Ye buddy only the Bengals have thug players Rofl
At least you can admit the team is made up of thugs.
Ye buddy only the Bengals have thug players Rofl
Like I said before, Burfict should have been thrown off the field a long time ago. Most of the blame really falls on the coaches, specifically Marvin Lewis, for not standing up to their own players if need be. By basically doing nothing they enabled Burfict to act like a bully. He was out of control and being forcibly removed from the game should have been the response. He was a danger to players, coaches, refs, and himself.
McCarron handled the presser pretty well, with the exception of complaining about a ball being wet during a rainstorm. Like, idk what magic he thinks the NFL has available.
shazier is an upstanding human being tho
shazier is an upstanding human being tho
They would be dumb to allow him to play next week after that.
Shazier doesn't have a history of dirty plays. He has one illegal hit under his belt, like a lot of other players in this league. And he wasn't dancing/cheering about the person he hit being injured. He was celebrating that they won a challenge and recovered a fumble.
omg, did he hit someone too hard for your fragile sensibilities?
shocking steelers fans would defend a steelers player! you probably shouldn't be celebrating shit after you illegally speared a guy and left him lying on the turf for 10 minutes
i dont really care about the hit except that the bengals had less of an illegal hit 10 minutes before and got a flag. i also didn't give a shit who won, just calling it like i see it!
Shazier doesn't have a history of dirty plays. He has one illegal hit under his belt, like a lot of other players in this league. And he wasn't dancing/cheering about the person he hit being injured. He was celebrating that they won a challenge and recovered a fumble.
i'll be celebrating when you guys announce chip kelly as your head coach
omg, did he hit someone too hard for your fragile sensibilities?
shocking steelers fans would defend a steelers player! you probably shouldn't be celebrating shit after you illegally speared a guy and left him lying on the turf for 10 minutes
i dont really care about the hit except that the bengals had less of an illegal hit 10 minutes before and got a flag. i also didn't give a shit who won, just calling it like i see it!
shocking steelers fans would defend a steelers player! you probably shouldn't be celebrating shit after you illegally speared a guy and left him lying on the turf for 10 minutes
i dont really care about the hit except that the bengals had less of an illegal hit 10 minutes before and got a flag. i also didn't give a shit who won, just calling it like i see it!
i will be celebrating no matter who we hire. it will be a drastic improvement over what we had this year so i don't give a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
ehh... this is his only year in Denver where his defense won him the majority of his starts. The other years he and the offense won the majority of the games. Quite a different team, really.Manning will make it complicated somehow
If reffs gave a personal to that thug that fought burfect = field goal = won the game = no hill fumble. What about that thug on the pit side that head hunted our player?? or is this only 1 way traffic ?
or if reffffs thru a flag on aj blue + yellow for false start on td = may b no td = may b bengals nvr get in the game?
I want to know why that hit is enough to label a person a thug in your mind. Has no 9er ever gotten a personal foul penalty? Did you immediately divorce yourself from him?
My god, how can you root for the 9er's with Ahmad Brooks on the team?
you won't be saying that when he trades a first round pick for tannehill and carlos hyde leaves the team because chip's a racist, so chip decides to fill the void with toby gerhart
lol typical pit fan horrible city even worse people
You must have been so proud of your fellow Cincinnatians when they started booing and throwing trash at an injured player.
I can't wait for Alex Smith to win the Super Bowl MVP after beating the Seahawks at Levi's Stadium.
Guys, if we pool our money we can buy Playboy mansion together!
I believe he was making fun of your posting style.English please
Jones also took issue with the call on Burfict, saying of Brown -- who the Steelers said after the game was in the league's concussion protocol -- "Man, that (expletive) was (expletive) acting. He flopped. He needs a (expletive) Academy Award for that performance."
Jones conceded, however, that many outsiders would blame Lewis for failing to control his team. And, truth be told, several players inside the Bengals' locker room -- none of whom wanted his name used, for obvious reasons -- felt that Lewis deserved the criticism, citing a season-long lack of discipline among some defensive players in games, practices and meetings.
"Eventually," one player said, "this (expletive) catches up to you."
Said another: "You put up with enough (expletive) for enough time, guys think they can continually do it."
Lewis, for his part, refused to rebuke Jones, saying, "I'm not going to single out our guys. We had enough chances to win the football game."
Like I said before, Burfict should have been thrown off the field a long time ago. Most of the blame really falls on the coaches, specifically Marvin Lewis, for not standing up to their own players if need be. By basically doing nothing they enabled Burfict to act like a bully. He was out of control and being forcibly removed from the game should have been the response. He was a danger to players, coaches, refs, and himself.
New year, new me.
All aboard the succes train!
Happy NFL Wildcard Sunday
They got these reporters outchea in -10 degree weather.