It's not gonna snow is it?
Snow games are best games
In my experience it rarely snows once you get colder than like 10-15f
It's not gonna snow is it?
Snow games are best games
It's not gonna snow is it?
Snow games are best games
Nah, there's no precipitation in the forecast.
Even if there was, at that cold, it would almost undoubtedly be ice and not snow.
And that's WAY less fun for everyone involved
Porter is going to be fined by the league for coming onto the field and mixing up with Bengals players. According to shcfter.
Porter is going to be fined by the league for coming onto the field and mixing up with Bengals players. According to shcfter.
Jones also took issue with the call on Burfict, saying of Brown -- who the Steelers said after the game was in the league's concussion protocol -- "Man, that (expletive) was (expletive) acting. He flopped. He needs a (expletive) Academy Award for that performance."
Well that will make the Bengals feel better.
LOL ok.
The Cubs win a WS again before Dicaprio gets a Oscar
The Cubs win a WS again before Dicaprio gets a Oscar
When do the Lions win a Super Bowl?
Oh god we're playing today.
Oh god we're playing today.
Possibly. Aren't they the current favorites to win next year?
Oh god we're playing today.
Hello Friend Flloyd
Hello Friend Dutch. How are you?
Possibly. Aren't they the current favorites to win next year?
When they make it to play the Browns.
Take a deep breath Rando.
It was a TD
How has Bill O'Brien not been fired yet? Guy has no eye for talent or the ability to develop players on the offensive side of the ball. Imagine if that defense had Kalil Mack instead of Clowney. Biggest mistake of their lives.
I can't imagine poor Erin out in that cold today...
She's in Washington with FOX
NBC is in Minny. #PrayForMichelle
I'm good actually, enjoying my weekend.
only in chicagocubsfan head who also said they'd win this year. cubs will cub and they running out of time on people that were alive the last time they won it!
kas: i'll fuck kate upton in the ass before the lions win a OWL
I just got out of bed. Nothing constructive going on here. Came downstairs and my mother and sister are watching Lifetime Movie Network.
Time to hide back upstairs.
I'm just going on what I've seen in passing on ESPN since I know nothing about it.
They arent turrible and they are youngry but like the Browns they can fuck up a wet dream in a instant
Shirtless heathen.. I'm with Larry, #ShirtLifeI'm a mayhem to society!
Shirtless heathen.. I'm with Larry, #ShirtLife
Look at him faking losing consciousness.
Maybe if DiCaprio could act like that he had an Oscar.
Brown does get floppy as fuck in this gif.
Joined the league about a week ago (AAAABOOOUT AAAA WEEEEO AGOOOOO) and already choosing the shirt life
Where is king of BrownsGAF, BG, to talk to his follower?!
When you have the beer shits but you still drunk
I love how people say the second flag shouldn't have been thrown when pacman comes out of fucking nowhere to shove the guy- especially when the Steelers player is clearly coming to collect the coach. That's just stupid no matter how you look at it.
The NFL needs to institute targeting penalties and they need to be reviewable from upstairs.
Current air temp: - 14
Wind chill: -35
At my place, 1.5 hours south of the stadium.
Agree 100%.
I might not be able to post in the thread today but Slo I wanna wish you and rest of Vikings gaf a good game in advance, hopefully it's fun and there aren't too many injuries!!
I might not be able to post in the thread today but Slo I wanna wish you and rest of Vikings gaf a good game in advance, hopefully it's fun and there aren't too many injuries!!