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NFL 2014 Week 15 |OT| Drunk in Love


Persecution Complex


That confident smile <333
Friday night is just another night I spend defending Alex Smith.

All the days I've spent fighting against the hate and ignorance, now from the stupidest portion of Chiefs fans.

A thankless job.

Not even a pat on the back from small hand.


She's also going to play as Harley Quinn in the Sucide Squad movie I heard.


I remember seeing the movie in theaters with my fiance and when that part of the movie happened I could see out of the corner of my eye her looking over at me, knowing what I was thinking while remaining stone faced. Same thing happened with Alexandra Daddario scene. She tried to cover my eyes for that. First time that has ever happened with all the boobs in movies and HBO shows we have seen together.


My memory kinda stops at a certain point last night. How did I get home? Did I eat chips? Was I at the club? I may never know the answers to these questions.

I do know that I called an ex at like 2am and got a nasty text message.
My memory kinda stops at a certain point last night. How did I get home? Did I eat chips? Was I at the club? I may never know the answers to these questions.

I do know that I called an ex at like 2am and got a nasty text message.

Good nasty or bad nasty?


I can't remember how I felt about that game

I remember it having a shitty framerate, but I finished it, so it must've done something right


I can't remember how I felt about that game

I remember it having a shitty framerate, but I finished it, so it must've done something right

I remember it getting repetitive but also i liked it, I also remember pretty much 85% just hating on it because it wasnt god of war or something. gaming side are clowns anyway


So dominos over here does a large Pan pizza. I'm expecting it to be the same size as the US medium because portion sizes and all. Well it's on it's way, save me from this hangover dominos.



Qualcomm Stadium smells like urine and stale beer in certain of its cramped corridors.

It lacks many modern amenities, has a scoreboard that takes people back in time and two video boards that would look sensational if they were mounted on someone’s family room wall.

By looking at the exposed rebar in some spots, the place seems one good SkyShow from crumbling, and the playing surface and parking lot of this unfortunate plot is frequently excepted from God’s good promise to never again flood the Earth.

But it’s home.

For now.

Even as Dean Spanos watches his team play the Denver Broncos on Sunday – the final home game of the season and so important to the Chargers’ playoff hopes – his eyes are fixed on another fight.

The battle for Los Angeles.

Might it be alarmist to suggest this could be the Chargers’ final game as the San Diego Chargers? Maybe. Honestly, no one seems to know.

“There is no way we’re sitting here next year and there’s not a team moving,” said one source with as much intimate knowledge as anyone about this highly secretive, extremely tense situation. “I’d be shocked.”

Depending on the day and who in the organization is saying it, the Chargers contend that 25 to 30 percent of their revenue comes from what we in San Diego sometimes simply refer to as “L.A.” but includes Orange County and the Inland Empire.

Where the Chargers would have to pay $17.6 million to break their lease in early 2015, the St. Louis Rams and Oakland Raiders can walk away from their stadium contracts after this season having to pay a combined grand total of precisely $0.

There is credible talk that two of the three teams will align/are aligning to facilitate a move to Los Angeles. That amounts to guerilla warfare among the franchises. The Rams and Raiders as allies in the race to L.A.? The Chargers have been forthright that they can’t let that happen.

However, multiple sources have made it clear that much of Spanos’ recent focus has been on preventing and/or beating those two teams to Los Angeles.

Chargers home games are mini-family reunions, as the bulk of the Spanos family lives in Stockton.

They’re not going to London. And very few familiar with San Antonio believe that is a viable option, in part because the powerful owners of the two teams already in Texas would oppose a team being placed there.

So if the Chargers miss out on L.A., they’re probably stuck.

To be stuck without a new stadium would be ruinous, the Chargers claim.

Due to the antiquated scoreboard and video boards and limited static signage inside 47-year-old Qualcomm Stadium, the Chargers’ advertising revenue opportunities are severely handicapped. Thus, they are one of a handful of NFL teams that depends on ticket revenue as their largest source of local income. That is a fickle stream, given the Q’s relatively paltry premium seating and suites and a market that demands continued results on the field in exchange for its loyalty.

What the Chargers have proposed -- they’ve actually made nine proposals since 2002, investing resources in plans from Chula Vista to Oceanside and Escondido – is a mixed use stadium and convention center in downtown’s East Village. Toward that end, the team has essentially joined forces with JMI Realty, the company of former Padres owner John Moores, the overseer of Petco Park’s construction and the master plan that saw the ballpark district redeveloped.

As has virtually every NFL stadium project in the past 30 years, the roughly $1 billion cost of the Chargers’ stadium would be partially paid for with public assistance.

The Chargers and partner investors would commit $200 million to the project, plus a $200 million loan from the NFL. The team is asking for the granting of land (the current Qualcomm Stadium and Valley View Casino Center sites) to the Chargers and their partner(s), and they have proposed an increase to the hotel bed tax.

Any proposal would require approval from two-thirds of voters.

The Chargers believe the soonest a ballot measure is feasible is November 2016.

Given that most in NFL circles believe the latest a team will be in L.A. is the ‘16 season, November of that year might be too late.

At a ribbon-cutting event near the Broadway Pier last month, Port Commission Chairman Bob Nelson was speaking at the dais when a passing driver yelled, “I have an idea: build us a new stadium.”

Nelson chuckled, paused and turned around briefly to look at the people seated behind him, including Mayor Faulconer.

Then Nelson said into the microphone, “Tell Mr. Spanos to pay for it.”

Nelson quickly held up his hands and apologized while smiling as many in the crowd chuckled. In the front row at that event was a woman who had helped raise $20,000 for landscaping around the pier -- Susie Spanos, wife of the Chargers’ president.

After the event, Faulconer spoke with Mrs. Spanos to assure her his office was committed to an ongoing partnership with the Chargers.

“It was unfortunate and inappropriate,” Faulconer said Friday when asked about Nelson’s remark.

The league requires a team file for relocation by Feb. 15, and that request would then be voted on (likely in March) by the league’s 32 owners. It would take just nine to block a move.

Many believe that Rams owner Stan Kroenke has not satisfied the league’s requirement to have exhausted all options to resolve his current stadium situation before moving. The Raiders – though not as extensively as the Chargers -- have engaged in many machinations toward that end, but officials for both potential temporary homes of an NFL franchise (the Coliseum and Rose Bowl) have said they don’t want the Raiders as tenants.


This is a really good article about the Chargers/LA situation.


Interview with Raiders owner Mark Davis:

-Q: So what&#8217;s the timing here with Los Angeles? Don&#8217;t you have to make a call pretty soon on that, one way or the other?

-DAVIS: Not necessarily. Everybody looks at this thing, that the league has set Feb. 13 or 14, that they say if teams are going to move to LA for the 2015 season then they have to declare within that time-frame..But that doesn&#8217;t mean that you have to do it then for after 2015 or whatever. I think people are just getting the wrong idea on these deadlines. I&#8217;m not doing anything based on deadlines, I&#8217;m going to do what&#8217;s right for this organization.

-Q: What if two teams&#8212;say the Rams and Chargers&#8212;are ready to move to LA, wouldn&#8217;t they block that option if they declare before you do?

-DAVIS: If two teams were building and were going in the same stadium, yes, that would block that option. If the Rams and the Chargers wanted to get together and decide to build a stadium together and if the league then voted&#8211;if each team got 24 votes&#8211;then the two teams were given permission to move to LA, yes that could close out that option no question. But if there&#8217;s only one team building a stadium, then obviously the opportunity for a second team is still there. And we&#8217;re more than happy to be the second team if in fact we can&#8217;t get something done here. That&#8217;s a huge if. If we can get something done here, I&#8217;m staying.

-Q: I&#8217;ve asked you this many times, I&#8217;ll ask again: Is playing in Santa Clara at all an option for you?

-DAVIS: No. I give them all the credit in the world for getting a stadium built in Santa Clara, but that&#8217;s just not Raider territory. Not going to happen. I don&#8217;t believe in it. Now, you never say never to anything. But again it&#8217;s just not something I see as a positive for our fan base and the Raiders. We want something right where we are.

-Q: Not even in Santa Clara as a two- or three-year thing as you wait for another building?

-DAVIS: To wait and see other things? If in fact we are in the process of building the new stadium here, then we do have to have a place to play for the two or three years&#8230;That would be one of the opportunities that may be available to us. But we&#8217;re not waiting&#8230; (my note: I took that to mean Davis wouldn&#8217;t go to Santa Clara without a plan for Oakland and just sit around there.)

We still want an opportunity to try to get something done there (in Oakland). Our fans are just amazing up here. The 45-40,000 fans that show up every week are just amazing.

-Q: Where&#8217;s San Antonio right now?

-DAVIS: In Texas. (Laughs.)

-Q: I asked for that one. I mean, where are you as you evaluate San Antonio as an option?

-DAVIS: All can say is it&#8217;s just amazing that a city that never had a team and wants one&#8211;what they&#8217;ll go to to bring one there.

And there&#8217;s a city that&#8217;s had a team and lost it and got it back and their philosophy&#8230; and there&#8217;s LA that lost two teams and wants them back&#8230; It&#8217;s just amazing to see the difference&#8211;the desire for a team from San Antonio, it&#8217;s just really amazing.

As I&#8217;ve said, I want to put it right where we&#8217;re at, right now, right where we are. I think it&#8217;d be phenomenal. That&#8217;s what my goal is.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Sounds like he's leaning towards San Antonio based on that interview alone.

I mean, the color scheme would match the Spurs already.


Shit, I didn't realize that San Antonio and San Diego are the 7th and 8th most populous cities in the country, while St. Louis is the 58th. In my mind those three are all the same size.



A Dutchman&#8217;s attempt at a romantic wedding proposal was a smashing success &#8211; but not in the way he had hoped.

The unidentified lover in the Netherlands town of Ijsselstein rented a crane to descend in front of his girlfriend&#8217;s bedroom window first thing on Saturday morning, hoping to play her a song before popping the question.

Instead the crane toppled and smashed a hole in a neighbour&#8217;s roof.

Dutch pls.

Shit, I didn't realize that San Antonio and San Diego are the 7th and 8th most populous cities in the country, while St. Louis is the 58th. In my mind those three are all the same size.

Meh, don't trust those southern and western "city" sizes.

St. Louis city is 66 square miles. Pittsburgh is 58 square miles.
San Antonio is 465 square miles and San Diego is 372 square miles.

They just keep incorporating more of their suburbs into what is considered the "city".

The St. Louis Metro area has more people than San Antonio and is comparable with the San Diego metro in population.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
There's no way Austin wouldn't be designated as part of the San Antonio "market" though. Combine those two and you get a market the size of Detroit.


I guess Im just an old. Im reading OT threads and I am completely lost as tow hat people are saying.

throwing shade, "PLS", "puts the pussy on the chainwax"......I am so confused.


Mech, maybe you can answer this question

what should I spent my coins on in PvZ? I have 40k racked up from when I played earlier this week


Mech, maybe you can answer this question

what should I spent my coins on in PvZ? I have 40k racked up from when I played earlier this week

Buy the packs for 20K. While the expensive 40k ones guarantee you a new character class every time, you can get those pieces from the 20k ones in no time plus you get some good consumables and potential weapon upgrades.

See! Im still hip!


Buy the packs for 20K. While the expensive 40k ones guarantee you a new character class every time you can get those pieces from the 20k ones in no tome plue you get some good consumables.

See! Im still hip!
thank you

you're the Watt of PvZ!


come in my shame circle
Peter King is already pointing out which Week 17 games could be the option for the SNF game:


Anything for the NFC South would be fantastic I feel, reminds me of the NFC West 7-9 battle a few years back.

But everyone keep your fingers crossed for Cleveland/Baltimore...we all know NBC is making calls as we speak for this.
Peter King is already pointing out which Week 17 games could be the option for the SNF game:


Anything for the NFC South would be fantastic I feel, reminds me of the NFC West 7-9 battle a few years back.

But everyone keep your fingers crossed for Cleveland/Baltimore...we all know NBC is making calls as we speak for this.

Please no.

Panthers haven't won an important nationally televised game in ten years.

06 Cowboys
07 Giants
08 Cardinals (playoffs)
13 Saints
14 Niners (playoffs)
14 Steelers
14 Eagles

We're the Bungles of the NFC

EDIT: OK, I forgot


Double Edit: I also forgot Jonathan Stewart and DeAngelo Williams literally run Jon Gruden out a job in 2008. That was fun
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