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NFL 2014 Week 5 |OT| The Week of Embarrassment and the Fall of an Empire

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
10 years of MJ dissing posts? Should have ran out of material by now.

He can talk Tebow and Magic all he wants. Just limit the MJ talk. His tag even refers to how much he over posts about MJ

You'll just encourage him.

Plus it's humorous in a sore loser kind of way. I mean, we all know His Airness is the GOAT but bionic still has to die on that hill.


10 years of MJ dissing posts? Should have ran out of material by now.

He can talk Tebow and Magic all he wants. Just limit the MJ talk. His tag even refers to how much he over posts about MJ

One would think, also wow thats quite the number thinking about it. Nearly 10.5 years on a single forum lol


You can still do your job and succeed in life while having sex.

But in general in sports desire matters a lot. I strongly believe that fucking a hot woman is going to satisfy something inside you and take away that desire to have to win on the field. Probably to a small degree but that extra amount of desire is often the different between winning and losing, living and dying, etc. So in general hot women are not great for sports success. People have succeeded with a hot woman at their side but I think it makes things harder.

You cannot reach your ultimate form in sports while having sex with hot women.

Everything else equal or close to equal the virgin will win every single time. Because he has the extra desire to use that win or championship or whatever to get laid the way the former and current champ is.

It is unclear if having sex with uggos is a way around this rule.
Ronda Rousey said she likes having sex before fights for the extra testosterone. But it usually is bad for guys. Brought up in a few interviews



My boots finally bit the dust. I don't have the cash to drop on new ones right now fucking sucks. I shouldn't have looked at new boots online I just ended up depressing myself :(


started my Madden 15 player franchise today. Decided on Logan Thomas. I was going to use Jimmy G but I didn't want to be the guy to force Brady out of being a starter.
Jim Harbaugh comfortable in chaos

Really good article on Harbaugh - Warning super long

Some quotes

One person who knows Harbaugh well thinks he’s just “awesome and crazy enough” to sign a long-term extension out of spite.

In his office, Harbaugh has a framed note from Mike Ditka. They famously exploded in 1992 after Harbaugh defied Ditka's orders and audibled to a pass play that was intercepted and returned for a touchdown. One writer wrote that on the sideline, "Ditka grabbed Harbaugh and shook the confidence out of him." Harbaugh later admitted that the ordeal left him gun-shy, unthinkable for a man so cocky he once circled a picture of a model in a magazine, handed it to a Bears staffer and asked him to track down her number. Harbaugh's career in Chicago ended a year after that blowup. He had to start over. The will that produced Captain Comeback with the Colts in 1995 wasn't solidified in last-minute wins. It was the natural output of a healed scar.

The note, which Ditka sent after Harbaugh retired, reads, "I am still -- believe it or not -- your greatest fan."

Harbaugh's vision as a coach is unchanged from his vision as a quarterback: He trusts his instincts. That frustrates the 49ers' more buttoned-up staffers, who worry that his team's habit of botching situational football -- last year, some believed the coaches weren't emphasizing two-minute situations in practice, and sure enough, the season ended on a failed two-minute drive against Seattle -- is rooted in Harbaugh's disorganization. While the NFL is slowly trending toward a corporate and scientific style of football, a 49ers staffer says that, for better and worse, "We're the Scranton Bureau."

Seriously. Harbaugh sometimes brings glasses of whole milk to coaches meetings, believing it builds strength. While other staffs slave past midnight, he lets his coaches leave early a few nights a week so they can have dinner with their families; he even once babysat the toddler of one of his assistants so the coach and his wife could have a date. He eats lunch with a different group of players each day to get to know them. He buys cakes on birthdays and has a Will Hunting ability to calculate quickly how many days someone has been alive. Harbaugh's methods, haphazard as they are heartfelt, are as true as his record, but they still leave staffers, as a former one says, "with the constant feeling like they're going to get exposed."

Harbaugh ended his training camp speech with a story, words for the players to live by this season, almost a premonition of what has transpired since. The story began, as many do, in his childhood. John was 10; Jim was 8. John had always stuck up for Jim in fights, but one day in their yard, John pushed Jim. So Jim punched John in the stomach. John welled up, and their dad came outside.

What happened?

Jim punched me.

Why did you punch him?

'Cause he pushed me!

Dad said to John, "If you push someone, then they might punch you back. You understand?'"

Dad said to me, "Jim, do you have something you want to say to your brother?"

I said, "Good, now he knows."

"I learned that day that you can't count on anyone fighting for you except for you," Harbaugh told the team. "You have to be prepared to fight and finish your own battles. We have 16 fights and finishes scheduled -- playoffs and Super Bowl to be determined. That wouldn't make a bad T-shirt!"

TLDR- Harbaugh is crazy and people around him have a love/hate relationship with him.


Yeah, top 5 FF spots this year have been ass. Phillip Rivers for fantasy value of the year though.

Until Eli starts showing up for the remainder of the season. Two weeks strong...I have to bench Brady for Eli this week and there aren't any better options :( Dammit Tom.
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