Just a couple things I'd like to say as I'm on this ecstasy or as the kids call it these days "Molly". This is the same shit I was doing in high school in 2005 just with a different name and actually more pure and not cut with meth or any bullshit.
First off, everyone should try MDMA at least once in their lives. I'm not a fan of hippies but this shit opens your mind and makes you the most compassionate person on Earth.
That being said I love NFLGAF. I haven't posted much the past few weeks like I've said but I spend more time in this thread than any other part of the internet by far.
This is a great community and despite differences at times we still manage to come together to support each other. Yesterday with weinke being example #101101019. I try not to livejournal this shit up because I tend to keep my feelings inside but I reveal more about myself in this thread than anywhere else. Other than my mom and younger brothers you guys probably know me better than anyone else and I mean that.
I don't know where I'm going with this. I remember showing late for football practice in the morning and my coach said "Kas what the hell are you doing son?! You can sleep when you're dead." I try to live by those words. Life is short why fight and hate? Pointless shit.
That being said I wish nothing but the worst for all other NFC teams so the inevitable Restoration of the Roar 2014 can commence for the whole world to witness.
Fuck the Packers (except Greg, he's cool sometimes).
Defend the Den 2014.