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NFL 2016 Conference Championship |OT| - Better Games than the Switch's Launch Lineup

Yes but on a scale of good decent human to pats fan....where would I be?


I would say it's incredibly scummy but falls short of the threshold of being Pats fan behavior.

At least you would be actually spitting game and attempting to talk to the women.

A Pats fan would just grab someone by their *****


How horrible of a person would I be if I went down to the womens march to hit on women?

"Hey baby, if you show me your sufferage, I'll show you mine."
"Girl, I put the 'rad' in radical feminism."
"We have the same haircut, but it looks way better on you."
"Lena Dunham and chill?
Shame that NotTrejo is such a deviant.

Chris Trejo just stuck to taking candid shots of women's behinds and posting them on the Internet for strangers to see.

So when did you guys realize that Trump had a chance
Combination of him winning the GOP primary + Clinton campaign having to cash in favors with DNC/media because they couldn't beat a 70 year old socialist on a level playing field.

Former said his campaign was stronger than conventional wisdom suggested, latter said hers was vulnerable.

Many tragic mistakes later, here we are, with a very sparse Switch launch lineup and the Pats in the driver's seat for the Super Bowl.


As much as the Chargers' move to Los Angeles angered San Diego, it angered NFL executives and owners just as much, if not more.

Since the move was announced, the NFL has been "besides itself," in the words of one league source. "There are a ton of owners very upset that [the Chargers] moved," one source said. The source added that the NFL wants the Chargers to move back, though nobody believes that possibility is realistic.

But some NFL owners and some league officials are still hoping, now that the move has been made official, that Chargers chairman Dean Spanos will wake up one morning soon, recognize this situation has been "bungled so bad," and take his team back to San Diego, where it spent the past 56 years. Again, the chances are at best remote that this happens.

But some owners and league officials are still praying that the longest of long shots occurs and the Chargers bolt back to San Diego.
Trump is President and Madonna is talking about blowing-up the White House on live TV, 2017 is fucking strange

Was browsing Twitter yesterday, the amount of people publicly calling for an assassination of the US president on a fucking social media platform is something as wel...


Moving to an even worse stadium with a major who says they will put forth no public funding would be a bold move.

They should be the NFL's nomadic team until somebody snatches them up. 2 home games in San Antonio, 2 in Mexico City, 2 in London, 2 in Toronto.
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