That Luck was fucking up with arguably the best receiving corps in the league is definitely reason to question him, but he's still the best fit for the team.
Luck was playing like ass and had decision making and fundamental problems, but let's be real here.
Hasslebald saved the season by barely beating the Jags and Texans, and Luck seemed to be on track to get out of his slump the last Quarter of football he played. Honestly, gimped Luck would beat these teams too in their current shape. He ended the Titans game with the same injury after all.
We completely switched the offense around for Hasslebald and he's getting the ball out quick. Something we weren't doing with Luck, even against heavy blitzing teams. It's like our coaches wait for something like an injury to pull their head out of their ass and change the offense for the better. AJ was absolutely terrible before Thursday's game, this is the first game this season where it looked like he cared.