Don't hate on browns great TJ Wardi hope tj ward doesn't win a super bowl
if you defend tj ward then all ties will be cut between breadstream and browns gafDon't hate on browns great TJ Ward
D. Stewart my pick for MVP.
Where is spiderman at
Hello my friends.
Believe that is the plan, yes. Making a canoe I think?Probably gonna pull a Luke Skywalker.
I kinda do want to see Manning end his career with a ring. Solidifying his place as the best QB of all time.
fuck Peyton. It's Cam's time. Cam is the voice of my generation.
Take that shit off your head during the song you disrespectful asshole.
As you listen to your mixtape cassette..fuck Peyton. It's Cam's time. Cam is the voice of my generation.
NoHello my friends.
Take that shit off your head during the song you disrespectful asshole.
One day Dega..... Someone will lead us to the promised land.
fuck Peyton. It's Cam's time. Cam is the voice of my generation.
BOB is on Mike and Mike tomorrow, hosting the show. FYI.
Yeah Cam should pay more respect for the country that has systematically oppressed his people for hundreds of years.
That day will come next year.One day Dega..... Someone will lead us to the promised land.
Hello bestest buddy.
Agreed.. I liked it.Great fucking job.
When someone told me Lady Gaga was singing the national anthem I thought they were kidding. I wish they were.
Agreed.Fuck the Pats.
Just needed to be said
Fuck yes#TeamDrDoom