Limited Edition
Why am I required to be sober at work?
Why am I required to be sober at work?
This Week 12 SoundFX is the greatest.
Why am I required to be sober at work?
Im drinking and
If anyone cares and trying to figure how how im going to not be bored having 4 day weekends the first 3 weeks of this month then a 4 day work week. Bastards making me taking vacations[IMG][/QUOTE]
Is the player Stafford?
Marvel>DC, Xmen>All
Is the player Stafford?
Why am I required to be sober at work?
Do we have any receivers left? No? Okay, just checking.
I don't abide by the rules.
and people died for your sins. i shouldnt have to be sober tho there should be a weekly rotation of designated driver to pick people up.
Does seem like we chose our professions poorly, doesn't it?
Chris Harper on the Practice Squad.
Nobody has died under my direct care due to me being intoxicated.
lol he isn't like this in real life though, there's no doubt in my mind that he doesn't talk to anyone at work and people are creeped out by himWhoever decided that acting rebellious was an attractive quality had never met MRSA.
No one has ever made me want to be a square more than him. (Not that I have to try).
Nobody has died under my direct care due to me being intoxicated.
Nobody has died under my direct care due to me being intoxicated.
There was something about it that I didn't like... I just didn't want to continue.
This is the type of quality NFL/video game crossover material you can only get here on GAF!Damn.
This is the type of quality NFL/video game crossover material you can only get here on GAF!
We all pretend to know something about football, but really that's all we are here for.
That and the reactions after the browns go all browns.
How will Pats fans react to Bill tanking the 2016 season to get Christian McCaffrey?
I'm going to take this as a tacit admission that while sober you are equally incompetent.
Anyway, I'm writing to squash this myth about my California dreaming. Everyone knows I only dream about money. Besides, home is where the heart is. I'm a Missouri man!
We've had some good times this season, haven't we? To be honest, I think this has been my favorite losing season of the six since we've had since I became the full owner.
I've been meaning to thank you for that chant I hear during games. "Kroenke Rocks!" I see you guys pointing at me. Your one-finger salute reminds me I'm number one.
Look, let's bury this whole California thing once and for all. I haven't told anyone this, but I'll let you know first. We can trust each other, right?
I'm working on a polo stadium in Inglewood. Not football. Polo.
Why polo? Well, I already own a team in every other sport, and a few years back, my pal Jerry Jones and I were out on his yacht clubbing seals, and he said, ''Ol' Enos, you've gotta invest in the polo scene." So I threw a couple billion dollars at it. No big deal until those reporters started spreading misinformation.
I'm more competent intoxicated. Got a guy to the cath lab in 5 minutes. You try doing that in the back of an amberlamps at 2am after like 9 beers, pushing IV meds, and monitoring vitals.
Bead is a bitch
Tragedy has struck our hero Tebow, as his abstinence mentor Aaron Godgers has been killed by the Munn.But he has little time to grieve, now surrounded by the Munn and her Brady Spider minions will Tebow unleash his inner god? Or will our hero meet his fate by the hands....feet thingies of his arch nemesis? Find out next week on a new episode of Tebow Ball Z.
How is his motor?How will Pats fans react to Bill tanking the 2016 season to get Christian McCaffrey?
For kas. Look away Packers fans. This recent stats split is proof he was right all along
Tragedy has struck our hero Tebow, as his abstinence mentor Aaron Godgers has been killed by the Munn.But he has little time to grieve, now surrounded by the Munn and her Brady Spider minions will Tebow unleash his inner god? Or will our hero meet his fate by the hands....feet thingies of his arch nemesis? Find out next week on a new episode of Tebow Ball Z.
How is his motor?
Oh yeah you're missing out, I still have the dark phoenix saga, one of my favorites.
Eh.Man, fuck that. That is no way to live.
No you should not.Testing stuff for Australia in America though ain't fun! VPNs are largely shit. But yes I understand I shouldn't bitch about being employed.
Sounds like Chip would want himDont worry he is white.