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NFL 2015 Week 10 |OT| - A Fraud is Not Clearly Better Than Blaine Gabbert


American Football is getting to be like Game of Thrones for me.

You wait all week, only to see horribly gruesome injuries happen to your favourite characters removing them from the show, and in the end the bad guys win and you feel like shit. The bad guys ALWAYS win.

I really need to drop it like I dropped that show, but I can't. If 20 seasons of Patriots domination over the AFC East haven't broken me, nothing will.
This isn't Game of Thrones, it's The Fellowship of the Ring. We've lost good people and we're divided while Sauron/The Patriots look stronger than ever. But there is hope. We've seen that they're not immortal and can be hurt and hurt badly.

There will be a tomorrow.


So happy the Jags got a win! Did not believe Jason Myers would actually make the FG. I was preparing for disappointment and another loss again.


Patriots have enough that I don't think Edelman will be a huge loss. LaFell can step up.

Edelmans a huge loss. He's the man who keeps the chains moving and the offense running. Losing him a pretty big deal with the way this offense is built. I love Amendola, but he is no Edelman.
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