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NFL 2014 Week 2 |OT| Thread Title Subject to Change Depending on Public Outrage

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You should be able to challenge calls with clearly defined parameters like the horse collar and face mask calls.

Yeah, instead of focusing on stuff like this, the rules committee is more concerned with trying to "fix" extra points.

Of course if you asked them about this, they'd just hide behind the "b-b-but they're judgment calls!" excuse.


You should be able to challenge calls with clearly defined parameters like the horse collar and face mask calls.

They're not going to allow that since it'll make the refs look bad and the NFL protects their refs.

Calls like the two that were blown, and the hold that was called on Boldin yesterday (or the illegal contact on Lloyd last week when he was being hugged) is really turning me off from watching football.
Not if your goal is to actually, you know, improve their behavior, confidence, and decision-making abilities.

If your goal is to make them fear you or fear getting hit while learning absolutely jack shit about making correct decisions or behaving appropriately, then go right ahead. Mission accomplished.

Allow me to simplify my comparison for you: Peterson may be legally free to spank his kids, but he isn't free from the societal repercussions of doing so.

Congrats on the worst post ever. The capitalization of "THEIR" is all we needed to see. You're the kind of guy that thinks children are their parents' property to do with what they like.

We were done with this awhile ago. I disagree with your opinions now let's move back on to the games.

Velcro Fly

Hilton got held like a mofo on the one deep pass Luck overthrew him on earlier on that previous drive too. Guy just let go before the ball got there 40 yards down field.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
ridiculous fucking sequence where the refs fuck the colts over big again. this happened like 3 times last year where obvious calls were just completely missed and the colts suffered.

quit whining, Manning lead colts got beneficial calls from the refs all the damn time. They even got the rulebook changed for them.

Tom Penny

My wife (lol I don't raise our kids give me a break) generally rewards them with activities. We've never done financial incentives (three years olds don't give a fuck about cash!) or toys. They can earn screen time, zoo time, park time, horse time, golf cart time, blah blah blah basically the stuff we have handy but that we don't let them do at will. We use a sticker system, works great.

But yeah it required and continues to require thought and consistency. We've been doing it this way basically since they could talk so it's been understood. It's definitely not for the lazy parent who just wants to bloody their kid.

My lazy parents were working 60-80 hours a week each so I could eat. Fucking crazy right?

Nori Chan

god damn it I'm going to lose my fantasy game by two points because pagano wants to run the trent truck wtf

lose by a total of 3 points in two weeks
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