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NFL 2014 Week 3 |OT| But Wait, There's A Flag On The Play?

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This has to be one of the all time worst timed posts. Posted this right as manning threw two beautiful passes to drive and td to setup the 2pt conversion try.

Just catching up on the thread, had to drive in laws to the airport directly after this game.

Sorry Denver but your never going to win a superbowl with manning as long as Fox is your head coach, unless you luck out and get some.crap nfc defense. He's too much of a fucking coward. That game plan today was disgraceful. If they had done even some semblance of what they did late in the 4th quarter it would have been a route by Denver.
Too bad the stupid overtime rules didn't allow Manning to have a go in overtime.

Yeah, Fox needs to grow a pair. I get what he is trying to do, in terms of trying to control the game and field position. It was fine playing that game when we had Tebow, but he has to let these guys play. Now in his defense, the run game was garbage and you can't win against Seattle that way. I don't buy his excuse of Virgil Green going out being the linchpin to the run sucking. If your run offense is predicated on Virgil Green, it is a shitty plan. I still have faith in the guy, but he has to loosen the grip a bit.

As far as the overtime, everyone knew the rules going in. Defense just had to get a stop or a FG and he would have had his shot to win it. I'm fine with that.


Can't go high. Can't go low. Can't lead with your helmet to any area, including the mid section. Pretty tough to do, let alone at the pace these players are playing at.

Can't lead with the crown of your helmet, which has been a rule forever.


There was a stat last week that showed that since he's been in the league, cam is the most hit qb by about 250 or more. Fitzpatrick was 2nd.

Ye I seen that, But man Cam going to need a bottle of vic, bottle of jack daniels and cocaine to deal with all the pain from these hits tonight


Why does Cobb suck now?
Why does McCarthy care about balance?
Why isn't Finley playing?
Why did Aaron decide to date a witch?
Why DuJuan?

He kinda always has (shhhh)
He is dead. Fell off a cliff, died on impact.
Good girls make shitty beards.
I DontJuanna.
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