you're gonna go out, go out shitting on the Pats fanchise like Chan.
Oh I forgot.

We have shanked the entire season. So far left it's almost backwards. Looking forward to the offseason thread. The only thing left for Steeler fans is to root for anyone playing the Pats or the Ravens. Pretty sure the Ravens fucked themselves over by paying Failco a shitton of money. Bionic assures me the Pats don't suck enough to win it all, but I'm seriously hoping they don't even get to the AFCC so I can relax.
We live in an age where we are constantly bombarded with information. Sometimes said information isn't something we necessarily need to be privy to.

Fact: Not one person can make any claim of any real certainty or with any level of veracity as to what the state of the Xbox One or PS4 OS will look like on November 15th or November 21st respectively.

In the interim this is nothing but a circle jerk between one side claiming its all true and you're fucked at launch and the other that thinks all will be roses and your platform of choice will be shittier than mine cause I picked right dammit!

The point of my previous post was that to read GAF, you'd think these consoles were going to be lemons on launch day. When the reality is likely in the middle. Will there be missing features? Yes. Will there be long waits to download large updates? Of course! There is a toll you pay for being an early adopter of a new platform that's going to have a 10 year life cycle and those things are par course. They were ever present with the Wii U.

This isn't spin to dismiss the issues. I'm not buying an Xbox One at launch anyways. I won't while they have that ridiculous camera as a pack-in. I have no doubt these issues are real. Where there is this much smoke, there is obviously fire but even by these insiders admission - nothing is guaranteed for launch. Even for the Xbox One and all of its supposed problems. You need to decide if you're willing to take those risks at launch or not but until then "All this shit is broken............but it could be fixed for launch" is something anyone that works on software development hears more than once per day, every day. Call me when Xbox One retail units are crashing in peoples homes on launch day. That's when it truly matters.

Let me play devil's advocate for a moment and ask this: if the Xbox One launches in November and they manage to get a majority of the OS issues sorted out - will any of this have mattered? (See my first comment above)


Eeny Meenie Penis
It's so the info he passes along can't be traced back to him; no legible terms for Microsoft to search for leaks, and "journalists" won't embarrass themselves reporting this stuff.

I don't see how it can't be traced and most journalist wouldn't source a game forum poster anyway, :s
We have shanked the entire season. So far left it's almost backwards. Looking forward to the offseason thread. The only thing left for Steeler fans is to root for anyone playing the Pats or the Ravens. Pretty sure the Ravens fucked themselves over by paying Failco a shitton of money. Bionic assures me the Pats don't suck enough to win it all, but I'm seriously hoping they don't even get to the AFCC so I can relax.

Kraft Money vs Rooney Money

who wins?
Let me play devil's advocate for a moment and ask this: if the Xbox One launches in November and they manage to get a majority of the OS issues sorted out - will any of this have mattered? (See my first comment above)

Did it matter when the PS3 took X months to sort it's stuff out?

I see your point but it has to do with brand reputation and consumer confidence. Neither have much basis in reality but that doesn't mean they're not important.
Did it matter when the PS3 took X months to sort it's stuff out?
Sony has sold 70+ million consoles world wide and is a scant million or so behind Microsoft. How much did consumer confidence and reputation take a hit again? The PS4 can damn near do no wrong at this point.

How much has the RROD affected Microsoft's "brand reputation" with the Xbox One? (which is a sad commentary alone) Consumer confidence? Gamers are the most fickle creatures out there and on day one, its the hardcore gamer thats in line to spend $400-$500 on a console. Not mommy casual.


Sony has sold 70+ million consoles world wide and is a scant million or so behind Microsoft. How much did consumer confidence and reputation take a hit again? The PS4 can damn near do no wrong at this point.

How much has the RROD affected Microsoft's "brand reputation" with the Xbox One? (which is a sad commentary alone) Consumer confidence? Gamers are the most fickle creatures out there and on day one, its the hardcore gamer thats in line to spend $400-$500 on a console. Not mommy casual.

Also PS3 with the humongous failure rate. I really dont trust hardware from either company.
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